Im a mestizo & hate niggers, I also dislike whites for bringing niggers to this continent & I think most people of my race are failures, I dislike everyone except northeast asians.
My dream is to see all northeast asian countries unite take over the world & genocide all other races.
The day in which only northeast asians exist will be beautuful.
Im a mestizo & hate niggers...
wow!! anti-white, much?
Anti spic & anti nigger too
that doesnt matter so much though
That doesnt make me anti white tho, it just makes me pro northeast asian
fucking weeeeeeeeb
So why don't you just kill yourself?
fuck you spic edgelord
being italian is the worst since i can't decide if i'm white or not
imagine being a self hating white
These pictures user...
Why don't you have a seat over there?
Weebs are people who are obssesed with japan only, I am a northeast asian supremacist & admire all northeast asian peoples
Not sure how raping little Asian girls is gonna help you.
My purpose in life is to spread pro northeast asian propaganda, ill kill myself once northeast asians take over the world & im no longer useful
I would never touch a northeast asian, I respect them too much to contaminate them with my inferiority
post hand and i'll decide
Even chinese?
Yes, chinese people are worth admiration
As everybody knows, according to the views propagated by the Western scholars, humanity as a whole originated from one single mother in Africa. Therefore no race can claim racial superiority. However, according to the research conducted by most Chinese scholars, the Chinese are different from other races on earth. We did not originate in Africa. Instead, we originated independently in the land of China. Therefore, we can rightfully assert that we are the product of cultural roots of more than a million years, civilization and progress of more than ten thousand years, an ancient nation of five thousand years, and a single Chinese entity of two thousand years. This is the Chinese nation that calls itself descendants of Yan and Huang.
Our Chinese people are wiser than the Germans because, fundamentally, our race is superior to theirs
Will the centre of the world civilization shift back to China?
The first pressing issue facing us is living space. This is the biggest focus of the revitalization of the Chinese race.
Only countries like the United States, Canada and Australia have the vast land to serve our need for mass colonization.
Therefore, solving the issue of America is the key to solving all other issues. First, this makes it possible for us to have many people migrate there and even establish another China under the same leadership of the CCP. America was originally discovered by the ancestors of the yellow race, but Columbus gave credit to the White race.
Only by using special means to clean up America will we be able to lead the Chinese people there. Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves.
We are capable of achieving our purpose of cleaning up america all of a sudden.
So originally based
As someone of Japanese decent fuck off. I would rather fry myself alive than be in a nation with Koreans. Literally wewuz niggers who have a inferiority complex even worse than blacks. Speaking of blacks do you know what's less human? Fucking chinks. These fucking logs have the culture of locusts. At least locusts fertilize the land they raze unlike these chinks blowing pollution over the sea of Japan. And of course some Chon motherfucker is going to complain about me calling it the sea of Japan because of their shitty inferiority complex. Fuck off you dumb spic the only thing y'all are good for is making those hillarious Mexican half breed shitposts on /a/.
Forget it gooklander
Lets trade places user. I want thick latinas but they dont like chinitos.
I hope china takes over japan & kills you traitors to the northeast asian race
> Mexican half-breeds
Without a doubt my most favorite meme in the 10+ years I've been here
>Im a mestizo
typical wanna be white spic that watches anime
Your nation copied most of its culture and much of its language from the Chinese, and your people, the Yamato, are a combination of majority Yayoi, who were basically genetically Koreans, and minority Jomon, the original inhabitants of the island. Fug off island Korean.
I dont reccomend you get a mexican gf, they are very low IQ & become overweight easily, get a northeast asian wife instead
I wish I was han chinese desu & I dont want to be a pigskin
>northeast asian race
Like the Jurchen? The fuck out of here with that shit. Koreans can't be even called people and the "Han" Chinese where literally slaves to some horsemen from the northeast for almost 300 years.
The china of now is not the china of old. The Chinese used to be a noble land with a culture as great and knowledge and arts rivaling that of the west. The Chinese of today are no such people.
Not OP, but I'm more mestizo than the majority of Mexicans in Mexico.
