Why lift when it is all about the face? This guy would steal your girl 100% of the time, no matter how big you are

Why lift when it is all about the face? This guy would steal your girl 100% of the time, no matter how big you are.

Attached: chad.jpg (634x784, 73K)

Because I have a decent face as it is. My girl would never leave me for him

If she existed that is.

Well I don't have that face so I have to compensate somehow, retard

i dont move in the same social circles with millionaire male models so what he does is entirely irrelevant for me

then explain why he is dating an uggo

>that jaw

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>i dont move in the same social circles with millionaire male models so what he does is entirely irrelevant for me
Why aren't you a millionaire user? Just buy Bitcoin in 2010. Are you a brainlet or something?

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It's not about the face. It just so happens that attractive men are treated very well in life by the opposite sex and by other men that their confidence is always maximal when it comes to socializing and dating. The attractive face itself of course helps, but it's mostly a set of ingrained personality traits as a result of the attractiveness that lends itself to the general attractiveness. This is why average guys can land 10/10s simply by being cooler/more confident/more interesting than others.


I'd rather be fit and ugly than fat and ugly you piece of shit. At least i'm in the middle of the foodchain instead of the bottom.


He looks like a little child, but she is a cutie.
love that hairstyle.


they went and made Tidus real nice

That study is retarded. Just lol at thinking women know what they want

cope, they want a handsome man.

This study shows chad can have sex with any women just because of his looks.
The «don’t care about what women think» meme applies for ugly fags that can talk their way into sex, chad doesn’t need that


Get jaw contour fillers. Some docs have it as $1000/syringe. 1 syringe goes a long way. If you live in England or Aus, you're fucking lucky because of how many filler clinics there are. If you live in the US, literally just google "jaw contour fillers" or "jaw fillers" and there are docs (mainly in Cali, one in NY I think) that perform the same services. Like 99% of insta models, both male and female, get filler in their face - whether it be to cover under eye circles or enhance their jaw bones or fix their cheek bones. Fillers can literally make you model/at least above average-tier - just gotta find the right doc.

Is it really that cheap? How often do you need to go?


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this is literally the exact same reinforcement that results in your Jow Forums types. half those guys have absolutely nothing wrong with them but they just happened not to make friends and have access to that social acceptance, and continued negative reinforcement from then on has taken them on a whirlwind of rejections great, small and everything in between, ultimately ending in the poor bastards becoming jaded and bitter. this happens all the time. this is absolutely basic as fuck psychology.

Depends on who you go to but Dr. Emers in Cali is really good in the US. There's another dude that if you just go on youtube and look up "male model filler transformation" or something you'll find him and he's incredibly experienced - spans from NY to Cali though so if you wanna get in touch you need to contact his office now and book an appointment. Might not be available for a few months. But Emers is pretty open.

You gotta keep in mind that like, you're probably gonna need more than 1 syringe to get Jordan's (model in OP) facial features/jawline and cheek bones and chin. Like, the male model transformation dude had to have used like 2-4 (maybe more) syringes on the guy. So you're not gonna drop 1k and get the results you want, unless you already have really good bone structure.

It depends on the filler and where they put it, but like 2-4 years basically. Like 99% sure they get injected into/behind the muscle so it stays in before it dissolves.

Also, you might encounter jaw implants or chin implants or something while researching this and, as someone who worked for a plastic surgeon for 5+ years - do NOT go this route. Jaw implants are fucking stupid and chin implants need to be surgically implanted by someone with like 20+ years of experience for it to actually look good and last forever. Plus its 10x more expensive. Stick with fillers, save up, and book some consultations and filler dates.

did/does being surrounded by insecure patients all the time ever wear on you?

my face is above average but i'm bald
unironically why live