Ask therapist what else is there to life other than working yourself to death so mr. Noseberg can buy his new yacht

>ask therapist what else is there to life other than working yourself to death so mr. Noseberg can buy his new yacht
>"Oh, there is love. You could get a relationship, get married..."
>ask her what woman would want to be with someone who is ugly, has no social skills, no money and nothing to offer overall
>"Oh, you don't think someone could like you for who you are?"
I think I am being memed on, guys.

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Other urls found in this thread:

So how did you respond?

t. Someone else in therapy

your being memed on life is not worth living bro.

One thing that helped me was the 2D pill.
It is where you only fap to 2D, anime girls and you actually feel better,

Find a waifu to love bro, for gusy liek us until we meet someone if we do its nice to love someone.

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I told her that people will only like you "for who you are" as long as you have something to offer as well, such as beauty, money or power. I don't remember if she answered, but I don't think she liked what I said very much.

>for gusy liek us until we meet someone if we do its nice to love someone
I already love someone, though. A 3D woman who is absolutely out of my league and has no use for an ugly and boring son-of-a-bitch like me. I guess loving 2D is not much different, considering in both cases you are giving your affections to an ideal person who will never return them.

>life is not worth living bro
You're probably right, but the psychs are trying to convince me otherwise. Gotta keep people from killing themselves, you know? It's bad for the economy.

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wait you're angry because someone described you the way you described yourself?

you don't need a therapist, you need a priest

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>therapist asks me why I don't celebrate my birthday with my family (besides parents) anymore
>tell him that it would feel weird and hypocritical, since I'm just "that weird guy who doesn't talk at reunions", why would they want to spend money and time on me.
>"maybe because they love you?"
How can therapists be so blue pilled, they're supposed to be studying the human mind

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i know this guy that works as a delivery driver for a welding shop. fucking lazy slob, borderline retarded, fat, can hardly dress himself, makes $10 an hour. hes 61 and has double wizard powers. love is a meme

>I don't remember if she answered

Never, ever have a female therapist as a male. They cannot understand or help you with quintessentially male issues

Most therapists are not losers and have never been losers like us. They don't understand.

This user is right, since going 2D I feel much better about life in general.
I thought it was a meme but it actually works

I found a way to get money off my computer/phone and im looking into more ways to earn money and investing in other computer businesses and I wanna make music on top of that so im hoping to have 4 jobs from home and i'll never really have to work hard and I just get high as fuck all day so it doesn't even feel like working and once I get those other businesses going I wanna start traveling with a laptop and phone and just make money seeing the world and then im gonna settle down in a legal marijuana state and start growing weed too so I have another source of income along with free weed

I hope this shit works out because then ill actually not be miserable. im pretty happy making money off a computer already im happier than most the chads from my school

I fucking tried to go to 2D only but then I finally got a hug from a 7/10 qt which literally meant close to nothing to her and now I can't stop thinking about her and 2D means nothing to me now fuuuck

I always wondered what the point of therapy is. What are they going to tell me that I don't already know?

what are your ways you make money off your computer/phone?

In theory they'll provide helpful advice with a solid scientific basis, as well as instruct you on how to modify your thought patterns to better assist you. In practice very little of that happens.

Normies benefit from therapy because they don't do a lot of introspection.

The inherent problem with female therapists is that women don't mention their problems in order to solve them, they mention their problems just to vent about them and to obtain reassurance from their peers. When a man is told about a problem he instinctively thinks about a solution.

if I told you that..wouldn't you and everyone else go out and try to do it too?

They're supposed to help you either fix or accept the parts of you that you don't like. Of course, they are all actually hacks that are incapable of doing so.

>"user, you just need to be yourself and think positively"

Maybe that's my problem, I do too much of that

>>"user, you just need to be yourself and think positively"

robot who thinks positively > robot who accepts his fate

the only logical conclusion to the later is suicide ain't it

maybe? how do i know. im just curious. dont be a nigger

Sometimes "think positively" is the right course of action, if you're actually in a good spot and it's just your thinking that's keeping you back. On the other hand if your life is actually shit then there's nothing a therapist can do, and she will never understand that.

sorry fro my spelling I am drunk.

Thanks user, it isnt a meme :)

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Its not about knowledge, its mental training to stop negative behaviors/add positive ones. Therapist is like a personal trainer who tells you what, how and when to do to achieve your goals, and keeps track of your progress.