I hate pretty much all races but I can suppress it, and I'm still dating a half Hispanic girl. Feelsgood. Her family loves me too.
agreed user. But...
why do have that picture stored on your computer?????
Because I want all the children of the future to look like that
are you sure that is all it is? my friends might need to borrow your computer for a bit.
I can agree with that, but this Japanese we wuz superior children of Amaterasu n sheeeit grandstanding rhetoric (used especially during WW2) doesn't fly with me because they are so clearly culturally and genetically linked to the Chinese and Koreans respectively, and are the youngest of the three historically speaking (China's much older and Korea predates them by a few centuries, give or take). Find another angle to posit Japan's superiority, like their position as the second largest economy in the world, or their prolific technological and pop cultural output, or their (arguably) current higher standard of living. However, once an island Korean, always an island Korean. Island Koreans exposed.
>Your nation copied most of its culture and much of its language from the Chinese
The Japanese language has actually nothing to do with Chinese. The only thing the Japanese imported from China was the script (kanji). On top of that Japan also has hiragana and katakana that are phonetic symbols not logographic.
Japanese is the most isolated and unique language in the world. It does not belong to the Sino-Tibetan family like Chinese.
Saying that the Japs stole the Chinese language is like saying the Finns stole the Italian language because Finnish uses the Latin alphabet. The Latin alphabet might have been invented by the Romans, but Finnish has little to do with Romance languages.
>the second largest economy in the world
More like the third.
Dumb brainwashed jap, why do you prefer to be americas bitch instead of becoming part of the glorious chinese empire?
The purpose of the post is that the three cultures of that region have no reason to be put together. Koreans have a inferiority complex on the level of nigs and are culturally stagnant. Chinese as you know are culturally stagnant insectoids. The Japanese function no different than autistic consumerist collectivists who can only go with the flow and cannot show themselves to their peers. This is not advocating for the superiority of any of the three rather the inferiority of the three.
>being italian is the worst since i can't decide if i'm white or not
Rest assured, you're not. Nobody in southern Europe is white. Actually, nobody is white anymore in this world. The last white people died in World War 1. Everything after that has been a bunch of LARPers trying to emulate the good old days. We're all mestizos nowadays, both in Europe and in the Americas.
I'm not a Jap and I merely corrected your erroneous statement concerning the orginality of the Japanese language.
The Japs prefer to be under American suzerainty because even thought they hate the Americans they still hate the Chinese so much more.
>banning hip-hop
I'm not much of a fan of China, but that was based.
>let's us have cool shit
>still assblasted about ww2 and acts like subhumans when visiting because they think it's ok to do so since "warcrimes I wasn't alive for"
Wonder why the nips choose to ally closer to the us.
Heres something else china has done that is pretty based
>However, according to the research conducted by most Chinese scholars, the Chinese are different from other races on earth. We did not originate in Africa. Instead, we originated independently in the land of China.
Then how come it is possible for a Chinese woman to get knocked up by a white man or a nigger? The fact that all humans can have sex and procreate with other races is proof enough of our common ancestry.
I don't know if humans first appeared in Africa, China, Bulgaria, or whatever; but surely we all have common ancestry.
You're right, and that's a pretty good analogy for what happened. But I've also heard that the influence of Chinese (idk which variant, probably Mandarin) on the the Japanese language is somewhat akin to the influence of Norman French on Old English. More complex words were supplanted or donated by the former language in both cases, for example, in Japanese, if you ask for water, you say mizu, but if you go to the aquarium, then you go to the suizokukan (sui means water in Chinese). I'd also say that whatever script you use for your language, the ability to write things down, or literacy, is pretty dang important, and if the Japanese were so great, why didn't they come up with their own system like the Koreans instead of importing the Chinese script and branding it Kanji. In fact, Hiragana was originally reserved only for women, and only later did it find widespread use among the Japanese populace. So I'm conclusion, while spoken Japanese is a unique and pretty language (I actually like how it sounds a lot more than any Chinese language), it does have a bit of influence from China in quite a number of ways desu.
>Goes on rants about how Koreans and Chinese arent people
Everything checks out.
I haven't checked in a while, what's the new ranking? Which country overtook Japan?
