People still male fun of me and poke fun at me, and mess with me. They have the impression I am stupid...

People still male fun of me and poke fun at me, and mess with me. They have the impression I am stupid, my weight is not an issue. Literally everything I say is ridiculed. How do I stop being a pushover and end their teasing?

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Pull out a gun

Beat the fuck out of them and they won't make fun of you again

No meme responses please

learn how to be a cheeky cunt with your responses. You dont want someone to walk all over you with words? Have good comebacks that are on the fly and put your foot down on subjects (regarding you) that you wont tolerate. eventually they will learn what to not bring up / fuck with you about

Are you stupid?

submit you BITCH

Where do I get good comebacks?

No but I am not good at being social

Teasing isn't common in the adult world. Where is this teasing taking place?

At work and in my group of associates I hang with.

i cant teach you because its natural for me. I never learned it per se, its just part of me. Good comebacks do not come from a list on a website its something you have to either remember for the situation or make up on the spot without delay

Where do you work?

give me some examples of a situation where someone said something and lets try

OP here, how developed is your vocabulary? Do you read a lot?

Just fucking stand up for yourself. If your comeback isn't good enough and they still laugh at you, punch them in the face. That's literally how masculinity works. You don't have to just go around hitting people in the face, but if your manhood is being challenged, you defend it by any means necessary. Some men can defend it with words and wit, but when that fails and the challenge remains, that is when you have to fight.

I would recommend to try and show that you aren't bothered by it at all, not responding and showing no weakness will usually just make themselves feel bored of making fun of you and can even just get them to stop bothering you as a whole. On top of that, just try being more open and social with others, make friends that can back you up in those situations, if you have a problem with being social just remember - Whats the worse that can happen when talking to someone? You may never see that person again or even ever get to know that person if you dont speak to them, so you might as well talk to them while you have the chance to.

A grocery store, my friends hang out all around town

this is gay as fuck. Fight them you pussy

How old are you? Just trying to gauge the situation.

i read yes but im assuming the vocab needed for cheeky responses inst shakespear but rather slang and inside jokes

Don't want to get fired or make enemies, I could win but then I would make haters

ye this doesnt work, if its a bunch of friends at work or whatever it will get laughter after comments about him so anything that gets laughter will be repeated even if the person the joke is about is silent

I was an introvert up until a year ago

give some examples but leave out personal details if you can. lets see what have to work with

Are you like the guy that logs off when you get flamed on online games?

>Walk into room
>Everyone makes fun of my vocabulary and deep voice
>Everyone eventually focuses on me and try to pick me apart and they often take my words and sentences out of context
>Talk down to me
>"Relax dude were just messing with you"
My communication and social skills suck, and while they have gotten better they still mess with me. I need to change their perception and stop being a pushover. While what andis both correct, I need to find the balance, and how to communicate it.

Not at all, I just don't know how to respond to these people irl

Please respond guys, how do I stop being a retard?

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Don't take any shit. It's that simple. Whatever someone's making fun of you for, make fun of them for whatever their weakness is right back. Is the person teasing you fat? Ugly? Stupid? Have a shitty job? Flunked out of high school?

Or if you can't think of anything or just had enough, tell them to fuck off. Say "Hey man that' pretty funny, you know what's funnier? Me fucking your mother for Mother's Day." Or go fuck yourself, suck a bag of dicks, etc etc

You cannot allow someone to show you disrespect. You have to shut it down immediately. If you have to burn bridges with all of your friends, so be it, because those people are assholes, and you will find new friends and gain confidence from sticking up for yourself.

You can do it man. Fuck the world. Stop giving a fuck what other people think.

Their already used to disrespecting me, is there a way to slowly back them off?

