why are normies so afraid of loli?
Why are normies so afraid of loli?
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social stigma
and there is nothing scarier for a normal to be socially shunned
And you know what they do to guys who like children the wrong way in prison?
Strong emotional reaction plus inability to differentiate reality from fiction plus nonexistent independent thinking are the magical ingredients that make someone 'normal'
this, basically. they have to loudly profess their hatred of that deemed socially unacceptable out of fear of being in the out group.
It's the last taboo to defend. You aren't allowed to be outraged about anything else, so they channel all of that hatred into hatred of pedophilia, while not even trying to seriously or accurately define the term because any form of introspection is immediately suspected as an attempt to normalise it.
literally just saw a video on jewtube called "the biggest problem in anime", and it was about sexualization of kids in anime like made in abyss
fucking retarded
Most people don't want to fuck kids
Coz fuck tha police comin' straight from Hentai Haven. A young weeb got it bad coz he's got the wrong tastes
tnat shit is disgusting as fuck, but If it keeps people from hurting real children then good for them.
Literally feminists in the 1960s who were complaining about the rates of child sex abuse. Even in the 1970s child porn was produced and sold in the US, legally.
I think cause they would consider it child pedophilia in an instant without thinking about it for even a second.
The whole lolicon thing is pretty interesting from a philosophical stand point but that's already a big no no for most people.
child pornography* I meant to say
It's not really that interesting philosophically. Lolicons masturbate to anime girls who look like or are children. It doesn't matter if they look realistic or not, it's still pedophilia.
If you took "loli isn't pedo" argument and applied it to men, then you could argue that bara isn't gay because it's 2D and no man in real life looks like that.
If you applied to feet you could argue that someone who only faps to 2D anime feet isn't a foot fetishist, because they look nothing like real, gross feet that have corns and dead skin.
If you are going to be honest with yourself logically then you need to admit lolicons are just a specific kind of pedo. In this case, it means people who fap to 2D anime girls that look like or are children. Though it's worth noting that in Japan, "lolicon" is used to describe people who are into little girls, regardless of their dimensionality.
You can still easily find child pornography in Japanese video stores. Hell a big reason why cops don't confiscate them is because it's so out there they just assume it can't actually be child pornography.
spotted the normalfag
Do you mean young girls lewdly modeling by "CP"? As far as I know stores have not been able to sell CP since the 1990s. CP possession in Japan was only made illegal in 2014.
This is quite obviously false, and an attempt to portray pedophilia as natural when it is anything but.
If this was true, why is milf porn one of the most popular genres?
I don't think the "bara isn't gay because it's 2D" argument works simply because bara is an exaggeration of a genuine phenomenon. With loli, a lot of pubescent physical characteristics are mixed in (a lot of the times, the girls have small breasts, which genuinely prepubescent children don't have) in order to make them "attractive". So even if you see that as an "exaggeration" of the nonexistent characteristics of prepubescent children, it is only achieved by deliberately adding material that is attractive to non-pedophiles. There is a significant difference in being aroused by loli and being aroused by actual pictures of prepubescent children.
I don't wanna be mean user but this is the most entry level shit I've read. Lolicon, pedophilia,age of consent is way richer and more complex than the shit you posted. I highly recommend looking more into it if you have the time cause you'll easily find yourself going down a rabbit hole.
I think they basically just have the laws for keeping up appearances because various international organizations occasionally shit on them at the UN for not having a pedo inquisition.
I guarantee you when they have the olympic bullshit in 2020 it'll all be hidden in the sex shops for the few weeks or so that all the foreigners are there, and then it'll quietly be replaced right back where it was.
Amazing mental gymnastics, I'll lay it out for you
>2D drawings aren't real
People jack off to dragons. Dragons aren't real.
Just because they portray children (which like the other user said are heavily stylized and often barely look like children) doesn't mean it's the same as being attracted to real children. That brings me to the further argument that it's fine to be attracted to children, just don't fucking molest them. If you do, death penalty.
Because cp is illegal
Check the stats for hentai. Loli hentai is pretty high up that list
>durr this type of porn is watched more which means there's no way people can't be attracted to other stuff!
You tell me which is more natural: Marrying a girl at 12 and having 8 kids with her, which is what humans did for thousands of years prior to the 1800 and 1900s when the whole egalitarianism meme started, or banging some roastie slut who's 28 and is just now looking to settle down.
Because we're not closeted pedophiles? That and we all know the reason you're into underage chicks is because they're new to the world and vulnerable. You think you can escape rejection by preying on someone who doesn't know any better.
Depends on how you want to define it. There's a difference between liking prepubescent children (pedophilia) and pubescent / postpubescent minors (hebephilia). Given that the age of puberty is between about 10-12 the chart makes reasonable sense. In my view lumping together hebephilia and pedophilia doesn't really make sense. Pedophilia should be banned because it's genuinely aberrant behaviour with no biological purpose, while hebephilia should be restricted for social reasons.