>inb4 "Jewgle it"
Too lazy, just tell me mang.
Probably China.
Fair enough, but they do have their strengths in things such as industry, IQ, and last but definitely not least, anime. It's a such a shame that consumerism's laying waste to their culture, but are we really ones to talk in the west, with our soiboys and feminazis?
That wasn't me bro, I'd never join China. Individually they're fine, but their nation sucks balls in its current state.
>I'd also say that whatever script you use for your language, the ability to write things down, or literacy, is pretty dang important, and if the Japanese were so great, why didn't they come up with their own system like the Koreans instead of importing the Chinese script and branding it Kanji.
Nobody is almighty. The Chinese were the hegemonic cultural force in East Asia for a long time (perhaps they still are even today), and even the Koreans used the Chinese script in the beginning, just like the Japs. (The Hangul was invented in the 15th century.)
In the Western world, the concept of using consonants and vowels to write down words was invented by the Phoenicians, and the Greeks invented the Greek alphabet by copying the Phoenician alphabet. (The Romans later copied the Greeks and created the Latin alphabet.) So the Greek alphabet is a rip-off of the Phoenician one, yet nobody would claim that the Phoenicians were culturally superior to the Greeks. The Phoenicians came up with a useful invention, but overall the Greeks developed a vastly superior culture that influenced the Western world for thousands of years.
In conclusion, creating a writing system is a great accomplioshment, but it is not the be all end all of culture.
Consumerist have been laying waste to Japan since the late 50s. It's not a new trend it was only expedited by the bubble era and the Chinese are experiencing it the same way Japan was in the 80s. Japan now functions on a throwaway culture worse than that of the west. The Chinese no different. So it's not just the west. Also considering the LDP was hijacked by neoliberals and massive structural reform done purposely by the BOJ the Japanese are transitionined fully to a typical consumerist Western nation.
Those damnable chinks! jk, some of them are alright
t. Poo in loo pajeet pooperpower by 2020
Yeah, that's a good point, but Japan did copy China (and Korea) in many other ways aside from language (the Taika reforms, Buddhism, and architecture come to mind), so it kinda rustles my jimmies when they claim to be "superior" culturally and ancestry-wise. They're still my favorite East-Asian culture and people, but I wish they'd stop trying to pretend that they're something they're not (maybe the anti-Chinese and anti-Korean sentiment and overall xenophobia has decreased greatly since WW2, idk). Also, what about my point about borrowed words from Chinese languages? That has yet to be addressed.
wtf?! I love China now!
now that is fucking based
Couldn't have said it better myself, thanks for the rundown.
Typical Chinese authoritarianism and hivemind tier thinking. This is why the west has won so far despite their lower average IQ.
Individualism & freedom only leave room for degeneracy
Democracy is literally giving idiots the right too choose what happens to a nation
I expected nothing more from a statist. Good ideas shouldn't need people to be forced into following them. They should rise due to their own intrinsic merit.
Fucking based China
ban that nigger music and degenerate tats
I'm not super knowledgeable about the history of East Asia, but one thing which sets Japan apart from other East Asian countries is that they always managed to maintain independence from the mainland. Korea and other countries in east Asia were vassals of the Chinese, whereas the Japs were not. (That's why the Japs have an "emperor" instead of a "king"; having a king meant that you were a vassal of the Chinese Emperor, so if you claim that your ruler is an emperor himself you assert your independence.)
Nobody managed to invade and conquer the Japs until the end of World War 2. The Chinese on the other hand had been thoroughly fucked by Western colonization and they had to suffer great humiliations at the hands of the Europeans, like the Opium Wars.
The West forced Japan to open up its ports for trade, but Japan never became a satrapy of the Western powers like China or India. Only in 1945 Japan tasted defeat at the hands of foreigners for the first time. That might be the reason why they used to think of themselves as a superior race. When they defeated the Russians at the beginning of the 20th century they started to think of themselves as being on the same level of any Western power, while the rest of East Asia was still made up of poor countries colonized by the West.
I think that's how their superiority complex came into being, though nowadays they have no reason to feel superior: they lost the war aginst America and they got nuked. China on the other hand won back its independence and they are now an economic powerhouse.
