ITT we post robots who overcame inceldom and became normalfags. I'd begin but I have no examples

ITT we post robots who overcame inceldom and became normalfags. I'd begin but I have no examples.

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Go back there.

what do you mean desu

>be me
>stop posting on Jow Forums
>start posting on Jow Forums

See ya later virgins

>be me
>do a little thing that is somewhat productive
>do it again the next day, but do a little bit more of it this time
>become normie after a year

I mean I'm already there tbqh

I don't think posting on another section of the site is gonna cut it

like what? give more data
what age were you when you began
what was your history with women
what are your achievements now

>Age 16
>Near mute autistic, awkward hair and pedostache
>Wore the same pair of jeans and a different polo everyday to high school
>Zero IRL friends, came home and roleplayed every night (was in the same community for 9 years)
>Just went to school, worked, came home, slept, and repeat
>Present day, age 23
>Have owned my own house for a year
>Married, have multiple close friends (all in my own various social circles, my wife is very anxious and only talks to me and her family)
>Dress pretty sharp (great shoes, dress pants, matching belt/suspenders and shirt everyday)
>Love myself
>Graduated college, teaching Special Needs in Elementary schools
>Entering grad school this fall

so what was your trick?

how about anyone who got over being a failed normie. i can't relate to success stories of autists like this , i was a normal healthy weight kid with friends who never got laid or had any remote interest from women and then eventually dropped out. where's the success stories from people with that background?

I'm 100% a failed normie but I just don't get/feel incompatible with the robot stuff

like I don't even like anime nowadays and don't get how somebody could get off to 2D

I think I'll die trying before ever accepting inceldom

I don't get this 'incel' thing.

You can satisfy most if not all of your sexual urges by masturbating.

Sure it's nice to have sex but is it really worth all the extra baggage behind it? Is it worth fretting your life away over?

Pursue more important shit like achieving a lifestyle that you want and doing dope shit

dont waste it over-hyping sex

You just have to find proper structure and motivation.

I became more devoted to my catholic faith and it has been the best I have personally felt in a long time.

Hard work, a work ethic, and the will do finish what I start.

No offence but what are you doing here? I'm not saying >reee normie gtfo, it's a genuine question, you seem to have it all together so why come to a board that's know for being full of losers?

Attached: op.jpg (640x640, 261K)

it's an ego thing
not about release but more about fulfilling the evolutive reasons you were put in this world (to procreate and be an alpha male)

nigger what do you mean accepting it, it's you whether you like it or not.

it's reddit terminology that has unfortunately seeped heavily into here
'incel' implies a heavy focus on sex and sex alone, which the retards at r/incels deluded themselves into when their problems are in fact far more all-encompassing

the anons here who call themselves robots or cyborgs are more on point with their problems

or about being equal, just about getting what other people get for the same effort they put in.

nobody likes inceldom
anybody who pretends to do is 100% a coper

Many people on this board have so much loathing for themselves, sometimes I just like talking to them about different things even if I can't physically be there with them.

A lot of the threads here are genuinely interesting to me. Jow Forums is much more interesting than /b/. It's like what I imagine /b/ is supposed to be like, just full of random stuff and not just 'pics you shouldn't have of hot 9/10s' or whatever.

Lastly, going on here isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's just that we don't spend all our time on it. I like to go outside, play games with my younger cousins, read, and just generally be more active than only staying on here.

Masterbation is not the same thing as sex.

And it's more about feeling inadequate about being an ugly, austistic, short genetically inferior man that people hate.

yeah that too

it's more like sex is the point of unfairness, women have the mostly the same obstacles in the way of falling in love, but not in getting laid, and their ability to get laid easier also gets them love/relationships easier to a lesser degree. sex is also more than release, it's esteem.

No they don't. "Love" is a cringe meme. Men pretend to put up with a relationship to get sex in return.

why don't you mosey on back to trufemcels.

I'm short. That feeling of inadequacy is something you will continually struggle with, especially when many girls talk about how they will only go out with tall guys.

You have to realize that you are better than your height, and any girl that would judge you based on that isn't worth going out with anyway. Attitude is also super important, because someone who acts in self-pity all the time is not attractive to others.

Lastly, I'm religious, so I see the intrinsic self-worth that everyone has, despite their appearance. I would try and embrace that attitude because it has made me much happier as a person.

Damn, these posts are what EVERY person on this board needs to see. Too many retards wallowing in self pity.