There is plenty of very popular loli hentai that has lolis with no adult features what-so-ever. For instance, Inuboshi.
Your argument doesn't explain cases like that. If you assume lolicons are a subset of pedophiles though, then it has no issues.
There's nothing complex about this. If you fap to children, regardless of if they exist, if they are visible, if they are photographic or drawings, you are still fapping to children.
Pedophiles fap to children. However 2D children aren't real. If you fap to 2D children you aren't a pedophile.
Do you agree with that statement?
Have a look at an image with the breasts uncovered. There are clearly breasts present, which is evidence of the onset of puberty. Prepubescent little girls look like little boys.
Spotted the ironic weab. "Underage" is a modern invention, girls are literally built to have sex at a young age, that's why they mature physically faster than boys. Mentally it's debatable whether they ever mature.
>like children the wrong way
People who like loli, like "children" in the right way :)
this desu
normalfag fuck off.
Love lolis , wouldnt abuse a kid.
Normies have no idea.
actually pedo is liking kids before puberty.
Liking 14 maybe in some cases 13+ is fine and natural.
fuck off man.
They're repressing their urge to fuck their daughters.
Yes I agree with that statement, but that doesn't detract from how you are still attracted to "child-like" features. I'd say if you like lolis you're closer to an hebeophile which is a healthy interest as those girls are right around the age of sexual maturity or close to it.
Did you even read my post you reddit-spacing numbskull?
It's quite interesting that the problem of constant menstruation used to not be that big a problem in earlier human society since women were pregnant so often.
Due to international pressure, Japan outlawed the distribution and production of CP only in 1999, which explains why Japan became a haven for CP. You can easily find what is considered by Japanese law as CP in video stores, completely exposed to the public. A lot of these films, magazines and photo books fall under the category of Chakuero. Chakuero is when an underage girl does activities while dresses in revealing clothes, often times swimsuits and bikinis. There is never sex, masturbation or exposed genitalia, yet they still get classified as CP due to the clear intention of these videos to cause a sexual reaction from the viewers, the way the girls are dressed, the focus on (clothed) genitalia.
Yet, it's still hard to confiscate or stop the production of these films for serious reasons. One being that the authorities first need to make sure the girl is underage which is a very hard process, another being the trust relationship between producers and review associations. The review associations should make sure the films aren't CP and stop them from entering the marker, but due to the trust built with producers, they just assume they aren't doing anything wrong. Another one being that these contents are so exposed to society, that even cops have a hard time accepting them as CP and illegal. There's a lot more to this, if you wanna know more, here : hrn.or.jp
I was really disappointed when they didnt fuck the mom at all during this.
Milf is popular because there are more old than young in modern times brainlet.
Teen was always the most popular search query for porn by males. Lez for females.
Though to be fair, now days more and more autistics are showing up, more and more male adjusted adults will be such children that they want mothers rather than wives.
Why do you think they invented something draconian like an arbitrary "age of consent?" There's a reason people married young and had as many kids as possible. It's subtle, nationwide birth control.
Because anything that even hints at children being exposed to sex related stuff or depicted as sexual objects sends the normies into a rage for some reason. Think of Helen Lovejoy and it's that, but anger.
Strangely enough though these same types or normies are totally ok with letting their daughters, some under 10, listen to songs by a slut about riding dick so much she walks side to side.
>Have a look at an image with the breasts uncovered. There are clearly breasts present, which is evidence of the onset of puberty. Prepubescent little girls look like little boys.
What about toddlercon? Those girls are 2D, but they lack all adult features. Are these people pedophiles? If so how come?
>Yes I agree with that statement
Then you must logically agree with the following statements.
Gay males fap to males. However 2D males aren't real. If you fap to 2D males you aren't a pedophile.
Foot fetishists fap to feet. However 2D feet aren't real. If you fap to 2D feet you aren't a foot fetishist.
You can't have it both ways, the logic is still the same in all three sentences.
Isn't that stuff legal even here though?
Never knew that was the term. If you look at the usual JAV (Japanese Adult Video) database sites, you can find screenshots. To be honest it's suggestive but tolerably restrained. They're always wearing at least bikinis, and it's mainly posing around with deniably phallic objects.
mal adjusted* not male
Though, yeah. Male. Obvious freudian slip is obvious.
Toddlercon is clearly the fetishization of prepubescent children - at the very least it's a pedophilia fetish. However, suppose a person gets aroused by toddlercon / lolicon / whatever, but does not get aroused by child porn featuring real individuals. Does that make him a pedophile?