Japan superioriy complex is mainly a thing of the past nowadays. "We wuz sons of Amaterasu and shit"; that kind of thing. They just brag about a glorious past that no longer exists.
The majority of people are too dumb to know what a good idea is, statism is good amigo
Alot of people are too stupid to be able to make the right decisions for themselves which is one of the major flaws of democracy is letting those people vote
would trade but Chinese women have very high standards because of the ratio between men and women.
True and this is why an epistocracy or an autocracy are the ideal forms of goverment
then make it happrn pussy
>Also, what about my point about borrowed words from Chinese languages? That has yet to be addressed.
Forgot to reply about this point.
I guess that counts as a cultural influence. In the West we say "the Greeks had a word for that", meaning that the Greek language is very rich and everytime we need to name something we look back at the Greek language (even modern things have names that go back to Greek or Latin, like "television").
China has an old and venerable culture, so perhaps using Chinese for naming things is like using Greek and Latin in the West; it's sort of intellectual, erudite.
The Romans borrowed a lot from the Greek language. Even though they conquered Greece with arms, Greece conquered Rome with culture.
I don't think that detracts from the originality of Japanese culture though. They simply tried to learn from their neighbours and copied whatever seemed worthwhile. It doesn't mean they copied everything wholesale though, so they aren't inferior or copycats, in my opinion.
Great points, you know looking at it from that perspective, I can finally really understand how the Japanese justified such a sentiment of racial superiority. It's a bit like the "Roma Invicta" of Rome, a feeling of being invincible due to never being conqured or messed with. And they were also the first East-Asian power that tired to westernize to gain power, while China and Korea just closed themselves off due to a couple of previous negative experiences with the west. Do you think any of the grandstanding and rhetoric nowdays from some reactionary groups is just compensation, sort of a wish to harken back to the "good old days" when Japan was still at the top of the East-Asian dogpile? They're doing reasonably well now as well, so why bother? What's the point, is it in response to the endless Korean accusations of past warcrimes (some accurate, and others overstated)?
I agree. I want to go to Japan and find a qtp2t Asian gf to marry. I don't think I can assimilate to their culture, but it's better to be a foreigner than to be a secluded tard with identity issues. I don't really have anything against my fellow Mestizo
I dislike it too user, but this isn't da wae to go about lessening its impact.
I dont hate other mestizos either, I was just shitposting
Well then you are all lost. This is pretty much how the "Asians are insectoids" meme started (not that I really agree with it), too much focus on "the good of society" and not enough of allowing individuals to strike out and explore what they'd like to. Consider the following quote:
>If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good? Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race? Or do they believe that they themselves are made of a finer clay than the rest of mankind?
-Frederic Bastiat, The Law
>bans smth cause "vulgar and obscene"
not even XD
Yes some people are superior to others
Overall, I agree with you that superior Nippon culture is also original and unique. I just dislike it when some of the Chinese roots are overlooked. The rest of Europe doesn't make fun of Greece all the time. Okay, well maybe they do, but only about its debt, and they don't go and genocide the Greeks either because they have at least that much respect for them.
But spic women are qt.
I mean, yeah, I hate spics too, but do you really want to destroy this?
You are free to hold that belief. I, however will not lay down and let you take muh freedumbs because of your stupid opinions favoring eugenics and genetic superiority. Your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins.
Well, like I said, I'm not super knowledgeable so I don't have all the answers, but I can offer you my humble opinion.
>Do you think any of the grandstanding and rhetoric nowdays from some reactionary groups is just compensation, sort of a wish to harken back to the "good old days" when Japan was still at the top of the East-Asian dogpile?
I believe the Japs are just trying to win back their pride. After WW2, the Japs have been humiliated even more than the Germans. The Germans were blamed for the war, but the Germans were still white (many Americans are of German descent, so the Germans were basically their brothers and cousins). In the case of Japan, there was a lot of racism. Even to this day, racism against East Asians is still kinda tolerated. If you insult a nigger or a kike, society brands you as a piece of shit. If you show thinly veiled racism towards East Asians though, it is tolerated. This is the case even more so since the US and China have been locked in an economic Cold War. The East Asian is often still seen as an enemy. There is no affirmative action for East Asians.
