How's the summer job hunt coming along?

How's the summer job hunt coming along?

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Signed a contract for a job end of May. Starting it late July. Going to be a tiddies career.

End of April**

It isnt.
FUCKING gay retarded stupid original comment bullshit dumbarse shit

who is this cup man

>write cv
>overqualified for experience
>underqualified for lack of a college degree


>tfw literally got my resume thrown back at me once
>moments after the next group i sent my resume to told me i was overqualified
i guess i'm just bad at being bad as well!

Not at all cannot wait for winter when all the normalfags go back inside.

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Terrible. Applied at 20+ places several times and not even an interview.

>applied somewhere weeks ago
>ambushed me on friday with a "phone interview" in the middle of the day
>just sitting here waiting for whats next hoping i didnt fuck up too bad

this is bullshit

How do I get a job?
I'm a 20 year old with no experience. wat do i do?

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>tfw got a coaching job that pays 15$ an hour as an 18 year odl working 15 hours a week

Today i bought a fully loaded hotdog and 12 pack of beer with my neetbux. I enjoyed a relaxing evening of resorting my porn folders.

volunteer somewhere for a while n put it on your resume. or lie about experience

>passed online math and questionnaire portion
>qualified for interview
>didnt get the job

Happened almost 4 months ago and I havent applied to any more jobs since. Also robots why is it so embarrassing and nerve wracking to ask for a job application in person. It should be a law for every application to be avaible online.

I'll enjoy my paid summer vacation because I have an adult job but thanks for asking OP

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>apply for on-campus job in May
>it's still pending
Holy shit I'm running out of money and need this fucking job

No time to work since I have 3 classes and an internship

>being a wagecuck


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I got one dishwashing job and trying to get another. Wagecuck shit is breaking me

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Terrible as usual.
I cant get hired any where. Not even Walmart will take me.

>not wanting to live a comfy, well-organized and rigid life

What position?

online? man if you've never had a job before you're going to have to check out craigslist and meet someone in person

walmart is only easy to get in if you already know a nigger working there, keep looking user, you'll find that it's easier to find work in places you wouldn't expect as opposed to stereotypical places like "walmart"

Who here /janitor/ it's not just me. right????

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I just got one at a warehouse, I'm 19, they don't always require experience and there's a lot of applications online

I tried applying as janitor but for some reason they only give sex offenders and old ladies the job here.