> You need her more than she needs you
You need her more than she needs you
I need someone. It doesn't even have to be her.
>tfw she breaks all communication after 6 months lifting
I have no more motivation, she was the one, Mommy material and loving.
I don't have a reason to lift or live.
just tell yourself that hoes aint shit and pull through, that's the only option we have. let us not suffer because of her
>she was the one
No person, especially not a woman, can fulfill you or make you whole. There is no 'one' apart from yourself.
>tfw I stopped doing heroin for her
>Tfw I started to do cocaine because of her
Coke is too expensive
>tfw muscle guys aren't her type but she loves seeing and cheering you up when you're exercising because is something you like
For all the sad anons, we are going to make it bros. Believe this shit and do what you have to do, even if you have to take lifting at autistic levels do everything what it takes because no one is going to love us like ourselves and in the end we can't trust in anybody other than yourself. keep going and make this user proud you glorious bastards
Fuck women. They don't value men nearly as much as most of you slaves worship them. Seriously, you're a pawn to them. You're just a fucking tool to them. You waste your time languishing over some dumb bitch who simply does not care about you or your fucking feelings.
I know my man, but bro this shit is delicious. It might be the fact that I was utterly and completely devastated when I try it for the first time it was when she left me and my buddy told me that this was going to make me feel better. I did a very small dose because it was my first time but after 3 or 4 lines I still knew that I miss her but suddenly I didn't care anymore. But as you said is pretty expensive so I don't do it as often, but it really helped me to get out of that hole I was in.
>tfw she needed me
>tfw she crushed on me and I cared little
>started to realize I liked her
>was there for her. Wanted to make her happy
>her life is now pulling together with help from me
>still loves me, but I don't feel the need she once had for me
>realize I grew to need someone to need me
>feel empty
How did it happen. How did the tables turn
>fell in love with a girl in a city i was only living in temporarily (12 months for a job training program)
>forced to break up with her when im placed in a city halfway across the country
why is life so cruel bros
No chance for a long distance? at least until either of you might be able to move closer
quit with the black pill shit
feminsim and incel ideology are two sides of the same jewish coin invented to drive men and women apart
neither of us could do long distance. she's too rooted here to leave and i wont be able to come back for multiple years. it's hopeless.
It was her move all along my man, I can tell this by experience. I have this sort of soft spot for chicks that need to be saved and it's always the same.
>Be me
>Meet broken anonette
>She is insecure, doesn't trust in anyone, have issues with a lot of things
>Be me fall for the girl and give her everything and she would love me for that and is practically obsesses over me
>Keep gaining her trust and give her my best
>When she sorted her shit out she just said that she isn't sure about this anymore
>She left me
This shit happens every time, and every time I fall for it, well fuck me for being stupid
>he will never need me as much as I need him
>there is no "her" only yourself and it's been that way for a very long time
>tfw in the same boat.. I think?
Theres been times where I thought he was over me and I was willing to accept that until he messaged me back in tears saying he couldn't stop loving me.
It feels like he really needs me only when Ive become unobtainable to him
>Forgetting about yourself
>You need her
>she doesn’t need you
I stopped caring about girls or being emotional around them after my first gf broke my heart
This. You're the one
>ever loving a woman more than she loves you
One way ticket to burnsville nigga
Lift, spin plates, don't get too attached.
You might think it's counter intuitive but how much a women wants you is inverse to how much you appear to care about her, swallow that pill and go get shredded.
> took a girls virginity a few weeks ago
> we lay there and cuddled and looked out the window, talking about shit
> fall asleep with her in my arms
> a few days later, text her about what our status is (are we dating etc?)
> she replies "sorry I'm not looking for anything serious right now. Good luck with everything"
> totally confused and heartbroken, we've been talking for like 2 months and went on loads of dates
> go back on tinder
> I see her there
> I'm utterly crushed
I don't know what to do bros, but she was perfect for me. I think I get more and more attracted to her the longer after she dumped me
iktf all too well, I think I scared off a girl by being too needy
She will never need you. Get over it and get power money and knowledge. Wisdom power and fortune favor the hardworking. God put you here to test you and make you grow, not get coddled like a lovey dovey baby by the soulless sextoys he put here as a way to relieve anger.
Long distance is a great way to cuck yourself.
If she's not getting dick from you, then she's getting it from someone else.
This is why you always keep the woman chasing you, never ever chase a woman. Read how to be a 3% man and it explains it much more but basically you need to never let the tables turn here. A woman who needs you is a woman in her feminine wanting masculine presence.
Seriously bro you are almost there just need to fill in the knowledge gaps!! I will shill this shit forever because it works
I think the problem is that I've been alone for so long and this girl just walks into my life that is awesome, I just fell head-over-heals for her too quickly. Hell when we started dating I didn't think she was that attractive, but after she dumped me I saw a photo of her on Facebook and she looked beautiful.
That's exactly what you did wrong. You don't want to show feelings to fast, you also want the girl to be bringing up labels and asking where she stands, never ask if you guys are dating or whatever the fuck. Let her pursue you. Read the book user, it will help you a lot. I know it hurts right now but you'll make it.
is this why people have kids?
Thanks user, I appreciate it.
We're all in this together lads, I love all of you.
It's the opposite. She's absolutely gaga over me and I'm not crazy about her. She's sweet though and I appreciate the regular sex
when she dumps you for not caring enough about her, you'll miss her and it will drive you crazy. I've been exactly where you are
She pulled me out of the abyss and I fucked it up by going back into it. Just destroyed the most meaningful thing I had in my life 2 weeks ago, feels bad man
I've just started on the 3% man journey and it's mind blowing realizing how much I've done wrong, but even more so how easy it is to correct it.
Are you me?
She's high T and will probably be bald by 30.
We deserve each other.
Women in general just don't need men anymore. The state acts as husband for all of them, providing them with protection and resources better than an only man could unless he is very rich. That, plus the fact that females have lower sex drives than males, makes it so that their standards are constantly rising while we work our asses off for a whiff of pussy.
What needs to be done is rounding up all Jews, deporting them to Israel and then cleaning our society from their influence.
I hope not. We're really fucked people, arent we user?
That’s why I drink Pepsi.
Also me anons. But I fucked it up monthes ago. I miss spending all that time with her. But there is no going back for me. I've tried. We talk but its so distant.
>the only silver lining is more time to lift.
The first thing you should learn is that you should never let a woman know you love her more than she loves you, even if that might be the case.
I'm in the reverse situation, but not in a bad way
You've never experienced love, son.
Gonna look at this book. Any other recommendations?