In some way, losing the war was a blessing in disguise for the Japs. Ever since the US forbad them from having regular armed forces (excpet for the self-defense forces), the Japs were able to focus on developing their economy without wasting too much money on defense. They had to pay war reparations, but it might have been cheaper than trying to keep up in an arms race (lime the Us had to do against the Soviet Union). Japan's economic boom was in some way the result of losing the war and becoming a vassal of the US.
Nonetheless many people among the Japs are unhappy about the loss of independence and national pride. The Japs are forced to think of themselves as the bad guys because history is written by the winners.
(to be continued) (post too long)
Spaniard rape babies might look attractive but they are still low IQ savages
They arent opinions, they are facts & I dont believe in violent genocide, I wouldnt kill non northeast asians, I would just make it illegal for them to have children
>Spaniard rape babies might look attractive but they are still low IQ savages
So? I want a qt brown gf so bad
Get one, just dont have children with it
probably the rankings were:
china might have the biggest economy of waste in the sea
As of late the US is getting tired of financing Japan's defense (Trump always wants to be paid more for providing defense), and if they have to pay more the Japanese might as well ask themselves: "Why don't we take care of our defense ourselves then?" I think this will contribute towards a revival of militarism and nationalism. The Japs accepted American suzerainty only in so far as it was actually convenient for Japan to do so. If that stops being convenient, there will be a reaction.
In the first place, Japan started a war of aggression against mainland Asia in order to secure resources, and Japan needed those natural resources to secure its own independence. Japan lacks natural resources (it's a small, volcanic archipelago), so Japan was always at a risk of being blackmailed by the US and other Western powers. The blackmail was: "do as we Westerners say, otherwise we won't trade with you. And if we don't trade with you, you can't get oil and other vital resources."
Japan was forced to take action in order to maintain its independence. I won't say that's a good excuse to kill a lot of people on mainland Asia, but I think it's stupid to think of the Japs as some evil country who wanted to conquer Asia out of greed and/or malice. Everyone has his reasons.
At any rate, nowadays Japanese ultranationalism doesn't seem very viable to me. It's just rhetoric. I don't think it will amount to much of anything. China and The US are nuclear powers; what can Japan do? Even if Japan had a secret nuclear program (they have nuclear plants, so they might actually secretly have nuclear weapons) they still stand no chance. China of today is not China of back then. Even with nukes out of the equation, the sheer size of China's territory and population makes it virtually unconquerable, especially for a small country like Japan.
>I'll just violate the human rights of billions of people and back it up with dubious "facts" not supported in any capacity by the scientific majority, hermano!
Fug off authoritaricuck. Americoids are distantly related to Mongoloids anyway, don't let your identity crisis get the rest of us killed.
Human rights dont exist, we should just do whatever produces the best consequences
Amerindians are almost extinct, its mostly braindead mestizos who exist nowadays
Some great insights here, explains the current economic state and industry focus of Japan as well as the rising nationalistic rhetoric. From what I've seen, I feel that Japan won't rise as a military threat anytime soon even if the U.S. drops it, and will simply continue to focus on its economy. I appreciate you taking the time to write all of this out, and I really like your interpretations of Japan's motivations before and after the war. Are you a /his/fag? Thanks for the great background and analysis.
I think that Japan's isolation is the root of the problem. As Japan managed to remain unconquered by mainland Asia, they started to think of the Chinese with some contempt. Even though they copied whatever useful things Chinese culture had to offer, they maintained a strong sense of "us" and "them"; there was a strong racial divide.
In Europe, we all took turns raping each other: first there was the Greek colonies in Anatolia and Southern Italy; then the Greeks were raped by the Macedons led by Alexander the Great; then the Romans conquered the Western world; then the Germanic tribes conquered the Western Roman Empire; then the Eastern Roman Empire was fucked by Turks, and so on and on.
