Is anyone else here tired of the gynocentrism on r9k? Some of the guys on here are completely obsessed with pussy, all they think about is pussy and trying to get pussy. Their entire life revolves around pussy and their entire personality is geared towards getting the approval of women. Imo, r9k was never really like this until recently and this is not what being a robot is about, despite the fact that this type of person has now becomd synonymous with being a robot because they can't shut up about being pussywhipped lilttle faggots on r9k. Anyways my point is, to me being a robot has always been about being disadvantaged and fucked over by life more so than not being able to get pussy. When you think about a robot you think of someone who was severely bullied throughout life, likely comes from an abusive family, has debilitating genetic issues like social ineptitude, being ugly, being a turbomanlet, being a weak skelly or obese, having major mental issues/mental illness either genetically or as a result of shitty childhood and upbringing etc etc. This is far further reaching than simply not being able to get your dick wet. If you're a robot as described you have all the right to be angry at the world and depressed, and i feel like most normies would agree to some extent at least, where ad the other group wants to murder people because they cant get sex which understandably no one will agree with because its insane.. I feel like most people would have more sympathy for robots if they could seperate themselves from the angry tards and show that they actually got fucked over by life. You can't succeed if you were set up fore failure before you could even start.
Real robots
real ass robot
Being single and friendless is the least of my problems desu life is bad in general. Though I've never really strived for a relationship.
>gatekeeping on r9k
What's new
Dumb ass nigga. I never said you cant post here, i'm just saying you're a faggot and you're not a robot. You shouldn't want to be a robot because being a robot means being an irredeemable loser. Besides, if you're one of the guys i described you're insufferable and retarded, no one likes you and you'll be "gatekept" at every website you go to except maybe mgtow forums cuz they're equally massive faggots.
>Though I've never really strived for a relationship.
Same desu, before i got on r9k i never even thought of this stuff. In general being this obsessed with relationships was always seen as a faggot trait by normies and losers alike.
Based af
I am not interested in a relationship. I am ugly as hell and my life sucked growing up. I am saving money from my wage slave tier job so I can travel for hella cheap before i kms. You can travel for really cheap if you want to die anyways.
realest post on r9k right now
I am just sick of seeing the 3d foids posted everywhere
Anime is patrician but you're no different if you obsess over drawn women rather than real women. You're just extra butthurt you can't get them irl so you pretend you don't want them anyways.
I am a faggot, nigger
Also have you ever dealt with them? This is not pretending
You're gay, you obviously don't want women.
Am bisexual, I choose. and it was a great choice I do not regret
>barely can lift 30
>bullied constantly
>abusive parents
>extremely severe crippling depression
do I qualify?
Then why did you say you're gay? Bi is not gay
>No redfirniggering spacing
>Overused "I'm le deep and edgy meme" words
Real robot checks outs
what part of it was "deep and edgy"
do you honestly have to ask?
Sure, but what about a certain meme?
tfw no gf
It is not not gay
Will you be my smol bf?
Holy shit this. Why the fuck don't those people visit the incel forums and stop spewing their sexual frustration here.
>bi isn't gay
Yup! No matter how many dicks you suck, you're still not gay!
are you retarded? Being bi is not the same thing as being gay. Being gay means you're only attracted to the same sex, bi means attraction to both sexes.
I blame reddit and the constant raids by /soc/ retards who post fembot threads. There also seems to be back and forth by both woman haters and misandrist groups raiding this board to "prove" a point. I don't get why they just don't leave us alone and take this crap to reddit or /soc/ or wherever the fuck they come from.
Agreed, but I also largely blame The Robot for not allowing repetitive posts.
>be 24
>have highest school degree obtainable where I live
>wasted 2 years in uni because overwhelmed
>never knew what I want to do with life and still don't
>I rather want to be left alone
>no job
>not even interested in any kind of relationship
not sure if I am a robot or failed normie. enjoy browsing Jow Forums the most when using the net.
either way I am a failure.
Jow Forums being /soc/ lite isn't surprising, though. normies and other shitters migrated at around 2016.
Ill bump this for all to read,, robros stay stronk, we will overcome the storm, as we always do...
Wholeheartedly agree with you, OP. This site used to be a place for autists to hang out, now it's a cesspool of horny underagefags who won't shut the fuck up about sex.
>If you're a robot as described you have all the right to be angry at the world and depressed
no normie actually agrees with this though.
Pussy is the best thing ever.
Have you even tried to fuck one before?
I swear i can be doing it for decades non-stop
if ur a grill (female) then sure
I don't think it is that good.
This is myth for me anyway.
you can be fucked up and lust after pussy heavily as well.
What's wrong, do the recent woman love threads threaten you, smelly incel?
its absolutely fucking absurd, these faggots started inviting women around with the orbiting and the do fembots do x threads and now we have underage tripfag camwhores being brats to anyone who doesn't drool over them
You can lust after pussy and not renounce all self respect and devote yourself to some e-slut.
Yeah I wish they'd fuck off, as I said in a thread yesterday I don't think anyone who has problems that can be solved by simply getting their dick wet has the right to moan here about anything because their lives must be pretty damn good if thats the case. Most of them are probably just retarded 18-20 year olds thinking their lives are over because they haven't fucked at least 20 people.
We're too defeatist.
We haven't even bothered to make a robot general, to keep alive a slice of the board we want back.
I guess now that a lot of us who are left are approaching mid-twenties we don't have the same humorous experiences to share as when we were still trying to go to school or adapt to working.
And we've definitely become more apathetic out of sheer necessity.
Its been over for a while now but I still need somewhere to lurk.
Whatever. RIP.
I leave r9k bc of how much of a shit hole it is, and come back to people complaining about the state of this board.
Is it time for an uprising, or a complete migration to a real robot forum?
I used to be able to not lift 20, now I can lift 40. Just keep practicing and add on 5kg to the one you're currently doing once you feel the current weight is easy.
dont worry we still lurk here but it has gotten insane with all the woman pussy lust. who the fuck cares I don't even go after women at all anymore. I really just don't give a shit about half of what's discussed on here now
I feel your pain our home, OUR board was taken and we lost and hid so quickly. we didn't even fight it. to be fair though it creeped in over the last few years but it's full throttle normie central at the moment
we need to make some bot generals and try to take back but also get our boots together and when an obvious Norman ass post happens we either all attack it with memes, gore/porm and shit or ignore it based on content of the post. we need to fight back
boots is bots
All of us have had this idea but we're all too beta/apathetic to make the thread.
We need to migrate to a website that is modded by real robots
True, but the argument is that if your only issue in life is not being able to get laid then you're not really fucked up
>implying that this board being overtaken by normiescum isn't ironic to the whole "being a robot"
what did you mean with this, originally
Finally someone says it. The incels whining here are normies with friends and jobs and normal health. They don't know what real problems are like.
>the norman who can't see irony
get out
Oh my God this post needs to exist