On the theme of suicide

Sooner or later, I'll end up sealing my fate with lead. But... As time ticks away, I can't help but stop to think for a bit about how it would all go down. Would I pull the trigger whilst in a drunken state, full of emotions? Or would I do it while high as fuck on some high quality opioids? Would I livestream it, and attempt to leave a final mark on this world? I'm still unsure. I need some ideas, robots. So...
In essence, I'd like to know about your thoughts. What are your plans?

Attached: received_192193284962547.jpg (768x1280, 35K)

Please don't do it bro remember we all gonna make it srs
hang in there
we're all a big family and we can't lose another one of our own either nomsayin
>inb4 newfriend
>inb4 namefag
>inb4 everything

Too late my guy. Already made up my mind. I'm at peace with my soul and my mortality. It's okay. I want this. It's just a matter of time though, as I'm just caring for my mother while she's still in good health.

well ok don't livestream it then cuz more robots will kill themselves
also use neutral gasses so you don't leave a mess

I think about suicide a lot and always wondered why suicidal people dont use their suicide to either their own or someone elses advantage.

For example, do dangerous dumb and fun shit since you dont care about living, or become an organ donor so ur body is useful after your soul leaves it

It is very, very hard to do it sober unless you're already in a massively bad spot.

Why are you posting an airsoft gun?

>having to put that at the end of every post you make

I see no point I'm ending yourself, no matter the circumstances. Buuut if you do you should make everyone who may have done you wrong feel bad. Let them know they're bad people.

Its not. It's a tanfoglio witness 9mm.
Will post more pictures in a few.

I like that idea. Except, there's no one that did me any wrong, really. I just don't see myself living without my mother.

i get it dude , the only reason i'm still alive is because some of my friends will commint suicide if i die or leave them

Stupid board image size limit. Here's a better pic for the user that thought its an airsoft. Had to screencap.

ha ha enjoy waking up in the hospital not being able to move properly and being confined to the bed with a caretaker 24/7.

Lmao fuck this. Fuck this piece of shit website

I thought about that too. I'll probably take some extra measures to ensure my death. I.e, setting myself on fire or shooting myself after securing a noose.

I'd like to ask you all something. What is it, that you see in life, that makes you want to continue? Do you want to grow old enough to see your friends and family die one by one? How do you sleep at night without knowing that tomorrow might be your last? That everything youve worked hard for, could just end in a moments notice, and you-- forgotten by a fast-moving world?

I live to enjoy myself. Pretty much hedonism except with it as a goal. Study, work, find ways to get money so I can enjoy, stand on top of others in the social competition in life. By enjoy it could be physical enjoyments, women, sensations, or mental/personal ones. But in a nutshell I need to enjoy myself as much as possible in life, that's why I'm still alive. If I die then tough luck, I tried and got so far, if I don't die then I'll have a hell of a time.

>tfw the only ones who would give a fuck if I ended it all would be my parents and I even thought about doing it to punish them for shitty parenting but I still hang on cause I'm not completely blackpilled yet

You'll destroy your mother. Are you really that selfish? At least wait for her to die.

I use alcohol. I made it to 37 ... pretty gud huh?

That's my point. I'm taking care of her right now. That's why it's just a matter of time.

Hmm. I see. Thank you for your insight. But for me, that doesn't sound too appealing.

they probably shouldn't have had children if they were going to provide shitty genes/environment
if they did anyway then fuck them, it was a risk they assumed (selfishly and cruel I might add)


(original or what?)