By killing each other all the time, the peoples of Europe actually managed to become friends, in a way. Our cultures intermingled a lot more. The japs made trips to China and cherrypicked whatever they liked about Chinese culture; in the West we always had to face the brunt of whoever managed to conquer us; we were much more exposed to other cultures. And in the end, Greco-Roman culture and Christianity managed to become a common core for all the peoples of Europe.
The peoples of Europe have a deeper and more fundamental connection because they were often forced to live side by side with their conquerors: the conquered learned from the conquerors, and even more often the conquerors learned from the conquered. The relationship with China for the Japson the other hand was mainly a one way street of cherrypicking whatever they could find in China.
>Human rights don't exist.
Great, why don't you give yours up first.
At least you have some similar to Mongoloid blood flowing thorough your veins, however mixed you may be now.
And the buttsex. Don't forget the buttsex. Totally full homo.
Humans rights are just social constructs & I dont give them away because its not in my best interest to do so but it is in my interest to prevent non northeast asians from breeding
Im am around 60% amerindian mongoloid but that doesnt make me northeast asian
I would also prevent SEAsians from breeding btw
You're welcome.
I feel like the biggest problem right now for Japan is birthrates. Japan is a very developed country; it's so ripe, it has started to rot. As the population grows older and no babies are being born, Japan has no future.
On top of that, Japan has a huge debt. Most Japanese people don't have an entrepreneurial mentality and they would rather invest in government bonds than in stocks or small businesses. This trend started after the war and it worked well enough to rebuild the country's infrastructure, but nowadays Japan needs more focus on the private sector. Most Japs just want to work as employees in the few big companies that dominate the market. There is a quasi-feudal relationship between employee and employer; it's not the kind of business-like relationship we have in the West. Employers are supposed to care for employees like children, and in exchange the employee is supposed to be loyal to the company even during bad times.
Because of the lack of European colonization, Japanese society has become a weird blend of feudalism and capitalism. Capitalism was integrated into Japanese society by the Japs themselves, rather than being imposed by the outside world.
>P E A K E G O I S M
Stop deifying any race user, that's pretty spooky. All ethnicites and cultures have some flaws, some more than others ofc. For example, they're killing themselves in first world Japan and SK, while in Mexico, no matter how shit life gets, most of the people retain an optimistic outlook. Which culture do you think is more resilient on the balance when it comes to happiness?
Very good point, I don't know how I overlooked it, of course the people of Europe will be more familiar with each other than the East Asian powers are with each other as Japan heavily isolated itself and even celebrated their isolation from the outside world. Japan itself is like a microcosm of what was happening in Europe. It really boils down to the difference between a one way and two way exchange. Protip: the two way exchange and trade is better. Note to self if we ever have to restart a civilization. Could happen sooner than we think.
I do consider myself an egoist but not a
stirnerite egoist because I never finished his book & because its mostly egalitarian commies who like his ideas.
Mexicans might not kill themselves, but they are depressed enough to constantly get drunk and die in car accidents or they join cartels or gangs due to their low IQs and end up getting decapitated/shot.
I simply prefer northeast asians because they are the most aesthetically pleasing race, have the highest IQs & have always treated me well unlike niggers whites or my fellow spics
Yeah, I've heard of all these problems before, and the future looks a bit bleak for Japan unless they can turn it around desu. I've also heard that maybe the population problems are actually overstated, and that the population is just plateuing like any first world country and not actually declining. Idk, I need to research this phenomenon more. As for the debt, lack of entrepreneurship, and neofeudal capitalism, I think Japan is in for a rude awakening before it finally realizes that the methods used to sustain its post-war economy are not really feasible in the modern world and that it's time for a major paradigm shift. It's people are killing themselves ffs! Related-why do Japs love to kill themselves so much? It is a prevalent theme in all of their art and history, more so than any other culture in the world, so what's with this bizzare obsession with suicide? What gives?
Fair enough, but east asians and their culture also have some real problems with passive aggressiveness, and in some cases, having a stick up their ass. Every culture has its dark side. Read something like "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword" for an intro to the analysis of Japanese "shame culture" vs western "guilt culture" East Asians aren't perfect no matter what they'd like you to think.
Say it with me, slowly now:
We're all robots here (except for the normans). Never forget that.
Anti white is the only ethical and moral stance in your life