Who do you lift for?
Who do you lift for?
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My facebook crush
Once i get abs and make it my pp she will reply to my message
Mai waifu.
I promised her I'd get a 4pl8 bench before her figma releases next year.
If that happens too quickly then I'll try to hit it for reps.
Same here m8
I'm gonna date the chick who dumped me and then dump her I am really angry she told me she would marry me fucking liar
A black queen..
Only correct answer. God bless her.
>lifting for something you want to put your dick in to
you motherfuckers are doing it for all the wrong reasons.
I lift for him
Get your polshit out of here faggot
you lost
modern fascism is the biggest COPE of all time
so is communism RIP :\
God Save The Queen-Empress
My future husband.
tfw no big tiddie cow gf for free gomad diet
I lift because I want to look like a hero
I want to look like a strong mountain of a man that women will run to if theyre scared. I want to be strong so that I may over power anybody that has ill will towards me.
I want bad men to be afraid of me and good men to look up to me.
Most of all I want to be a real life hero to my future son. I want to be able to carry him on my shoulders whenever we go to the park, I want to protect him if anyone wants to cause him harm, and most of all I want to live long enough to be there for him through all of lifes struggles and see him become a man.
I lift to be to be the father that my son will tell endearing heart warming stories to his grand children and they in turn will be inspired by the man that I was.
i wish my dad was like you user
I do it for my ancestors. To make my people proud
2D aesthetic unattainable foxepucci
I unironically lift for my oneitis, I know it's petty.
What's worse is that I keep getting recurring dreams where she either rejects me or seems disinterested in me.
Those dreams fucking destroy me (like pic related) because they make me doubt myself on whether she might like me.
>whether she might like me.
so you haven't pulled the trigger to find out already? how long have you known her?
So I can meet my inspiration. He's actually a nice guy. If I ever qualify for the Europeans I'll probably meet him since he attended this years championship.
I lift for me. I want to look and feel good. I got a long way to go still but it's a constant journey.
Also I want to set a good example for my son. Not necessarily the lifting itself, but the mentality of if you want something bad enough then you'll work for it.
t. Fatty who has lifted into dad bod status currently
if its a choice between being accused of ‘coping’ by some soicel DYEL on Jow Forums and supporting pic related then sure its all just cope
life is suffering
I lift for my lolis. If you're have a cute loli who loves and admires you with all her heart cheering you on, you can bear any burden and withstand any hardship with a huge grin on your face. That's just the way men are.
A girl I grew up with and got attached to after finding out I'm medically cleared from my injuries I want to be strong for myself and her if she ever wants me.
wanna know how I know you're indian
Almost 3 years now.
For myself, i am tired of being a pathetic basedboy
>"Once I hit 1/2/3/4, then I'll ask her!"
Be the man your father never was, user.
I believe in you
Do you at the least talk to her regularly and is she showing interest user?
We had one class together in high school, I see her sometimes now at college.
Worse case of oneitis I've ever had.
unparalleled post
user take this advice at will as I'm a little spaced out ngl but try and find a way to find an excuse to talk to her whether you tell a mutual friend of hers that you fancy her or when she's studying and there's an empty seat ask if you can sit with her and just talk user.
I believe in you user.
>manga-only pictures
You're going to make it.
>no more daily threads on /a/ for the first ~30 chapters
>no more streaming episodes as they air in japan on shitty stream sites
>no more episode launch hype trains
>season 2 never
Ive been looking for new mangas to read. You anons mind telling what that's from? If you do I'll tell you both that you're gonna make it, and I'll be sincere.
You too
Monster musume(spelling)
Monster musume no iro nichijou, cute ecchi anime about monster girls living with a hapless but kind guy. All the characters are really cute and genuine, and all have really likable quirks. It's fallen off a bit in the past couple arcs imo. You will also develop a fetish for monster girls
Manga* I mean, there is an anime that's pretty decent that covers the first ~26 chapters
nothing makes me laugh more than when the person talking shit to the Jow Forums tard is a communist
newsflash no one likes you either you huge fag
Thanks bro, trips of truth.
and what if you have a daughter?