What makes you a pedophile is an attraction to children. It doesn't matter if they're drawings, words on a page, 3DCGI, or CP. The essence of pedophilia is the fact you're attracted to children, regardless of medium. If you want to be pedantic then you can say pre-pubescent children, but the point is the same either way.
>Gay males fap to males. However 2D males aren't real. If you fap to 2D males you aren't a pedophile.
That should have obviously been "you aren't a gay male".
Chakuero in itself is fine because it's just a genre. In Japan tho, it's often paired up with under age girls (under 18) which falls under CP in Japanese law and I believe the same applies for America and Europe.
The problem isn't that the law in Japan allows CP, is that, due to way too many reasons for me to type here, it's really hard to keep it off the streets.
>it's to make pedo seem natural
>doesn't shoot up until thirteen
>girl periods can start at fucken nine
>pedo tho despite no attract hardly at all until ten, then not even much then
>le teen is prepubescent implication
End of the Day this
They Look like Children, sound like children and sometimes ACT like children
The biggest defense people make for this is that
>They aren't Real
>It's Just a drawing
Often if someone is drawing really violent shit with them murdering people most are gonna sat there is something wrong with them and maybe they should get help
I don't know how long you've people been here on the Internet but no one else on the goddamn Earth is gonna look at these pictures and say their fine. They will all say "These look like Kids, something might be wrong"
I've seen people make the same argument for Video Games and how that isn't real and "Ah Nobody is gonna go out and kill people if they play GTA" Which is true
But there is a strong difference in terms of Violence and Sex
People are fine with violence we watch violent movies, we play violent games, we do all that shit. Very violent things can be portrayed in a good positive light, like when people go out there to be aggressive or violent to stop a killer, or stop the bad guy, or to save someones life. Violence just kinda always has been apart of Western Society. Violence can be characterized and viewed as both good and bad.
Can Loli's be characterized as good? Most people view Children and Sex as two things that should never mix. They should NEVER be connected because in Real Life that is a terrible thing. The only thing Loli can be characterized is and or as is Cute little girls that you masturbate too. Thats it. No good thing comes from that beyond just some dude beating his meat. And most people are going to view a Man who is Masturbating to Little Girls as a Pedo. They are pretty much 100% Sexual. Nothing else can come of it and you can't portray them in a positive light because they are inherintly something that is Sexual and most people Don't want Kids Involved in anything Sexual.
Thats why people hate Loli
I hate Loli, but I do know its just a drawing.
Same user. Japan considers child pornography if there is exposed genitalia, masturbation, sexual intercourse. Chakuero is considered CP because, even tho the girl is dressed, it's really skimpy, there's focus on the genitalia, lots of exposed skin around the genitalia, sexually suggestive poses and camera shots and an overall a clear intent in sexually stimulating the viewer. If the girl is underage age, because again, chakuero is just a genre.
You can still be a homosexual and a foot fetishist even when fapping to 2D. The only reason I don't think 2D constitutes as pedophilia is because it's not real.
You see, someone who is under the age of consent is still a minor, someone who is 17 and has massive titties and a fat-ass is still a "kid", and if people found out you fucked her they would still be liable to label you as a pedophile. Same goes if they found out you were fapping to real men, they would think you're a homo, or feet and a foot fetishist, etc.
Pedophilia carries a very hard to decipher connotation to normalfags where it implies being a child molester, attracted to ALL "underage" children, prepubescent children only, the list goes on. However, lolis being 2D circumvents this as they're not real. This is why I agreed with it in the first place.
>strong difference in violence and sex
Life and death are very connected baka.
Sex and violence hold hands.
>no one else on the goddamn Earth
Here's the crux of your thought process: you care what other people think. If you have the foresight to acknowledge they're just drawings, then why give a fuck what other people think about it?
Men fapping to drawn men is gay.
Footfags fapping to drawn feet is footfaggotry.
Pedos fapping to drawn children pedophilia.
It's worth remembering pedophilia only means attraction to (pre-pubescent) children. That's it. Just because society has all sorts of negative connotations like "child rapist" and "creep" doesn't mean they're necessary for you to be a pedophile.
What makes someone a pedophile is they are sexually attracted to children. That's the essence of pedophilia.
It's fine if you want to distance yourself from the term, but this is an anonymous image board, there's no reason to pretend lolicons aren't a specific breed of pedophile.
I'm a lolicon myself, but there's no point pretending I'm doing anything other than fapping to little girls.
yo guys quick question, if i masturbate to drawn men i would be gay, no? so if you masturbate to kids, you would be a pedophile
>inb4 getting called a normalfag
>I hate loli
Im explaining why people don't Like Loli, I tried my best to not inject personal thoughts into it.
I know they're drawings, still don't like it though.
The fact about being alive is that people do care about what you do and what you like. Not everyone looks at them and can only see drawings.