What mode am I fellas?

What mode am I fellas?

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fleshlight mode

why so blue

>tanning with half a 2-pack
jumping the shark mode

Is anyone else attracted to the color blue?

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Post body faggot

>jumping the shark mode
Don't use phrases that you don't know shit about


>best girl got with worst girl
Fish deserves better

agree It's my headcannon that they break up

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the best girl is papyrus because he is the beat at everything

is jumping the gun what youre looking for

Incoming melanoma mode.

I have no midsection definition. I'm also not getting a tan and making threads about myself.

Rather than finish cutting and doing things right, he's just saying fuck it and getting a tan and calling it a day. It's used perfectly you trog.
desu, both would work

only faggots tan in booths. Go outside faggot

no they wouldn't

jumping the shark is a very specific phrase

Both would not work you mongoloid. Jumping the shark is absolutely not the correct phrase.

So then shut up you fat fuck

Try lifting mode

Skin Cancer mode

Holy shit, you're still shitposting on /fit

Nuka quantum build

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Skin cancer mode

Jumping the shark and jumping the gun mean two completely different things.

Jumping the shark is when a tv show does something gimmicky to try to garner ratings, while jumping the gun is a false start, or doing something prematurely.

The former is a reference to a 70s tv show, and the latter is derived from track and field lingo.

I lost my fish folder but I still love her

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Faggotry mode

>tanning bed with a necklace
Stupid faggot mode

I got it user, ignore the haters


ayylmao mode

I am undecided between melanoma or basal cell carcinoma mode

Do you think tans happen in one session or day?
He has plenty of time to work on his tan and get those abs mmmpoppin at the same simultaneously

>jumping the shark mode

How did YOU get a reservation at Dorsia?

Eats and drinks and probably smokes too much and doesnt do cardio but is still prrobably better than his peers because he looks 38 mode

Start cutting.

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not showing your arms or shoulders directly enough so we can't tell mode

Soon to get skin cancer mode