I ahve actually fucked 5 woman man and I still love my 2D, 2D pill doesnt mean not wanting a 3D woman....

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I remember the day I realized everyone is fucking deluding themselves into justifying existence.
Since then I've taken hundreds of thousands in loans to spend on whatever I want. Gonna kill myself and never pay them back lol

>female therapist

Never do this

OP here, I have only been to 3 sessions so far but it's been good to just be able to talk to someone, considering I have no friends and can only really talk to my parents during the weekends. I find that I often get my best ideas when I get to share my thoughts with someone else, and it's nice to have a outside perspective on my problems, just in case I happen to be delusional, which seems likely for someone with such a low self-esteem as me.

I'm not sure it she will actually end up helping me fix my life, but I am open to trying.

So I've heard. So far she seems to take what I say seriously and seems genuinely interested in helping me, so I will give her the benefit of the doubt, for now. The way she seems to think it's easy to get a relationship does seem to come from a very female perspective. Plus, it's free anyway so who cares lmao

>I remember the day I realized everyone is fucking deluding themselves into justifying existence
Not only that, the arguments they use to justify their existence are always fucking horrible, too. Makes me wonder if normies can be happy only because they don't understand (or maybe they don't care) just how fucked things really are.

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>Since then I've taken hundreds of thousands in loans to spend on whatever I want. Gonna kill myself and never pay them back

absolutely based desu

How the fuck do you have credit for such loans?

Stolen identities and claiming assets of family members
Wish I could see the look on Schlomo's face when he goes to sieze my assets and realize I have literally nothing of value.

bro Gunjyguy#4537

add me on discord talk to me not the therapist, like you cant tell them real feelz.

or you get locked up ect..

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It's been a month and I still can't stop thinking about it I don't know what is wrong with me I used to love my 2D waifu ive been watching anime to try and forget but I cant

just a quick reminder phycology is a scam and the sooner it is replaced with neruology so we can manipulate are brains to be how we want the better, also any one who works in any mental health field is probably evil

absolutely based indeed

Thats natural man, just dont fall into the trap of looking at 3D porn as it WILL make you more awkward around woman imo.

You still want a 3D woman and that is fine :) just be happy man.

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"Neurologists" 1. Don't have the correct degrees to be a licensed therapist, 2. are just psychiatrists pushing drugs, even if they get multiple degrees.

The real issue is that therapy is not suited to help maladjusted individuals. Especially Robots, who don't want help, and compulsively return to an echo champer that continues to validate their fears and anxieties.

I said rewire are brains what i was implying is that we should be focusing on transhumanism allowing us to modfy are bodies and brains, which we already know how to do but wont explore to it's full potential because of "ethics"

>who don't want help
YOU DON'T WANT TO IMPROVE YOURSELF is a meme applicable to 50% but the other 50% like me sincerely tried and it didn't help

>tfw suicide used to be a felony in the United States
>tfw they could arrest you for a failed suicide or a succesful suicide
Jeez bill whats that smell?
Ya John we had to scoop up the remains of a building jumper last week and hes starting to smell, he's currently serving a triple life sentence for refusing to comply with an officer or participate in basic hygeine! Can you believe it?

psychiatry is a big scam

>but I don't think she liked what I said very much.

I don't understand why therapists are allowed to have this much latitude when they are speaking to someone. In my opinion, a therapist should be a completely removed presence who is there to simply organize what you give them. They should be a disinterested party whose only MO is suggestions and notarizing information

>I had to kill somebody while I was selling cocaine
"Do you feel bad about it?"
>Yeah, I wanted to keep the moral that there would be no murder
"This is what you were talking about last week - leaving a better world for your son, right?"
>Yeah, I feel like my son could end up in the same situation that the guy I killed was in.
"It sounds like you are having moral reservations about selling drugs, what if you stopped and got a less morally taxing job?"
>But then the cartels would take over my block and they would send in people much more violent than mine - I can't just stop.
"Do you want to talk about it or would you like a suggestion?"
>Surprise me
"It is unfortunate that you had to break your moral code. One of the common themes I see is that you hold yourself to unrealistic standards. You are human. I think the most mentally healthy thing you can do in your situation is practice mindfulness. This way your head stays above the water and you don't let the mistake that you made spiral into more problems"

This would be infinitely better than:
>I had to kill somebody while I was selling cocaine
"Ewww, I'm calling the police"

And much better than
>I had to kill somebody while I was selling cocaine
"People like you are disgusting. I was talking to my friend Becky who does a bunch of cocaine and her dealer is such a creeper. I fucking hate drug dealers like you!"

