Every girl I know has a boyfriend

>Every girl I know has a boyfriend
>Only half of my male friends have girlfriends.

Can someone explain this?

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Chads are living dectuple lives

I think we have to give women more credit than previously regarded as Rick Sanchez once said (and I paraphrase) "Love is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed". Therefore we no I can deduce that women are manipulating the vain narcissism frequently found in the male gender by allegedly sticking to one man whereas they share multiple partners in an emotional puppeteer show of sorts, from this we (I) can also infer that women are not that stupid after all and that men need to awaken of the predicament that has been dealt upon us through the XX gender. Perhaps more steps towards education would be for lack of a better term, grand.


51% of the world are made up of males
and a percentage of those guys are ugly and autistic so women reap more of the rewards

>my male friends
there's your problem. you're hanging out with rubes.

And more men are in prison than woman. And more guys are gay trannies. So where the fuck are all the single ladies at.

This is what I want to know. There are so many guys out of the dating scene yet every girl still finds a boyfriend. Something is not adding up.

You have twice as many female friends as male friends

Want a bitter blackpill? For the most part, all those women don't actually have boyfriends. They just say they do, sometimes because they don't want guys they don't like hitting on them, sometimes for their own self-esteem so they can feel that others don't think they're failures.