Black people be like: "I operate the deep fryer at McDonald's. Let me tell you about how white people can't cook."

Black people be like: "I operate the deep fryer at McDonald's. Let me tell you about how white people can't cook."

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Lmao y'all wypipo think ice cubes in water soup is too ethnic for y'all. Like wtf man y'all get off that weak shit baka desu senpai.

>be poor
>buy shit quality and/or processed food
>smother it in store bought processed 'spice mix' to make it slightly less inedible
>cook it in lots of oil or lard
>become obese diabetic
>"yall crackaz can't cook fo sheeeiiiiittt"

the whole "white people are bad at food" meme really really ignores the Italians

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They do be tambout that, you feel?

Unsurprisingly, this post was not oregano.

>Implying Italy isn't in Europe

Shekel for a gud goi

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>implying Europe is white

Please tell me about your favorite british foods please

Fun fact: fried chicken us originally Scottish and black people love it.
Fun fact: pancakes, cheeseburgers, clam chowder, french onion soup, pot pie are all white foods that people love.

Yeah, no shit, and they're all bad for you, too.

Name some foods black people came up with. Protip: you can't.

Peanut butter whiteboi

Invented by the hwyte man, try again :^)

>Names one thing
Actually that was invented by Ancient Mayans. If black people have contributed so much to food then why is that all you can name?

I said that as a joke desu, I like white food

I don't understand why Mexicans and blacks exaggerate the amount of hot sauce in their foods. It doesn't make it taste good, it makes it taste like shit. The Mexicans I'd say are worse with this habit.

>Hey gringo want some hot cheetos
>Why yes thank you
>Hot cheetos are soggy and wet from too much Tapatio and lime

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All meds are white, even by white nationalist standards

Im white and love hot sauce so fuck off weak fucker

I am Italian and bet I have whiter skin than you bucko

I'll bet you're the kind of guy who orders 2 stars at the thai restaurat and still complains it's too spicy

Dude, black people KNOW HOW TO GODDAMN DEEP FRY. You really want a mayo cooking your fries?

t. nigger that adds too many spicies to accommodate with his shit food

Good food doesn't need a gorillion gallons of hot sauce to taste good.

Learn to read and understand things retard. He wasn't talking about how spicy the food was, he was talking about how shitty Mexican food is.

I mean seriously. Mexican food often has terrible mouth feel. It doesnt taste like eating a soggy diaper, but it sure feels like it half the time.

I live in California and rarely eat MExican food. I'd much rather hit up a pho shop, or a chinese takeout place, or a greek grill.

>Im white and love hot sauce


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Blabla Invention here Invention there what Advantage do you get that a White guy invented Stuff. White People still cant cook.

Whatever you say man, but that simply isn't the case.

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>White People still cant cook.

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Holy original shit dude

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The audacity and projection lmfao
I guarantee you and every other white on here pretends to be black in any and every available thread

I love that white people literally cannot stop themselves from being triggered by food bantz.

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> implying

And french

French food is so fucking overrated and I say this really as someone who doesn't believe the whole "white people food sucks" meme. French food is only considered haute cuisine because the french are the ones who started rating everything. High end french cuisine is never revolutionary and is incredibly simple. Half the spices they use are Indian in origin like Cardamom.

Compare to traditional Swedish and Norwegian food that isn't nearly as influenced by uniquely foreign flavors and influences

It's race envy. Niggers project their failures on others.

>el atrocida...

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That's a funny way of spelling Cajun, but to each his own.

fucking australitards

>"wypipo can't cook"
>dumps several cups of sugar into spaghetti sauce

Name one famous nigger cuisine besides waffles and fried chicken?

Go on...

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blacks would definitely fry food in mayo

You're ignoring the fact euro wh'teoids considered Italians as nigroids and the last mass lynching in the US was of Italians

peanut butter was invented by negros right?

Not to mention the jews! They gave us corned beef

>euro wh'teoids considered Italians as nigroids
Fake news and we consider them white now.


Every European nationality has some kind of appealing dish. Even the anglos.
Unfortunately many German Americans seem to have forgotten proper German food.

Overused to fuck. Responding to bants with bants in turn isn't getting triggered.

The absolute state of stormtards

all retards and nonwhites attack whites because whites are the best at everything

Yep. Exactly this. I think they call it "Louisiana" cousine or some shi.

>ignores literally everyone but americunts

been watching a bunch of Gordon Ramsey videos and I must say he is the man

You know McDonald's was founded by whites right?

Even KFC and fried chicken was.

Both of those were made by whites.

I can't hear you over your fryer grease bubbling Jamal.

Dirt cookies.

You mean mud cookies, haiti' s cousine?

The Scots, and later Scottish immigrants to the southern United States, had a tradition of deep frying chicken in fat as far back as the middle ages, unlike their English counterparts who baked or boiled chicken. When it was introduced to the American South, fried chicken became a common staple. Waffles also come from Europe.

We will have the tiniest bit more than they were not in their lives to

LOL, have niggers EVER invented any food, they just steal from white people and pretend it was theirs all along, how fitting for that filthy race of niggers.

Niggers suck at everything user

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I don't understand this. The black people who work at mcdonalds are using white recipes.

The joke is that white people(white americans) barely season their food.

don't engage in this please let them get butthurt and continue echo chamber in their little circle

You do realise this is just a joke about stereotypes right it's like you faggots making slavery jokes and nevermind that how are you getting angry over this and then saying black fryer operates say this when it's mainly just 20-30 year old females

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If they're such good cooks then why do they work at McDonald's?

