Is there anything more awkward than being a Mexican who can't speak Spanish?

Is there anything more awkward than being a Mexican who can't speak Spanish?

I always get Mexicans and sometimes even white people coming up to me speaking Spanish thinking I know how to speak it. Hate it.

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Pobre pendejo, saca los tacos y bigotes ese

being a black guy that everyone thinks is a mexican

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It's their fault for making random assumptions bro. Just tell them that you're an American. Maybe wear some American flag clothing like a bandana or t-shirt so they're prewarned of your Americanness.

Dios mio, el mestizo asimilado...

Tell them to go back to Mexico with their taco language, especially to white people.

you aren't even a black guy, you're just a filthy mutt

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Esta bien, no llores
Its okay, dont cy

>tfw mex
>tfw no femanons would want us
>tfw speak spanish

i told you that you look puerto rican

In the same boat but jungle asian and look like one. Wherever you're at user know someone else is feeling that feel

I was able to speak Spanish and only Spanish until 1st grade. They put me in a class where the teacher only knew how to speak English. I picked up English really fast and forgot almost all my Spanish. Assimilated Indeed.

I dont know who you are but its all the same

I'm not even Hispanic and I think you're disgraceful for not knowing Spanish

Not Mexican but I'm a different of spic that can't speak Spanish. I don't care, I hate my people and their stolen language.

>inb4 Jow Forums brainwash

I hated myself before I even discovered Jow Forums and I've also never browsed Jow Forums

I have the same problem too. Even If do somehow learn spanish I don't have the accent so I'll just sound retarded anyways.

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Yeah, first gen spice who try to act American but overdo it. To the point they become awkward or weird. Like this retarded 19 y.o. kid at my job who, not exaggerating here, asked my manager how to move a cart........

See, that's the problem. It's not only other Mexicans who look down on me. It's everyone.

Just learn Spanish nigga. How hard it can be?

Me and my family are Mexican, and my dad always assumes every latino in America can speak Spanish. I internally laugh at his disappointment.

I like the tortilla tattoo on your image, but can you add a jesus or hayzues tattoo or Jesus's mom. Mexicans love jesus's mom.

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>Learn spanish
>Realize you have no one to talk to anyways
>Realize you don't know any spanish slangs so you sound too much of an outsider
>Realize you don't have an accent and can't even roll your 'r"s

Don't listen to that cuck. You are good for assimilating.

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Basic slang:
Fierro por la 300
Que onda
Estoy bien al cien

how is that even possible? your parents don't speak it?

Mexican parents spend most of the time working & rarely talk to their children

Where do you live?
Mexicunts and other hispanics inmigrants thar barely know english speak spanish to everyone, it happened to me a lot until i visited a state with less of them, although i do speak spanish

>be Mexican american
>take Spanish class
>fail it every year
>meet white girl in one class
>she learns Spanish perfectly
>bang her

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>Be ugly and white
>People outside try and talk to me
>Pretend I am Slavic
>Say "No speak Angleski"
>They leave me alone

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It's actually really hard. Spanish has so many bullshit tenses unlike English.

I know Spanish, but my already shit conversational skills in English make Spanish worse for me since it seems everyone talks too fast for me to process things

Yeah but we only use past and present. We even rarely use future tense.

>No speak Angleski

Try "sory, I don't speak in English"


This and
this. Just because I'm mexican doesn't mean i'm obligated to learn spanish.

I live in the US. Everyone speaks english. The only people who don't are lazy foreigners who either haven't finished learning english, or have been here for years and refuse to learn it. Fuck em. I'm not bending backwards and learning spanish for them.

I have nobody to talk to in spanish.
I'm not interested in any spanish media to watch or listen to.
The only use would be the occasional beaner I run into who can't speak english. And my job doesn't require much communication, so I can still get the job done, no thanks to them.

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also this.
>hurrdurr its spanish so we HAVE to speak twice as fast as english
>No, I will not slow down, try and keep up :^)

Don't feel too bad. My wife is an english speaking mexi

Nisiquiera onions mexicano y te digo que eres una verguenza
Matate negro

It's embarassing for me since I have to take my dad with me to the tire shop still since I can't speak Spanish (and I live in Texas on top of that).

