>that mid 20s boomer that still goes on Jow Forums
That mid 20s boomer that still goes on Jow Forums
Good thing I'm only early 20s, wouldn't want to be that guy h-haha
Yeah dude just wait until your 30s. Women will be so into you that you won't have time to post on here lol. Trust me.
>tfw just bought a can of that type of Monster to try it out solely because of the memes
I'm closer to 30 than I am 25.
im 27, been on Jow Forums since 2005, dont think ill ever stop lol
I'm 34 and came home early from the office to mow the lawn. Going to shit post till I die
>that late teens boomer that thinks he fits in on the 4channels
haha just leave already oldy
> Shit 9fag tier meme
Back to TV you go faggots
>knows what 9gag is
>puts sage in the name
>can't even be bothered to put the / before and after the board names
does this Boomer rent or own his home
This is one of the worst posts I've ever seen. *click*
>makes a lazy shill edit of wojak and buys horrendous drink because spamming it made him thirsty
What a weird thing to do
The orange zero kind is way better. Ultra Sunrise.
Don't tell me you didn't eat tendies more often during the peak of the tendie craze.
>that teenager that missed out on Jow Forums's golden years and makes a shit salt covered meme to make himself feel better about it
Don't be upset, I get paid to watch you young people in case you decide to shoot up a school or some other thing. You are being watched.
You should be ashamed to perpetuate this meme.
Boomers are absolutely vile creatures and deserve all our hate. With this meme bullshit, you're actively averting attention from this fact.
Owned at one point but then remortgaged to travel and frivilously spend because boomers are incapable of leaving anything of value to their descendants.
>mfw I've been drinking monster energy drinks before the memes arrived