Be me

>Be me

>Work at subway

>yesterday I had a chick come in, she told me she wanted a Veggie Delight. As I went to get the bread she asked me if I could change my gloves cause she was vegan and I had been handling meat. I did that, no problem, perfectly reasonable request. I get her bread, toast it and put all the veggies she wants on it, I start to wrap up her sandwich when she says, "can I get some mayo?"


>I look at her, she's looking at me, I pick up the mayo, I'm waiting for her to be like haha jk.


>Me: "You know mayonnaise has eggs in it right?"


>Vegan.exe has stopped responding

>She stood there for a second.

>V: "N-no it doesn't, I get mayo every time, are you sure?"

>Me: "Yes ma'am, mayo has egg whites in it."

>I felt so horrible, she stood there with such a distraught and defeated face, I had shattered this poor girl's world.

>I had a couple people waiting so I had to get this lady out of here.

>Me: "Would you like the mayo on it ma'am?"

>V: "Sure, go ahead."

>My life is a lie.wav

>So I gave her her mayo, wrapped her sandwich up and charged her for her sandwich, she was silent the whole time. She took her sandwich and started walking out.

>Me: "Thank you for coming, have a nice day!"

>She just looked at me, sighed, "yea, I'll try" and walked out.

>And that's the story of how I taught a vegan that mayonnaise is, in fact, not vegan.

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hopefully this made her stop being a retarded vegan but i doubt it
was she cute?

About a 6/10

Been having a really shit week so far but this made it a little bit better, thanks op

Hellmanns use free range chickens in their mayo anyway. I dont know what the big fuss some vegans have over animal by products.

You have done us a real service user, thank

Shitting massive eggs every day because their bred to do it for hundreds of years. Ethical anything meat dairy etc related is horseshit

Rebbit spaec

You should've told her as she walked out user. Good shit tho

isn't this a repost?

Keto guy here, I always get the chicken bacon ranch chopped salad with 3 big handfuls of olives and extra oil and ranch. Literally 60% of the time someone behind me in line will comment that it looks delicious. 90% of those times I'll explain what it is and the whole keto diet, and they'll say they have to try it sometime. 100% of those times they continue to order about 300g of carbs and another 80% of those times, they'll get sugary soft drink and chips or a cookie.

They're not gonna make it, folks.

You claim to work at subway.. where is proof?
also show us some pictures of creations you made

Have fun with your clogged arteries and heart disease user, at least you will be skinny for a few years

>he thinks eating dietary fat increases cholesterol
You're not gonna make it either. Keto diet is incredibly healthy. I'm thinking of going strictly beef/chicken/water soon, cutting out all the veggies just to see how it goes.

Dude as a former Subway employee I can fucking relate

sup sean

ketofags are almost as bad as vegans. Nothing wrong with being on a keto diet, but you fags always have to wear it like a badge of honor and look down on other people.


I don't do that. I'm happy to relate how much weight I lost (40 pounds in 6 months) but beyond that I don't begrudge people their bread and cookies. I fucking love soda and cheesecake and all kinds of unhealthy shit, and fatty salads are a pale imitation. But at this point I get depressed when I break my diet and eat carbs again, and it's miserable. I can't go back.

Jfc I hope you die

>40 lbs in 6 months
Nothing to brag about my dude. I've lost 35 in the past 6 mos just by cutting out soda and sweets.

Holy fuck you were fat

I also work at subway pls be my bf. I have a similar story to this.

You'll get your wish eventually my dude, but will it really make you happy? Stop eating processed sugars my dude.

It's pretty shocking to normies who are buying sodas and cookies and giant foot long loaves of bread at subway.

went from 6'0 215 lbs to 180. Not fat, but definitely overweight.

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wrong post, I might not be fat but I am dumb.

I probably eat less of it than you for years now, you annoying faddist

>As I went to get the bread she asked me if I could change my gloves cause she was vegan and I had been handling meat.
This kind of shit is so stupid. Do vegans think another animal dies every time they even come near meat?

I worked with this vegan old lady. She said nobody ever wanted to go eat anywhere with her because she had to interrogate the staff about their cooking habits to make sure there was no cross contamination. Just like most snowflakes, they think the whole world should cater to them. She was like 300 lbs.


thank you OP. For the BTFO of my mortal enemies

Wooow...what a dilemma. You redpilled the fuck out of that vegan and I think there is some philisophical insight in this event, depending on how you think of it. Ignorance really is bliss

She should have gotten lite mayo and been a little less of a traitor, lol.