Who /highschooldropout/ here?

Who here is a high school dropout? What's life like without a high school diploma? Honestly it's bullshit that a stupid paper determines whether or not you get a job.

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dropped out of high school and been a neet since. that was back in 2006. isn't too bad if you can get neetbux.

how do i live without a high school diploma if i dont have neetbux

why did you drop out oregano commento

finish high school you bitch !

>Honestly it's bullshit that a stupid paper determines whether or not you get a job.
but it's not the paper that determines whether you get a job. it's the implications of the paper, rather, the implications of not being able to make it through such a standard education

I've been unemployed since I dropped out. All of my ambition and drive died that year.

High school is piss easy but I failed. Why did I let it happen? Why did my parents let it happen?

hope your parents are okay with supporting you

>Have amazing grades at school without even trying but severely depressed
>Parents force me into psychiatric care because they're "scared"
>Put me on anti-depressants that fucking ruin my brain and motivation
>Stop showering, stop going to school, stop existing
>Lose all my friends
>Drop out
Thanks, guys.

user, you clan still land a job somewhere working as a jannie or lettuce picker

user, I need to be with the normalfags in this one, it's fucking high school we are talking about.

why did all of you drop out????

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dropped out in the first year.
how fucked am i?

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Find a sugar daddy, it worked for me :^)

Stay strong user. Have you gotten your GED?

Are you male?

Dropped out junior year from being incredibly depressed. Felt instant relief after knowing I didn't have to be forced to attend anymore. Got my GED and have been working a shitty part time job enough to get promoted as manager now.

I have absolutely no idea what to pursue in life so I've put off the idea of college so far. Turning 23 this year, I'm at a stand still.

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Haven't technically dropped out yet but failed every attempt (4 or 5 so far) to pass 10th grade because every year i just stop attending classes, i can't handle the pressure of studies and exams, and I'm not able to be constant at anything anymore
Diagnosed avoidant pd and ocd btw

>4-5 attempts to pass grade 10

lmao how much of a brainlet are you

>4 or 5 so far
Nigga maybe you failed because you can't even count to 5. How the fuck do you not remember how many attempts you made?

Maybe online school is a better route user. You should look into what suits you better and what is less stressful.

black pill right here, i can also say from experience

Dropped out like 5 years ago, just got my GED recently.

>dropped out of high school in 2007
>hikikomori for half a decade
>first job as a cashier when I was 23
>quit after 6 months
>became a government contractor somehow
>couple years later
>own a house, car, motorcycle but addicted to drugs and hookers.

Went better than expected honestly. I was going to commit suicide when I was 18 too.

29 year old boomer btw

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Enough to browse r9k

Yea, thanks for the suggestion, but maybe i just should try to get a job first, even if i try again to get a diploma I'm sure I'll fail
I think it's just not the next step I'm supposed to take at this point

I feel your pain bro. I got a highschool diploma but I still gotta go wagecuck now and that piece of paper is worth fuck all to employers

Dropped out and got my GED and am actually doing something with my life unlike you retards. am still a neet, just not an autistic one

dropped out with 20 and am neet ever since. i am 35 now. please kill me.