Roid Rage

How do you deal with an aggressive older brother? He started juicing a couple months ago and has been a total dick lately, more than usual. Just an hour ago I told him he shouldn’t do something and wasn’t trying to be a dick or anything and he got up in my face and started saying fuck you fuck you and three some gloves he had in his hands in my face. I’m not sure how to handle this. I’m about to fist fight my brother again and now he’s all roided out. What do Jow Forums?

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I think your brother was bullied beyond repair

He's just asserting dominance as the alpha male of the home because he's high T unlike you.

No, infact he was the bully. He and his friends beat up kids in Highschool for no reason. 3 of his friends went to juvy for it.

But he is 33 and still living at home.

Fight him next time he pulls that shit. Brothers are allowed to do this.

You kick him in the dick, Opie. You kick him in the dick.

Replace his roid juice with water.

This, you're his brother and it's your job to put him in his place. Next time he gets in your face punch him in the throat and kick him in the duck, no such thing as a fair fight, someones gotta win.

Last time we fought I broke my hand. I don’t want to jeopardize my gains along with other things going for me right now. If it comes down to it I’m not gonna let him do that shit and I will throw down.