Therapists who try to convert you to their opinions are fucking cancer.

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>that pic

Sound logic.

>>ask her what woman would want to be with someone who is ugly, has no social skills, no money and nothing to offer overall
>can become slightly more attractive overall via being in good shape, good haircut and dressing nicer
>can literally be taught to socialize CBT courses exist purely to teach autistic people to socialize better and are highly successfull
>can get a job and continue applying for higher paying jobs or work towards promotions
>learn to cook, get a house or flat, find a use for other people then you will have something to offer
I think you're memeing her by pretending theres nothing you can do

And you think I never tried any of that?
>>can become slightly more attractive overall via being in good shape, good haircut and dressing nicer
I got into shape and just had surgery last week to stop using glasses, just so I would look like less of a nerd. Not much more to do other than expensive, risky plastic surgery
>>can literally be taught to socialize CBT courses exist purely to teach autistic people to socialize better and are highly successfull
Which is why I'm going to therapy in the first place, but you have to realise that this means years of learning to still not be as good at it as the average normie
>>can get a job and continue applying for higher paying jobs or work towards promotions
I'm obviously working on that, but I'm a poorfag in a shitty country with no opportunities and the chances are it will take decades before I get anywhere money-wise, let alone be able to afford a house or a car because things keep getting more and more expensive
>>learn to cook, get a house or flat, find a use for other people then you will have something to offer
This is the most realistic one, but if I can't even get girls to want to talk to me after they look at my face, you really think I will get an opportunity to cook to them? lol

See what I mean? Yeah, "improving yourself" is a logical answer to not being perceived as good enough, and honestly the only thing you can do. However, what we are talking here effectively is working hard for many years, only to still be ugly, poor and autistic in the end. And in the end, the best I will ever be able to get is a 3/10 obese single mother who will "settle" with me so she can drain me of my soul and whatever else I have. Why not just fucking kill myself, then? People like me will never be succesful or satisfied.

Besides, if you didn't understand, the therapist clearly meant getting someone as I am "now", without any real "improvement" taking, and I stated that this was unrealistic because of the reasons above.

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>"Oh, you don't think someone could like you for who you are?"
Well no. I'm an awful person

why do you care so much about getting a gf, if you can't be happy by yourself your relationships will be doomed to fail

Not him, but i don't really get this "can't be happy by yourself" bs normie advice.

How can you tell this to someone who has been completely ostrcazised from kingergaten for 20 years straight and never had any good relationships at all? Are they just supposed to be happy with the fact they had a shit life? It's OVER for people like this, OP could be one of those people.

>Just be happy
Wow, thanks I'm cured thank you.

>>Just be happy
imagine being so upset by what I said you change what I said
I never told him to just be happy, I said unless you can manage to be happy on your own you cannot have a successful relationship since you build reliance too quickly
>normie advice
even if it was why would that be bad, in all aspects of life normies are more successful so why would you not listen to them? would you also not listen to bodybuilders if you wanted to get big muscles?

Weird, I don't seem to be upset at all. Don't know why you think I am.

But yeah you didn't really answer anything I said. You just focused on just be happy greentext to avoid what I said.

Kind of like why people hate "normie advice", it doesn't answer shit. Most normal people don't know what their doing either, they do it all automatically. Unlike a bodybuilder who had to put effort, normies do it all automatically like robots since it's "programmed" from birth.

Some dont give a fuck about you and what you think and just wanna make you socially adaptable. They are probably aware of that themselves tho
T. Current psychology student
still on second year so I can't say much tho, but I'm sure my terapist had the same purpose with the 12 y/o me

>not upset
>starting being a sarcastic cunt and misread what I put through his tear filled eyes
also I ignored what you said because the entire premise is you cannot be happy without a gf or a social life which is just untrue and you claim 20 year olds cannot improve and turn their life around which again is just untrue

>it's programmed from birth
name one child that didn't need to be taught how to speak and gave normie advice without ever hearing it himself

>starting being a sarcastic cunt and misread what I put through his tear filled eyes

Yep, you're baiting. Well here's your (you) kid, I hope it makes you feel better. What a great way to convince people their happy, you'd fit right in with OP's retarded therapist.

they're supposed to just ask questions like that, to clarify your thoughts.

i mean, she's right isn't she? that you don't think someone could like you for who you are?