Asian wagie gook alert lads
Here comes the racebait lads, brace motherfuckers

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Most white people aren't Italian though.
I'm Anglopride as fuck, but even I'll admit that food isn't the west's strong suit. I used to date Asian girls and they would be insanely amazing cooks, then you date white girls and it's "Steamed vegetable and TV dinner chicken breast"

Why are black fast food places so fucking slow? I don't go to White Castle anymore, don't feel like waiting a half hour for 2 fucking sliders, I know that shit's premade too

You're just a massive fucking cuck. The women in my family cook amazing meals but then again we're German not Anglocuck "let's fight Hitler and kill the white race" scum.

>it was theScottishwho were the first Europeans to deep fry their chicken in fat (though without seasoning). Meanwhile, a number ofWest Africanpeoples had traditions of seasoned fried chicken (though battering and cooking the chicken in palm oil). Scottish frying techniques and West African seasoning techniques were combined by enslaved Africans and African-Americans in theAmerican South.
It was mix of African and Scottish you fags there's a reason why the US is called a melting pot

It literally doesn't say that. American niggers literally got fried chicken from white people and that's a fact. Get over it.

>White people getting offended over the simplest stereotypical joke
It's like me complaining because you make a blacks can't swim joke

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anglo food makes you big and strong

There's a whole fucking article on Wikipedia what are you on about, whites deep fried chicken while blacks seasoned it so they just did both and you got this, are you retarded user

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they can't swim though

It literally says Scottish people came up with it and that American black influenced it but Scottish people were the original creators. It literally says nothing about Africans. You made that up to fit your lying nigger agenda

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Well I'm black and I can, get beat motherfucker. Seriously though it's mainly due to cultural crap from decades ago which is pretty easy to solve. majority of black people can learn to swim however a small amount have more denser bodies tha the average person so it'd be harder for them to swim

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You can't objectively agree what "good food" is because it's entirely based on culture and opinion. 99% of the world thinks pickled herring is disgusting, but in Norway it's a delicacy, and guess what, they're not wrong, because you can't disagree logically with what someone else likes. Saying another cuisine is bad just shows your ignorance and that you believe "if I don't like it it must not be good". Learn to view the world with a more open mind you daft fucks.

Just about every culture fries chicken in some form or fashion. No one culture "owns" a type of cuisine.

Who the fuck care who came up with what? As long it's delicious and nutritious, it's good in my book. I don't give a fuck about the color of whoever made my food. Whites always complain about blacks being sensitive, but you can't even handle a little stereotypical banter without breaking into a racist hate filled rant.

>Goes to the beach*

There's articles on it I linked to the Wikipedia page as well go read fag

How bout niggers stop being such racist scumbags?

Sorry lad I got that skinny body with muscles plus I got dat 150 meter certificate from way back

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It says nothing about Africans creating fried chicken. You literally made that shit up. Pathetic niggers are always lying. Tell me again how the white man stole all your inventions. I've literally had blacks in person tell me that whites stole every invention from black slaves who literally don't know how to read. Somehow an illiterate black slave invented the automobile and a white man(from Germany) stole it from him. You people are pathetic. If you had real pride you wouldn't like.

>Sees a common joke about stereotypes
>Accessed blacks of being racist scumbags and then acts like a racist scumbag
The fucking pinnacle of intelligence here lads

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>Swims in a 10 foot pool*

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I can't even be bothered to go into this but are you actually this fucking stupid, user no one said they invented it it says they had an equal part in it's invention and never mind your fake experiences and bullshit but do you believe the shit your saying

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It's not a common joke about stereotypes. It's a trope that you niggers made up in the last 10 years or so. I never used to hear that shit before.
>Makes up a false stereotype to attack people you don't like*
>They disagree and point out that you disproportionately work in fast food*
>Be butthurt about counter bantz*
Lol you niggers just want to be able to attack people and then not expect them to strike back.

They didn't have an equal part in it's invention. Scottish people invented fried chicken, period. You niggers stole basketball from us but when we steal rock music from you you cry about it. Maybe we just did it better than you.

>Swim at the beach
>Don't drown
Fooled you motherfuckers now to show my real ability

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>*laughing emoji* why wypipo always zig when dey shoulda zagged?*several more laughing emojis*
>Fuck you monkey nigger, the day of the rope approaches and I can't wait to gun you shitskins down in the streets, Heil Hitler!*roman salute*

Just jump off a cliff already.y

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>Implying blacks don't say white people are devils, inbred mutant albinos, you're breeding us out of existence and talk about killing all white people
>Implying blacks on this website don't brag about blacks in South Africa murdering white farmers by the tens of thousands

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They didn't season it you stupid faggot that's like making a car with half the parts missing
That joke was around since the 60's how are you bullshitting like this and the amount of false stereotypes about black people is high yet no one complains other than faggots on twitter because it's literally a joke and what counter bantz your just going on some retarded rant here seriously at least be smarter with what you say

Oh wow, the small number of blacks on this website go on the offense when a group of neckbearded racist congregate and talk about exterminating them for having the nerve to look different from them, go figure.

>be OP
>write like you're a nigger on twitter
Good thread, NOT!

But they fried it you retarded bitch and that's what makes it fried chicken. Oh my God blacks have to deal with such harsh racism. Oh my God people think you eat watermelon. How awful.

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