What the fuck is happening to normies lately?

What the fuck is happening to normies lately?
I know so many normies who are, or at least used to be, nice, good, rational, level headed people. But these days they've gotten absolutely hysterical about Trump. Every day they bitch and moan about Trump, the alt right, toxic white fandoms, guns, immigration, etc. They seem to think that if you're not as hystericalnas they then you're guilty and complicit in white supremacy and oppresion against minorities and women.
My normie friends used to be such nice people but now they've gotten so vicious and aggressive in their SJWism. They seem unstable.

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fuck em. oppress their ass

larping as a politically engaged person makes normies think you're smart, these things you described are the only perspective normalfags know because leftists dominate academia
so in the end it's just normalfags trying to be accepted again, nothing new here

This man gets it.

Normies don't understand politics. Normies only understand virtue signalling, so they echo whatever they think they are supposed to echo AKA whatever the MSM tells them to think.

The biggest difference between a normie and us is that normies primarily view life as a constant game to achieve the highest social status possible. It's not that they don't understand that it's a carrot on a stick, but rather they just aren't intelligent enough to understand why they shouldn't care.

But it didn't used to be this way. They may have been leftists sure but they weren't so hysterical vicious and aggressive about it.
And it's not just leftists either. I know some boomer neocons who are acting this way too. They jumped on the Trump hating bandwagon I guess because they want to be on the "right side of history" or something.

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probably the internet intensifying political "debate"

It's been like that for a while. Back in October of 2016 I was at a classical music concert in a big city, and during the intermission literally every single conversation, bar none, was about Trump. It's probably because normies consume so much media they get seriously affected by it. We're too jaded and cynical to care.

When Obama became president it was endless bitching for 8 years. Why were they surprised mc cain lost. Bush ran the country into the ground so it only makes sense people stayed away from the gop. That being said libs need to understand it was worse policy wise under bush than Trump. He acts like a bigger asshole for sure but policy is more important than decorum

I think it started in the early 2010s and it gradually got worse. 2016 was the tipping point where it turned into utter insanity. At this point they're almost like mindless automatons whose soul purpose is to bitch and moan screech hysterically about Trump and the alt right and white males.

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I know this guy who unironically says all Trump supporters should be killed. What should I say to this fuckhead?

I don't know if I just wasn't that old when Obama got in but I don't remebee it being this bad. I think most people on both sides are normal but the vocal minority seems crazier
>Worst Obama supports were just people overly obessed with blacks
>Worst Obama haters just REE niggers
>Worst Trump supports are neo-nazis
>Worst Trump haters are full blown commies that tried to get him killed

I meant sole of course

Most of the human population are easily influenced by the media, which mirrors and reinforces the dominant intellectual structures that surround them (what they learned in school, what their peers think, etc.). The more shrill the media gets about Trump, the more shrill people are as well. There's nothing as addictive and satisfying as conventional wisdom.

Oh man you really should of seen the tea party protests and endless bitching. The thing is back then people especially boomers were not as connected to the internet or social media like they are now. This is why they talk about the blue wave. Its remarkably similar to the tea wave of 2010.

The problem is its not just the corporate media like fox cnn etc. Now people get all this bs news from facebook etc. Then they see some idiot twitter post where a crazy vocal feminist says something retarded and think that represents the entire party both sides have an extremist vocal minority that is getting way too much attention by the moderate majority.

Stop bitching about male privilege
Stop being edgy and calling yourselves nazi
Stop whining about the lack of gender neutral bath rooms
Stop all the extremest brainlet bullshit and meet in the fucking middle

When I told some normies that I didn't vote in the 2016, election because I didn't like any of the candidates, basically all hell broke loose and they accused me of being complicit and guilty of everything Trump does. They claimed that voting for Hillary was the morally right choice and tried to shame me for not voting for her.

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Oh and they also accused me of being "edgy" for not voting.
This is so stupid. Apparently staying true to your beliefs and not selling out to some corporate whore is "edgy" now. Normies have gone insane.

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Yeah and they were wrong because both candidates were morally bankrupt. That being said its still good to vote for your state,county and city government which will likely affect you more.

>ever voting

Why would I expend all that effort to go vote when it has a 0% chance of affecting the outcome? Not that I think one person's vote should affect the outcome, I can see the democratic structure as a good thing overall in which many people's voices combine. I just don't see why I should bother to engage in it, seems like a colossal waste of time.

>Guy I'm talking to is a big Trump guy
>Thought unions originated from Communism
>Wants mudslimes banned outright, but claims to love the first amendment
>Thinks Israel is our greatest ally and has a good military
Trump fags are retarded

>voting at all
Any politician that you can vote for is owned by the Jews. Politics is for retards and faggots.

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>What should I say to this fuckhead?
"Good luck with that."

I don't get it either. Before 2015 nobody seemed to care about politics.

Glad I live in a red state
No one really talks about politics
I never hear any SJW, Feminazi , or Libtard faggotry
If any one even says they are offended every one else around them tells them to STFU and stop being a pussy

Normies are ruled by their emotions and want to emulate the feelings of their normie friends. The internet, media and especially normie social media have pushed them toward the hysterical idiotic viewpoint and they're too deeply inducted into normie groupthink to challenge anything they read.

The sad part is many of them are very intelligent people in general but the moment politics comes up they turn into a mindless fucking retard who parrots whatever the media tells them.

Plenty of normalfags are alt-right kekistani redditor faggots, what the fuck are you on about.

>The media, which unironically controls everything your typical person feels, starts venting and demonising 50% of the population and the leader of the free world
>Surprised when the fucking subhuman cretins who consume mass media garbage act like subhuman cretins who consume mass media garbage
Hm. Big think, OP.

But like I said here why can't otherwise intelligent normies see how they're being manipulated

Why do you care? Do you think sjws and niggers are the reason why you're alone and sad?

No. Why do you have to relate everything to being alone and sad you failed normalfaggot? A true robot is happy alone. Now get the fuck out.

Yeah but you're not really allowed to say it in public.

Liberals thought that they had won forever after obama won. And also that there would never be a white male or republican president again.
Of course as usual, white men overcome the odds.

Trump isnt even that bad compared to bush. Libs just hate trump more because he is an expert shit poster

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It just blows my mind how these faggots give Bush a pass but they act like Trump is the devil.

I think it's funny that how on immigration anything less than wanting no border makes you a nazi now.