>projects buttblasted feelings

so this is peak normalfaggotry

In case you aren't just baiting me and actually believe this, let me add to what said.

Wanting to have a partner, to experience acceptance, and to have your sexual needs met are a normal part of life that most people desire by nature, and are also a big part of what is considered "being socially accepted" in our society. If you want but aren't able to get those things, you are going to be frustrated.

In my case, I cannot be happy because I have self-esteem issues that have led me to feel worthless and hate myself. A lot of these self-esteem issues come from the fact that I have been rejected since I was a child, and as such feel undesired by women. How would I get over these issues by myself? Your self-esteem is very dependent on your relationships with OTHERS. Human beings are social creatures, get that into your head.

the "if you can't be happy by yourself your relationships will be doomed to fail" is meant for normies who don't have the above problems, and ARE able to get into relatioships if they want to. However, they tend to use their relationships as a way to make up for other insecurities they have, making their partners unhappy. It does not mean they shouldn't look for relatioships, only that they need to work on their other issues as well.

Personally, I'm afraid that I will never know what the touch of a woman feels like, or what it's like to have someone actually love you and want you to be around them. Can you notice the difference between the two?

>their happy
come on lad it's basic english you're fucking up here
>OP's retarded therapist
forgot a neet on r9k is more qualified than a therapist, stop being so egotistical mate
>pretending it's bait so you can ignore all the valid points I made
no he literally changed what I said
I think you've missed the point, no one said you shouldn't try and get a gf until you're happy by yourself, the point is if you rely on someone else to make you happy it'll put a lot of strain on the relationship until it kills it

>grammar fixing
>not bait

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Thanks for the catgirl, user. That's hot

Normalfaggot feels, sorry can't relate.
Magic word

>that whole first block of script
Why can't I have a therapist like that? Literally no one will hear out my ideas without just trying to convert me or be like "you're disgusting I'm not working with you" after 2 sessions.

>no one said you shouldn't try and get a gf until you're happy by yourself, the point is if you rely on someone else to make you happy it'll put a lot of strain on the relationship until it kills it
And I just explained to you that most people need to have their emotional, physical and sexual needs met in order to be happy. You can't figure out what works or not on a relationship if you've never been in one, either.

What you are saying is basically the same as companies who expect you to have experience in order to apply for a shitty entry level job. How the fuck is anyone supposed to gain experience, then?

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>everyone except for me is a neet

again, P E A K N O R M A L F A G G O T R Y

>wanting people to know basic english is bait
I know it's a preparation thing your first relationship has an incredibly high chance of failure, so prepare for that
>changing what someone says because they hurt your feelings

They're therapists, not life coaches or motivational speakers.

You have to do your part too and listen to what they have to say. They offer you a different perspective outside of your tunnel r9k "black pill" vision.

You know saying "No, I don't think somebody can like me for who I am" is a perfectly correct answer to his line of questioning. Which should lead you to the conclusion you need to change if you want to go down a path that will make you happier.

He's not necessarily saying that if you just bee yourself a woman will love you. He's trying to get you to admit how you feel. You seem to actually want love, but don't believe you can persue it, so he's trying to get you to come to the conclusion yourself that you need to change something about yourself so you CAN persue it. Regardless of if that is just convincing yourself that you're a better person, or actually becoming a better person.

You're not being memed on you're just a brainlet. I'm usually as smart as the shrinks I can afford so I usually know the shit they're up to. I just like bouncing ideas off of them and their tendency to force me to answer uncomfortable questions I don't really want to answer.

First, I would consider a male therapist because a woman really will never understand. Unironically.

Second, every decent therapist I've ever had male or female has manipluated where the conversation is going, but has never rejected the conclusions I made myself. They just forced me to answer difficult questions and then I had to admit to myself what I really thought about a situation.

The only therapist I've ever ditched was a male who when I was having chronic insomnia kept going "Well why aren't you trying harder to cure your insomnia" pretty much every day and really brought the conversation back to framing my insomnia as a moral issue. They also insisted on having my mother in the room when I was a teen. I fucking hated them so much.
My insomnia never got to the point it was fully treatable rather than just manageable for like a decade and it wasn't due to lack of effort, I was just wired wrong.

Does anyone know a fullproof way of getting the best meds? I don't want (((antidepressants))) because they aren't even proven to work if you look at the studies against a placebo. Something like Xanax, or adderall, to get me to start making changes, but these faggot jew doctors don't want to give it to me.

