I hugged my virgin guy friend goodbye today for the first time and I think he might of been hard...

I hugged my virgin guy friend goodbye today for the first time and I think he might of been hard. Was this just my ego talking or could he have gotten a chub THAT quickly?

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Female odor could made men get erections.

I remember one girl cried huge me in funeral on classmate, I get one huge bone.

depends how virgin he is, like on a scale of 1-10.
also that gf pic really fucks me off, i want a brap gf that is embarrassed about her braps.

He's never had a girlfriend.

I'm like that because I have IBS and can't help it :^(

eh it kinda depends, its different for every dude. tbqh it takes a short while to get an erection. Was it a long hug?
any brap gf is a good gf

We were riding in the car for a while before so I don't know if he was already rocking one. But we hugged for two secs he said goodbye (I'm going out of the country for a while) hugged for another couple secs...nothing long.

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He smelled your hair?

Real shit brotato chip
niggas get boners all the time also it doesn't mean he likes you completely, shits natural

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Don't worry, I gotchu covered

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I'm not sure lol
Yeah I figured. I just have a weird thing for guys getting boners because of me or jerking off thinking of me and wanted a second opinion. I seriously don't discriminate on who either it's just a weird fetish of mine

This is literally me lmao

Tfw have to hide in the bathroom 10 times a day because your IBS is triggered by many everyday foods

>Even one milisecond and your hormones begin on him

>guys getting boners because of me or jerking off thinking of me

He will fap per years thinking in this moment, thousand of fapping just to remember begin close to one woman.

t. pic origenonally related

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That's pathetic and incredibly hot at the same time

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car rides cause boners

>when you get to the point in the relationship where you fart in bed and laugh
>MRW no bf ;_;

Its an automatic thing that horny virgins such as myself have no control over. Also the odor gives me erections too.

What sexy scenarios do you imagine girls u know in if you've never had sex? Just curious...

You can get hard really quickly for absolutely no reason

>ywn have a qt shameless brap gf
I want to die

I like to imagine them coming into my room and pity fucking the virginity out of me, then afterwards thinking I'm a cool guy behind closed doors.

>have shameless brap wife
>but I'm into feet and not farts
>her feet are almost the opposite of my preferred aesthetic

let's trade

How do I propose to a friend a pity fuck? I don't want a relationship. I just want to kiss him, see if he can make it through an over the pants rub / handjob before fucking like mad for all of 2 minutes.

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If you're female and work with guys or serving the public face to face then at-least 100 strangers have masturbated whilst thinking of you.

Tell him that its sad to hear that he's still a virgin and you want to help him out. You''ll need to be the dominant one and take the lead, I doubt he will resist if you rub your pussy on him and go in for a kiss.

ESPECIALLY if you're a dental hygienist

Or an optician, I got a massive erection when the qt optician was looking into my eyes close up with her tools.

I confirm about fast food, bank teller, librarian working women, still remember ultra nerd cute bank teller :(

Or go into his room next time there's a family event going on after a drink or two and start asking sexual things, then when he gets frigid ask if he's a virgin. Girls asking if I'm a virgin gives me an automatic chub and makes me wonder if they're going to offer to take it.

have you ever tried intermittent fasting?

i say because since i started any signs of me having IBS are entirely gone

also eat raw yoghurt to get good bacteria in there

it's like thanks to the internet recently people are realising how beneficial it is

it got added to islam for a reason i guess (and judaism and christianity, but barely any of them actually do their fasts)