Ride my bike on the street

>ride my bike on the street
>signal properly, wear lights, abide by the rules of the road
>people still honk at me, yell at me and call me names

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Buy a car u nerd

I'm a NEET on Jow Forums. I can't afford a bike

It's stupid as fuck that people aren't supposed to bike on the sidewalk. People walking and people on bikes are much less likely to cause each other problems than people biking and people driving.

A car* oregano

Get a job then? Orginalgla

Die fiilthy normal

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>being proud of being a neet even though it's clearly causing you hardships in life

stay inside
nobody honks at you there

It is stupid as fuck that we do not have more bike lanes

Stop bringing your toys out in public. Bikes are for children.

I have a job, that wouldn't warrant getting a car since it takes only a few minutes to cycle there.

Jow Forums is for children. And yet here we all are.

>ride my bike on the street
>don't signal properly, don't wear lights, don't abide by the rules of the road
>people don't honk at me, yell at me or call me names
Feels goodman

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I was riding in a bike lane when I last got yelled at

Bike lines are stupid as fuck. Just bike on the sidewalk.

Yeah I think this is the best idea

You are a good rider

Where do you live? Some nice rich area I assume

dumbfuck roasties carrying their FUCKING TODDLERS ON THE BIKE LANE

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>>signal properly, wear lights, abide by the rules of the road
fuck that. when I had to bike/board to get around I always had my way with shithead drivers on the road.

In case of a collision, you're going to lose. Might as well try to be safe.

bike on the sideline
move over as far as possible for cars, if necessary get off bike and move to side
understand rules of the road are a beautiful fantasy but cars don't care about bike rights, so treat cars like stray dogs and just assume every one's going to attack you
remember that drivers don't give a shit about bike signals, just look and don't turn until it's safe
>t. bike rider all my life, grew up in a semi-bike-friendly town and have lived in both pro- and anti-bike cities since
good job being baik master-race, cars are for fags and fag-enablers.

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I've had my fair share of close calls but I also know my limits.

Everything's a tradeoff, it's pointless stopping at stop signs on a bike where there's no traffic, and running reds can mean avoiding riding in traffic. Only cagers and self righteous redditards seriously think bikes should obey all traffic laws.

Women with babies who think their shitstain kids entitle them to blank social checks are utter untermensch. Don't voluntarily throw yourself into utterly stupid situations and then screech that the entire world should come to a halt for your convenience because Brad's crying potato is in your flabby arms and you can't be arsed to take half a moment of your own time to ensure your own baby's safety.

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I can breastfeed in public becaus muh baby mah bodeh

>it's pointless stopping at stop signs on a bike where there's no traffic
This is true, but at the same time many stop signs are in locations where visibility is so low that you have to be almost fully stopped in order to look both ways. 50' visibility isn't one whole heck of a lot when traffic is moving at 35+mph.

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And yet they won't allow me to cockfeed my hamster in public. Fucking double-standard roasties ree

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Just an average medium sized flyover city

Cant wait for boomers to die off

>>ride my bike on the street
i do that too
>>signal properly, wear lights, abide by the rules of the road
i don't do any of that, i removed all the lights from my bike. I just either ride on the sidewalk or bike lane if there is one
>>people still honk at me, yell at me and call me names
never had it happened. You live in a really big city?

The biggest city in my state, not a really big city like NYC or Chicago though.

use the sidewalk more
i never actually ride my bike on the road cause it's just a hassle. I only use the road when there are like no cars at all or if i really have to

Ignore the jerks user, that's what i do when i light up a big greenee in front of everyone and normands yell at me