Normals will never understand my friend. There is some good advice in this thread, just not from that autist who can't even answer a question. There's nothing wrong with medications to ease your self. Have you looked into it?

Get into a relationship of trust with a doctor and never engage in drug seeking behavior. My doctor has prescribed me fucking weed after I told him I tried it and felt it helped with the anxiety which was causing insomnia. First he got me to try a huge course of more conventional treatments and off-label treatments for insomnia. I eventually told him he shouldn't prescribe it anymore because I feel into addictive use patterns and it wasn't helping me. Such is the strength of our doctor-patient relationship.

Right now I have ativan's and Vyvanse so basically what you're looking for. This is because I have a reputation of non-abusive drug usage, am diagnosed with multiple disabilities, have a fucking long as shit medical history, and a doctor who is loose with meds. Understand that doctors who refuse to prescribe you the hard shit right away aren't being faggot jews but are looking after your best interests and following evidence based medicine.

they don't give them to you because they're not viable long term also adderall shouldn't even be given to adults with ADHD


Theres where you fucked up

remember lads when you're a virgin on your death bed you'll be able to say success was impossible, there was no way I could have gotten a gf, the cards are just stacked against me by those damn normies and their privileged
what question did I not answer, honestly think I missed it

Also drugs like Xanax are best used as a placebo, if you're using them right, you basically want to leave them on the shelf most of the time and be resassured that they're there if you need them.

I got prescribed those ativans like three weeks ago and took ONE after the 2nd sleepless night in a row due to painful bringing me to tears anxiety. Benzos are fucking serious drugs that are really ineffective at anything but occasional short term treatment. If you have to take them every day you're fucked.

Addy's are prescribed because they're performance enhancing and they make patients high. They destroy you psychologically. People who think they're a miracle cure are memed. They're what you take if you want to focus on work so hard that you're willing to suffer and sacrifice your mental health in exchange.

You need good insurance user, then they will throw the shit at you. If you cannot prove you are rich you are sick degenerate drug seeker

>performance enhancing
only in people with ADHD, people without it have an increase in focus but a decrease in cognition, you can work for longer but the work you do is noticeably worse, much better options for people after a study drug

Can't I just quit doctors till I find one that will actually prescribe it? Not even looking to get high off of these drugs. I don't even drink or smoke, even though most in my situation would probably drink themselves to death.

Yeah, I agree with this. If I could do it without drugs I would, I'm just fucking drained and can't do shit in my normal state. I would rather take the side effects of potentially getting addicted than risking suicidal tendencies coming from antidepressants or withdrawls from those.

I have been visiting a psychiatrist for over an year and have tried many different medications on high doses (usually snris with an add-on medicine) but nothing seems to have any effect on me. "Treatment-resistant depression", according to the doctor. I'm hoping that doing therapy along with the drugs could change things a bit.

Pic related, it's (you).

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>Pic related, it's (you).
ok, how am I retarded? stop being so emotional and actually find something wrong with what I said

>Can't I just quit doctors till I find one that will actually prescribe it?

That's drug seeking behavior and a major red flag. It DOES work, that's why people do it, but you will fuck up your health going from doctor to doctor until somebody gives you what you want. You definitely won't get good medical treatment out of trying this sort of behaviour. If you get flagged for doing this doctors are also going to be extremely adverse to giving you anything addictive for good reason.

Also, she is a fucking woman. Since she was thirteen she has been surrounded by male beta orbiters. Her problem has always been. "The men who want me aren't as good as I want them to be". She has never tried "No men at all want me". The thought is so foreign to her.

Fair. Sucks I have to drain out my pockets just to have a chance, not even guaranteed, to get more effective treatment. If I could prove it with a drug test, they wouldn't find shit. I've seen people with far easier situations than mine that just got the prescription right away from what I've been told. It's shit.

If you think you have the 'correct' conclusion about the nature of reality, I would advise you to read philosophy books.

I've noticed that a lot of depressed/incel people are convinced that there perspective is 'the truth'. When that notion has been heavily debated since the birth of religion and philosophy.

IMO this is 'the truth'...

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Honestly I hate to come off as too normalfag but I would really really advise against doctor shopping. That's shit that people who legitimately took opiods for their back pain, and then got hooked, and couldn't resist the urge to shop around to get more drugs do, and then overdose and die on their (((medicine))).

If you're doctor shopping BEFORE you're even addicted to something like benzoss, the chances you are going to end up engaging in degenerate usage of them and not be able to stop yourself from shopping around to get more is incredibly high.