I had a friend in high school and his mom couldn't understand how I didn't know Spanish. My parents know it but only speak it if they must. In fact, my entire family is that way. I'm fourth generation taco so I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

>tfw your at a family gathering and your the only person who doesnt know how to speak their mother tongue

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I have that exact problem but backwards.
>be me
>know spanish pretty fluently
>at old job
>used to work with a lot of mexicans
>lady tries to ask for my help in broken english
>answer her in spanish
>"wow I didn't know you could speak spanish you look so white"
>at grocery store
>lady in front of me talks to clerk in spanish
>she leaves
>my turn
>clerk starts talking to me in broken english
>answer her in spanish
>just fucking ignores me and continues to talk to me in broken english
Regardless if you can learn some spanish man it's not that hard.

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>"yea fuck those illegal scum! I dont need to learn spanish! I'm nothing like them!"

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My dad speaks both language, my mom only knows Spanish and super rudimentary English. I can barely understand her half the time desu. I just yeah "yeah si" and nod my head.

You're disconnecting yourself from your own race when you don't speak the same language.

That's stupid.
You are literally cutting yourself off from cute girls, food you like, and people you can love.

Please don't be a fool.
You don't want to speak Spanish because half of your blood is primitive Asian, and you want to integrate into the society around you.

Bolivia has a low crime-rate because they're not white because they're more Native than anything else

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Why does Mexicans look like pajeets?

this unfortunately. I barely talked to my parents growing up.

SoCal. All my close friends are also Mexicans who barely speak Spanish. We all use English.

Lmao this is some good lore along with biz rendition of bogpill

r9k is slacking in 2018, who tf is fresco come on

We can learn together or something haha

He should learn quechua then

It's about as awkward as people assuming I'm Mexican because I speak Spanish. I doubt places like El Salvador existed in people's minds before trump mentioned MS13


If he's not an Ameri-Indian, he'll probably get killed over there.

But, he is half Ameri-indian, and it directly influences the way he thinks about life.

OP here. It's worse for me because I'm 1st generation and already lost my Spanish. 4th gen is understandable.

I tried getting into Spanish media but it's boring low IQ shit they talk about. There's not a lot of philosophical discussion in Spanish media.

>I tried getting into Spanish media but it's boring low IQ shit they talk about. There's not a lot of philosophical discussion in Spanish media.
got our selves a Mexican intellectual here

Kek. I have a really light skinned Mexican friend who knows Spanish really well and this happens to him often.

People think I'm native or in worse cases, a flipfaggot. My parents(mostly my mother) brought themselves to speak mostly english around me and after that never bothered to teach me spanish. No one gives me shit for not speaking spanish anymore, so I'm okay with that.

OP, if you're not FROM mexico, like a chicano kid from L.A or sur califas (like how the wojack in your pic is eluding to) then embrace it and go full chicano.

I mean this was never an issue for me, I'm a light skinned chicano who grew up around family who didnt speak spanish but whole heartedly knew we were mexican. Embrace it homie, if you're from califas this is who you are, not some wetback

My ancestors would be Nahua speakers.

>4th gen is understandable

Other Mexicans don't know that. No matter what shade of brown you are, they'll think you speak Spanish. I'll have to learn it at some point but had I known how big of a deal this would be in the future, I would have found a way to teach myself. It's a travesty when the culture shock is with your own people.

Maybe but quechua is the best amerindian language to learn & why do you think your ancestors would of been nahuatl speakers, what state are your parents from?

What prevents you from learning the language?

Good, I hate that taco language and everyone who speaks it should fuck off. If you speak English you're a good spic in my book and I might even be friends with you.

Both parents are from Michoacan.

It's difficult and I never need it on a daily basis so there is no reason for me to learn it.

So, there's nothing preventing you from learning then.
>it's difficult
It is not. Seriously you have zero excuse not to at least give it a shot considering that both of your parents are native speakers.

kek. From what I gather, Mexican culture is extremely conformist. You don't get a lot of people who like to discuss controversial ideas in-depth over there.

Your ancestors language would be Purepecha then.

t. half guerrerense haf michoacano

I had a friend who was deported to Mexico.
He had been here since he was 3 with an uncle that only spoke English.

Still hasn't found a good job because you are useless in Mexico if you can't speak both languages. He's pretty fucked up and borderline suicidal.

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That's the language Tarascans speak? I knew a girl whose parents spoke it. She was hot as fuuuck.

Brutal. You need to know English in Mexico too?

I understand the gringos pain of losing their land,but Orale homes that's what y'all did to us in the first place.