>>Everyone makes fun of my vocabulary and deep voice
what did you say to get this reaction?
I cant really tell you what to say to everyone but theres gotta be individuals that fuck with you for your vocab or deep voice and surely theres things maybe how they pronounce words, their accent or something that you can pick up on and make fun of them for. It shouldnt sound harsh, it should sound playful, cheeky and literally just like youre fucking with them. it can be something just fucking simple like: "my voice might be deep but at least i dont fucking lisp every third word I say" or and this is the easiest one if you find them misprouncing a word you can literally just repeat the mispronounced word exactly like they did in a mocking manner.

dont make it seem like you hate the person or that youre angry. Keep it cheeky, playful and like its banter

You have to get really pissed off at them. Raise your voice, swear at them, stare them in the eyes and don't look away until they back down. If they never see you get angry they will think you're a push over. You have to get so angry that you look like you will get violent at any second if they don't shut up.

I used to use words like "dude" a lot, and that ones repeated a lot.

Is there a way to mind control people? Magically make them respect you? No there isn't. A simple "Hey man I get that you're just joking but it's actually bothering me can you lay off?" is perfectly acceptable. If someone can't respect that or goes at you harder, that person is literally a piece of shit and not worth your time. You HAVE to stand up for yourself one way or another.

I should add that I am not short, I just seem really passive, when I have gotten irritated they immediately back off "whoa dude we're only messing around"

alrite so fuck it make "dude" your thing if thats what it takes.

if your daily greeting to some fucker at work is "whats up dude?" just find a different way to pronounce it, perhaps exaggerate it.
The easiest way ive found to make people stop fucking with you about a particular word or situation is to meme about it yourself to them. If you can meme and make fun about yourself and the word "dude" you kinda own the situation. make it funny in your own way and you can own the "word" again.

you will know if you own the word that is memed about you when you joke about it and nobody really cares that you said the word anymore and then you can just stop giving a fuck about it

>if you find them misprouncing a word you can literally just repeat the mispronounced word exactly like they did in a mocking manner.
also just a side note, dont do this without any context like nobody is roasting anybody befoer this. only do it if its like in "defense" dont actively look to roast or make fun of people in an aggressive manner. just "defensively" unless you feel the situation can be made happier with some cheeky wit

Are you rude? Stupid? Anti-social? If people are making fun of you for no reason, tell them to fuck off, if there is a reason and you actually want to be friends with these people, find out what is and work on it.

Read some books, get a hobby, get a personality. Or just keep being an outcast until you go postal and kill yourself and a bunch of other people.

its way too fucking late so good luck m8.

also dont be afraid of making mistakes in your life, mistakes are stepping stones towards a better life.

I guess you could say I am socially stupid, I certainly need to read more, and develop my personality more.

Yeah but its not just the words I use, they look down on me

are you new to the job? how long have you known these people? do you work hard at your job? a lot more to consider to as why they do

I work hard, have been there for almost 4 years. I have known them for most of the time I have been there

well then given what you have written it sounds like they dont show you the respect you feel you deserve. Without knowing you in person I cant really tell you the exact reasons why. I can only advice for you to analyse your own behaviour (dont overthink too much) and/or personality and see if you can find out why on your own. Usually though if youre young at a company and all your other coworkers are older and have worked there for a long period thats just generally how respect at some places work

If you're not beating their hostile attitudes already then there's nothing you can ever do. It's not who you are.

become a fat trap

Stop responding to this shit

Hey Denis how are you?

'people' sounds like classmates because if any people are teasing u just go where they arent or 100% ignore their ezistence. Any person who bothers u should be cut from your thoughts and consideration. If youre being bullied then brutally beat someone to a pulp and absolutely lose your shit. Do cocaine beforehand if you really want to win.

next time someone tries something immediately take a knife to their throat and piss on their squirming body as they try to breathe through
a blood gushing throat, then you will finally be considered an alpha

>"The jerk store called. They're running out of you!"
It's that easy

on his discord.

fucking this user has it

alternatively if your friends have worked outwith you before and see how much weight you move they tend to respect you a bit more


>if your friends have worked outwith you before and see how much weight you move they tend to respect you a bit more
why on earth would anyone give the slightest shit about how much weight you can lift, other than like your boss if you had a really physical job?

>being this autistic
absolutely unfortunate.

>Where do I get good comebacks?
’straya, those cunts are the masters of banter.