Have you tried? (can you afford?)

Maybe some non big pharma intervention can help you user?

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Nah, you're alright my dude. These are powerful addictive substances. They ruin peoples lives if used carelessly. I wouldn't even consider them if my problems didn't seem so impossible.

But what are you supposed to do, when you seemingly have no other choices. My brain doesn't work like other peoples anymore. Odds are meds won't fix it, but atleast they can give me enough motivation or energy to do things to make an active change for improving myself.

I appreciate someone giving this advice since maybe I should take extra precautions before even considering getting a prescription.

You can sin in your sleep.

I'd like to try to see if that girl would sit on my face and suffocate me to death with her ass.

Well put, user. I liked that example

Drugs are not very effective at treating depression. Patients are just likely to comply with drug treatment and they can be relatively affordable compared to something like psychotherapy. It seems like drugs should be really effective because they have science behind them and shit. Really nature walks can be just as effective at treating depression and the practice doesn't stop working long term. That sounds practically insane and almost like hippie dippie shit but it's actually true.

If you want to beat depression you ultimately have to invest time and energy into taking care of yourself. Better diet, more exercise, wash yourself daily, live in a clean tidy environment, have regular social contact, that sort of stuff. The pills, if they work, great, but they're not even the most effective treatments out there. People who have had depression many times before will likely keep falling back into depression, but there are ways to at least ease the pain a bit.

One of the best sort of ways I've found to really get yourself into the right mindset for treating depression is to depersonalize a bit. Ask yourself, if you were a different person, and you had the job of taking care of you, how would you do it?

If you ate shitty food every day, you would probably cook somebody sick and depressed some nice wholesome, not nessecarily rabbit food, but some wholesome meals wouldn't you? If they were inside all day, you would get them to walk around the block. If they were lonely, you would get them to talk to people.
You want to proactively solve problems which makes you feel good about yourself, rather than reactive to situations which activates your flight/fight response and drives your anxiety up.

How to treat depression is often pretty obvious but people tend to take pretty shit care of themselves when they're depressed. Ultimately though you will either get to the point you're in so much pain you will feel the need to improve your lot, or you will an hero if things continue the way they are.

I'm considering more potent drugs for the first time because I think there are different kinds of depression. One being your life is so shitty that you are depressed because of it and can't make any changes because you are hopeless. The other one being the "normie" depression or having malfunctioning neurotransmitter circuits in your brain despite nothing in your life being wrong.

SSRI's work for the latter, the first will probably stop taking them the first week. Medical adherance is pretty significant for people with mental illness, which leads to why drugs aren't effective. Maybe small portions of addictive chemicals could be added alongside SSRIs for example would be good at getting people to take them. You have to remember some of the people we're talking about can't even get out of bed because they're so depressed.



My take on it though is even if you have a chemical imbalance, simply living a less stressful life where you take care of yourself better will nonetheless make your depression easier to deal with and not as severe.

The whole "chemical imbalance" thing is also overhyped and was used to sell Zoloft. The reason it's so prevalent in popular conciousness is the efforts of (((drug marketers.))) 30 year old boomers might remember this Zoloft ad which played during the superb owl. It's really half-baked and suspect scientifically and people believe in it because it gives them hope, they just have messed up neurotransmitters, and a pill can cure them. Maybe a pill can cure you, but doctors really have no fucking idea WHY it cures you.

Really nobody knows exactly how depression works and we know scarily little about the brain. However just living your life a bit better is medically proven to at least take the edge off depression even if it doesn't "cure" it. I think a lot of peoples depression isn't really curable. It's just how some people are wired. Some people are just designed to be driven forward by their negative emotion and sometimes the negative emotion gets out of control. So you have to do what you have to do to treat it. Regardless of if that means popping pills, spending your time exercising, moving to somewhere with more greenery, getting more sunlight, or spending your time making hearty foods.

I really doubt that any psych will help on my hatred towards women in general.

Also if the pills work, taking the pills AND taking better care of yourself will work even better.

Yeah, like I said. There's different kinds, caused by all different factors. It doesn't have to be only serotonin imbalance like zoloft. Here's a good lecture on all the biological things that could go wrong for reasons we don't understand.

If your life is shit (most robots probably are), then yeah you will have to improve your life and take responsibility. Most are stuck and think they can't do anything in their situation, so even telling them they can, they will go back to old patterns of thinking.