>light hair dark eyebrows
>crackhead eyes
Peanut niggers are truly subhuman, chocofrens stuck up for you cunts when they were #1 and you were at the fucking bottom, and every single drawfag piece of their victory includes them stomping chocolate.
I thought cremefags were bad, but Christ you pean*ts are truly something else.
Nice roll tho
I lift to cope with this 1 rejection 2 years ago that still hurts
Me too, brother. Ignore the Mossad shill posters.
Thanks Anons, you're all gonna make it.
Also I lift for my wife to inspire her to keep in shape since she works so much (doctor) and because she comments on how my body is so much more sexy than it used to be. And for myself because it's fun and rewarding.
you're gonna make it
>Who do you lift for?
Three people:
I, me, and myself.
You got a problem with that?
>not lifting for rose
never gonna make it
I lift for lolis primarily. I like to think that they would want a big strong Oniichan
To spite my ex
I've lost 20+ lbs on 6 months.
The rage motivation has left, now it's just a empty gnawing void what whispers to me that I will die alone and no one will ever love me and I'm getting old
idk anymore
I lift for toshinori.
1000x this. Billy was the most positive, open minded bro you could ever ask for. He was full of optimism and gratitude towards his fans and his Fandom. The world lost an angel incarnate that day. I just regret never getting to meet Aniki irl
My late Diana and Juno, and all their dead siblings too. Their lifespans are just 2-3 years, and they were always living them to the fullest right until their ends. I can't disrespect them by pissing away all the years I have and they don't.
Based carabro
Probably the most boring answer here. For my health and hopefully long life.
I love rats. I've heard the reason they only live two years is because they're only bred to be feeder animals for pet snakes and lizards. They could probably live up to 10 years if rats were selected for longevity.
wonder if the people who posted these are still getting fit for Billy, or even started at all
>ruins the british empire
your queen is a whore who dabbed on the greatest empire the world has ever seen and has transformed your country into a nation of mutts on par with america. I can't wait for the inevitable 'press S to spit on her grave' threads once the rothschilds stop propping up her corpse as their ghastly puppet.
Wild Norway rats live ~3 years too, so I'm not sure how true that is. I do know that feeder-types breed sickly rats that are prone to cancer. Not intentionally, but because their vitality just doesn't matter.
still doing reps for goob
I started lifting for myself. I want to prove that I can go the extra mile, and set an example for others who look up to me.
She truly would have been best girl but
>horse pussy
Sorry, darling, but Lala will be replacing you.
I love rats, an ex owned some and I grew very attached to them. Would own some myself but I can't bring myself to deal with their short lifespans, shit fucked me up because I had no idea they burn out so quickly.
Why did you have to remind me ;_;
>implying I want to fuck my oneitis
user I just want to spend time with her... She's too qt for sexing
I like the part where it says meme
Just get a guinea pig
For King Leonidas. For the 300 Spartans (and some odd Athenians).
Proof that with the right planning, and the right gains, you can stop all.
I think the Thespians refused to leave and died along with the Spartans.
Then I shall lift for them too.
horsepussy is best pussy
There were way way way more than 300 people there.
Yes I know that because that's how I know that the Thespians also died but the Spartans sent a lot of people away. There are at least a few thousand Greeks there at one point in total if I remember correctly. Stop being such a dick, nobody is impressed that you also took some history courses in school.
My fat self from middle and highschool
>nobody is impressed that you also took some history courses in school.
nigger i spent 5 seconds on Wikipedia you mean
There was until the last three days.
The Spartans held their own with the Athenians and Thespians until scouts came back and gave word that the Persians had found a way around the past. King Leonidas sent the Athenians/Thespians back so that they can fight in Salamis. Some stayed of course, but most of them left.
So I was talking about all that remained for those three days.
>based off of memory. Who needs Wikipedia
>based off of memory
for those 3 days it was more than 300 still though
>some stayed of course, but most of them left
Ball parking 300 Athenians and 700ish Thespians?
>Who do you lift for?
Taylor ofc
My girlfriend and our unborn child