I want a cute short husband. Whats the secret to attracting short guys?
I want a cute short husband. Whats the secret to attracting short guys?
im 5'10'', just ask me out
inb4 too tall, real convenient
5'9'' here
op, this guy's definitely too tall for you
pick me
No secret. Just go up to a guy and ask them on a date. If you aren't ugly as fuck then you'll be good.
Not OP but above average isn't short. Short is below 5'7"
5'6 is my upper limit.
200lbs is my upper limit, so i guess we're even
I'm 5'5" on the dot and love girls taller than me and have had the misfortune of dating a girl shorter than me.
never had the misfortune*
fuck I'm tired right now
Just talk to them you dumb cunt, there's no "secret"
I'm 5'4 is that fine?
How tall are you anyway?
Usually short guys learn to never tried or ignore tall girls, just ask he to date, say you like him.
>tfw 5'6
>tfw tall girl fetish
>tfw see so many girls taller than me
>some basically tower over me, but this is rare
>tfw 6 ft
>fantasize about being a cute short boy getting dominated by a strong tall girl
life is suffering
By being attracted to them.
I'd love a girlfriend that's taller than me.
5'2" here
Tfw 5'1 and no short-guy fetish gf
Doujin? Reverse image search gets nothing
please be in vegas
wow , a woman who wants short guys I guess god loves us after all
First step
>Be a wimin
Seccond step
>Dont be a man
Finally a bit a hope, it's so heart breaking when girls won't give us a chance because we can't become 6ft.
5'4 is fine
Give contacts. Although I do have to warn you that im a tall girl male
Literally just talk to them. I'm 5'6" and automatically assume women aren't interested in me unless they're significantly shorter than I am. If you show any interest at all, I'm sure you'll get a short bf in no time
Strange. I'm also 5'6" and especially tall girls are often interested in me.