I know crossing the border is bad but let's be for reals y'all whities look down on us, and treat us like second class citizens. I didn't want it to be this way, but humans are tribal animals vato. I didn't choose to be Latino, you know. I just feel so uncomfortable with you whites looking down on me, like literally you foos like 7 feet tall and shit. Wachu gringos eating God damn homes. Anyways I forgot my point so laters allugators

Keked at the velas and Fabuloso

>You are literally cutting yourself off from cute girls
You're forgetting that latinas are the gigantic self hating race mixing whores who hate men their own kind.

If you know English but not Spanish it would be pretty hard communicating with your employer let alone function in any way.

Imagine if you get dropped in the middle mex city and have to restart your live without knowing anybody.

I send him 100 bucks a month and another friend sends him 100 so he can cover his rent and food. We keep in touch but every day he is getting worse and I'm legit scared he might do something stupid.

Damn, he doesn't have relatives over there? Or do his relatives over there hate him?

His dad died when he was young and he never met his mom, his uncle paid a coyote to bring him over he was a shut in kid never really made any friends or bothered to find his remaining family members, he is from Michoacan so I'll assume his dad was involved in the drug trade and got shot.

I got to know him from work, pretty cool guy was heavily into anime and games, he bought some weed one day and forgot he left some in his car and got fucked on a DUI check point.

The whole thing was pretty dramatic.
His uncle is also helping him but the guy is on fixed income.

"basic salang"
>fierro por la 300

>can't speak spanish
Now now Juan, not so fast there, you are not a Mexican, your shit-skinned parents decided to cross the border illegally and you were born on US soil, speak english and know fuck all about my culture, so you're neither an actual American nor a Mexican, now go back to eating taco bell.

Not learning to speak Spanish will not do you too much harm in America but consider this: Spanish is the second most common language in America due to immigration. It would help to learn it in America to be able to communicate with the majority of Americans and also do not call your own race beaners, you sound pretty dumb saying that

>Spanish is the second most common language in America
>Rent movie from blockbuster
>Only languages are English and French

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And why do people immigrate from Mexico? Because the conditions there stink economically and politically so they come here for a better life, una vida mejor

French is used a lot more internationally

French is like a universal language in Africa and Europe

Just because Mexico sucks, that doesn't give Mexicans the right to move here. What do you think is going to happen when your kind becomes the overwhelming majority?

Seriously.Fuck you. California is becoming more and more like Mexico everyday, and it's terrible.

No Juan, your parents left the country because they lived in mud huts just besides the border and are so ignorant and poor they think mowing lawns will get them the American dream, not everyone lives like the faggots on the north and south border.

Fuck. Hope there's a light at the end of a tunnel for him.


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you're not a mexican, you're a mexican't

Not really. The people who come to America are the subhumans who can't be smart enough to get a better job in Me-he-ko


>le pol
I'm not a redditard Trump supporter, simply stating the truth here, i hate you shitcanos believeing you are like us when you don't even speak spanish and the only knowledge of Mexican culture you have is from movies.

le magapedes stay out of my thread

I hate minorities, liberals and the alt rite so I have no problem murdering them in the upcoming racewar. Behead the alt right nazi and then shoot the nigger.

>I'm not a redditard Trump supporter, simply stating the truth here,


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No bitch. I'm going to move into this thread with my 5 amigos and leave my trash everywhere and contribute nothing meaningful. Just like a Mexican does when he moves into an American neighborhood.

>i didn't read anything
I think Reddit is more your speed.

>Instead of fighting spics irl I'm going to trash this thread instead


You know you can't fight us irl because you're a weak wh*te pussy boi.

I did not say it did good for us, but it is incentive to help Mexico maybe so they can go home and stop taking jobs, however the gdp does rise because of them. Also did I mention I am white

>not reading your incoherent posts makes me a redditor

please continue to QQ on why jews are the reason why you can't get a gf and get laid

Callese pendejo, no eres mejor por haber nacido en un pais tercermundista, un dia voy a ir a mexico y voy a traerme a tu hermana aca a united states de gringolandia para cogermela diariamente

Lo unico que vas a hacer es morirte de hambre cuando no puedas crusar la frontera como lo hicieron tus padres color mierda, buena suerte shitcano.

I hereby declare you an honorary white man, vote trump 20202 and get those spics deported

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I dont need to fight your dumb ass when I can vote for politicians that will order ICE to deport good chunks of your retarded extended family.