Everyone knows diet is more important than exercise. So what's your diet look like /fit?
What's your diet /diet/ General
eggies for breakfast
tuna/ chicken+rice for lunch
chicken+greens for dindin
protein after workouts.
Eat once every 16 hours a meal of 10% carbs 40% protein 50% fats mostly natty from meat dairy and vegetable
Nothing. Fasting right now. When I'm not fasting it's strict keto
for cutting, omad green smoothie
kale, broccoli, spinach, banana, boiled egg, apple cider vinegar, cinnamon powder, coconut oil all blended up
chew sugar free gum so i don't lose jaw gainz
Explain the difference between ketosis + fasting and fasting
0% fat quark, chicken breast and oats are like 95% of my diet
If you have extremely weak will power intermittent fasting and keto are the best combination for losing weight. I like to do an occasional extended fast (I've found 5 days to be optimal for me personally). Otherwise if you really wanna go crazy you can just do one long extended fast
If+low carb
riddle me this Jow Forums; as a lazy sumbitch who has failed to put on weight through conventional means, will gomad kill me? and can extra cardio on off days help counteract all that fat?
>counteract all that fat
>counteract all that testosterone being injected into your guts from mama moomoos milkers
Yes, cardio kills gains.
brown rice
trying this until I feel healthy again
then gonna add some grains and dairy to go full bugez-inspired vegetarianism
>no meat
what for
went vegetarian beginning of this year even thought I've been a big meat eater before, but don't feel like eating meat now desu, starting to feel better
Also trying 48h+ dry fasts
Lots of sardines
3 cups of mixed fruit
Diet Rockstar/Monster energy drinks
That's my daily routine. Fish, fruit, and sips. I love it.
Whoops didn't mean to quote anyone
How much protein
R8 my intake so far today Jow Forums:
>16oz. Green Monster Energy Drink
>4 Cans Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup
>12oz. 2% Milk
>4-Pack Frozen Sausage Patties
>1 Pint Coffee-Flavored Ice Cream
>16oz. Java Monster Energy Drink
I've been awake 13 hours and it's now noon. Debating whether to go get more food or coast the rest of the day on beer alone.
Let's talk about watermelons. Are they acceptable for weight loss? All I eat now is basically chicken, beans, boiled broccoli and/or watermelon.
I want to cut harder though, so I'm cutting on chicken and beans and supplement the hunger with more watermelon because that shit is amazing and only 30 cals per 100g.
Why does nobody say anything about watermelon?
is for babies
upwards of 40g
also forgot to mention celery
for every breakfast half an avocado, whole foods oatmeal with unpasteurized milk straight froma cow, steak and eggs, and some vegan stuff
3500 - 4000 kcal vegan diet. Bunch of rice, pasta, beans and lentils. Plenty of veggies and fruit every day. Getting that lean gains. Best shit ever. Stronger now than when I was 10 kg heavier and eating meat everyday.
Traditional. No added sugar. Medium carb. medium fat. medium protein.
Lots of vegetables.