I just want a girl to love me why must you punish me like this god
I just want a girl to love me why must you punish me like this god
do u guys think I still have a chance or is it time to hit up another whore
she types similarly to a girl i'm talking to right now.
what's her name?
definitely not the same girl but it's zoey
>implying any woman can learn how to spell properly
I honestly fucking hate women.
She is keeping you as a future beta option.
No you don't. They always say that and 1 week after you see her with some guy.
It happened to me when I was 16 and me and the girl never dated, and I kept trying.
Today i am 25 and i have learned with my mistakes, trust me and my experience and stop talking to her.
Block that cunt, she'll be riding a new dick in 3 days and stop talking to you.
this is standard "youre my second option" speech
there is 2 options:
1) she find a chad and then suddenly she is ready for a relationship
2)she finds no one or 1) fails, she feels lonely and comes back to you as your second
>I'm not in a good place for a relationship right now
>you're a sweet guy though, we could still be friends, teehee
In other words, "I want to stay single so I can keep being pounded regularly by Chad and Tyrone, but I would like to keep leading you on as an option just in case shit goes wrong and I end up alone, lol"
yeah this sums it up
This. Even if it works you will never be more than betabux
Jeez, she could have told you beforehand so that you wouldn't have wanted your time.
Literally the fucking textbook script for friendzoning/beta orbiters.
>Im not ready for a relationship
>Youre really sweet and cute
>Maybe at some point in the future
>I dont wanna lose you
This is ALL fucking bullshit OP, it is all a lie. She wants to use you for free meals and emotional support and she uses the vague promise of a future relationship to get you to agree. Tell her to pound sand and never speak to her again. Shes a manipulative whore.
Yup. She's leading him on with vague "in the future" talk like she'll ever change her already made up mind. He'll inevitably believe there's hope, which there never is, and continue down the self-destructive oneitis path. He'll vent to her about being led on and she'll turn on him hard, putting the blame solely on him and that he's a fake "nice guy", when really, he's just naive and took her at her word.
It's time to ghost her. She's a bitch and she knows it, but will never admit it to you. Cancel any plans you make with her, invite her out and don't show up with a barely written, last minute "emergency", and kind of fade out of her life. She's trouble.
the whole "just friend" thing isn't worth it, they always come and dump their emotional baggage on you then leave for someone else with only a "thanks for being a good listener" if you're lucky.
get away while you can, she is most likely just gonna end up wasting a lot of your time by chatting without you ever getting the change to get anywhere with her because you'll be just a friend
>hella sweet
Not that I think you have to be in a relationship to show interest in someone, but language like thst should be a red flag. If you're that nice a guy then literally all she had to say was 'I like you but I'm not ready for a relstionship'. That's it. At that point you can still go out and hangout and enjoy each other's company. But a 200 word essay pointing out how you're just such a swell guy? Congrats - you're officially the backup plan. If she can't find anyone she's all yours m8 :^)
The real question is why you think basement dwellers lurking an washing machine service help forum can answer your question
Ignore all the replies above and below. Forget you made this post. Fuck this post. Figure it out yourself, worst that happens is you get rejected or something. Who cares, just dont ask r9k. R9k cant help you with this stuff, you moron.
Hi, I'm the guy who dates the girl who has a ton of orbiters. This is exactly the kind of thing she would say if she wanted to put someone down and didn't want to date them. Sorry, OP, it's time to move on.
Reply with you suck