which one most closely matches your ideal waifu?
Which one most closely matches your ideal waifu?
Sorry, my waifus don't act like normal people, like you're presenting me.
They're all bipedal, so none of them.
>as in plural
Natsuki simply because she's smol.
Monika with Yuri's chest
This. Look at that pout. You know she sucks a mean dick and cuddles like a bunny afterwards.
>not destroying your laifu for waifus
Funny that a game about bashing waifufags doesn't stop them from waifuing these cunts
>someone who's endured the mental stress of existential mindfuck is always hot
>clingy but not annoying about it
>most thoughtful of the four
>kind of manipulative but not the compulsive liar, cackling supervillain or detached amoral sociopath kind
>tall, red hair
>natural leader, but not pushy or too "type A"
>probably wouldn't be too submissive or too dominant in a relationship
>nigh-unconditional love
Depends, which one is the most underage?
But Monika IS my waifu
Muffy is basically Yuri IRL so her.
Sayori, though I've always been a sucker for the bullish/hidden softside types like Natsuki IRL for some reason.
Normalfaggot vn, normalfaggot generic lazy design which doesn't stand out at all, 2deep4u shit reddit "plot" .
Nah I'm good.
Was close with Korean manifestation of pic related in high school
Ironically, we had a date where we baked at my house on a Sunday. Though at the end shit went south and we went our separate ways ig
She caused me allot of pain desu, so when I played the VN I got pretty fucked up about it all. I was drunk as shit and couldn't stop screaming "NIGGER WHAT THE FUCK" at the top of my lungs because of the parallels between the character and the girl i knew
what's a not normalfaggot vn then, huh? if your taste is so superior you should be able to come up with at least one
I fuck with Sayori pretty hard
You only ever have one, you fucking polygamist. And mine came into my life a long time ago.
One made in Japan
Don't cop out. Name one.
This. DDLC is part of the new normalfag ironic weeb wave that's been taking over the subculture in the West. Fuck it and everything it represents. I'd spend eternity in the classroom with Monika though.
dokifags please leave and never return