Why are fedoras and neckbeards considered cringe but this isn't?

why are fedoras and neckbeards considered cringe but this isn't?

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it is you idiot and whoever told you it isnt is also a fucking idiot

Even fat over 30 years unemployed without education disney fanatics women aren't cringe.

Social shame is for men.

Bein a female is cringe

Because they're women. That's how the world works.

Neckbeards are ugly 9 times out of 10

>I'm a stonk woman guuuuise
because neckbeards don't have a pussy

Trust me, other women find this just as embarrassing as if a neckbeard wore it.

>women managed to destroy Star Wars, a franchise that survived the prequels, within 3 years
My hatred for this gender grows stronger every day

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It will be in a few years,

Even normalfags are getting sick of liberals.

Just plug yourself out from the degenerate normie culture and you will be fine

Feminists are the female fedoras.

There's no social shame for either gender. There's no community and nobody talks to each other so now all you get are insults from internet strangers. There's no actual consequences in the real world for being cringey other than internet insults.

I've worn fedoras in public but never had anyone say something to me about it in public. That means there's no real life consequences other than someone ranting on the internet.

>why are fedoras and neckbeards considered cringe but this isn't?
It's only considered cringe if you are ugly. Why do you think the stereotype of a neckbeard is an ugly, fat and usually bald man? Do you think it would be considered cringe for a Chad to wear a fedora and trenchcoat? I'm sure people would think it's unusual, but definately not "cringy". Mysterious, maybe.

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Because women are not held to the same standards as men. That image is excusable because women are expected to be childish and hardly in control of their actions, and therefor they aren't held as accountable over themselves like men. If anything, they would be viewed as being "cute" and "adorable" because they are "just expressing themselves" which is to be expected of women. They are almost like pets when it comes to status in society; they can do no real wrong.


this so much, pussy pass is real. imagine living knowing that literally anything you do will be defended by the majority of the populace

that is super cringe, user.


Women are fuckable. Cringe only applies to the unfuckable aka ugly males

that's because they're all laughing behind your back dumbass

I'm literally a Chad neckbeard

it wasn't women, it was disney

I was talking to my mate about women ruining video games and he shrugged it off and defended it laughing he doesnt play vidya. I then bought up Starwars and he went quiet straight away.

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>implying it wasn't dead ever since Return of the Jedi was release
Literally the only good thing that came out of that series since that was KotoR 2, and that game was making fun of Star Wars to begin with.

so is all of chan

being a woman in general - cringe as fuck. you ever see them try to do stuff like parallel park? everyones just sitting there in perma-cringe. same shit with those moms who upload ten photos a week of their kid to the internet. the most cringe shit on the entire internet is a scroll through an average mom's ig or facebook feed.

men are cringe often too but its not automatic like women. we cringe when we watch them do anything because they might get hurt, and we want to help.

neckbeards get the hardest cringes because like that one guy said a few posts ago, women are fuckable, and they are also women. neckbeards fit at an intersection of "not a viable male" and "not female," making them uniquely unappealing to both groups

you call THAT in the OP fuckable??

desu i probbaly couldnt even bag these chicks but i dont want em

>why are fedoras and neckbeards considered cringe but this isn't?
because women are held to different standards than men, just the way it is, that plus if they look qt doing it who cares, you guys just look like fags

>Why are women, in the 21st century, exempt from all social, political, and economic repercussions for making the same mistakes men make and then some

If they're too pussy to tell me what they think to my face they don't deserve consideration.



wrong, you faggoty self assured retard

>he thinks people in real life behave like they do on the internet

Why should I care if there's no real life consequences?

All women are fuckable and more valuable simply by the virtue of having a pussy. That's why fembots don't exist.

>pussy pass
Sounds like another phrase cooked up by jews

There's no community. All of them are a bunch of faceless strangers. People are scared of voicing their opinions in real life so it means I can do whatever I want.

People like Big Red or Trigglypuff are considered cringe.

learn latin or at least use Google translate brainlet

>learn latin or at least use Google translate brainlet

ok buddy is this shit really called for?

who is the second girl?

would fug

The thoughts are still there, even if they're not being said.

>he's scared of normalfags thoughts

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based onion lad with his rainbow suspenders btfo all the sheeple

If there are no real life consequences why should I care about their thoughts? Their thoughts only matter if they're family, extremely close friends or are paying me money.

You're the only one saying that. Stop projecting, frogposter.

Just give me a real reason to care. Their thoughts are a social construct not anything tangible.

no one gievs a shit what ur wearing only faggots notice that shit

lol BASED reply my virgin dude xD

hey virgin why haven't you killed yourself yet?

women are like children so don't get upset about them learn to talk to them like a puppy and earn there trust so you can have sex with them

Fedoras and neckbeards never were cringe and your pic related is.

Strawmanning is a fake sort of logic.

which word in my post triggered you?

which word in mine triggered you? virgin?

Because female

nah I was just curious why you'd leap to the dude's defense like that... seething and salty, very strange

it's not strange that you'd be triggered by the insult virgin tho

they destroyed Battlefield as well, a series I had played since BF1942


It's even worse because they still claim it's historically based while taking pride in shitting all over history

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It is cringe and they managed to absolutely murder Star Wars.

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>based in history

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it was a lack of mod support and user-hosted-dedicated-servers that destroyed battlefield user.

quit blaming roasties when consolefags are fare more responsible for starting trends

please I am trying to refine my bait, was it it sheeple?

Why is listening to Frank Sinatra cringe when today's mumble rap garbage music is considered cool?

But there are consequences. They don't explicitly say those thoughts or opinions, but their actions are shaped by them and can negatively affect you, especially if you don't realize the underlying thought process driving them.

it may not have been accurate but at least it was authentic. Nazis looked like nazis, allies looked like allies, you had maps based on actual important battles like Stalingrad and Okinawa

1 was terrible and 5 looks absolutely fucking retarded. They somehow managed to make call of duty look better in comparison.

What consequences if they aren't beating me up and would never talk to me in public either way? Keying my car? Talking on the internet? Give real life examples.

Female solidarity.

>he thinks it isnt cringe
it is and if you bullshit with people they will admit it. The reason people act negatively when YOU do it is because you are just so god damn bad at talking to people that they associate you with your idea and fill them with hate for it.

You could end up friendless and dateless because there's a stigma against neckbeards and it lowers social value being associated with it. You could end up jobless or homeless if an employer or landlord has that bias. Sure, they're not supposed to be biased, but we're all human and they can always and probably do cover it up with legit reasons.

This. pussy pass will get you anywhere untill your overies begin to rot

You don't wear the fedora to work and you can make other neckbeard friends. You can pay for sex with a prostitute.

t. an actual 56yo bommer

The logical conclusion is obvious (and it's not to fake being a fucking normalfag)

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Exactly why fembots cant exist pussy = desirable