Any /costco/ bots here?

Any /costco/ bots here?

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I live within walking distance of one but I don't go often.

favorite place to shop

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I've never been to costco, but everything but that hotdog is overpriced as fuck.

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Me neither, I've also never been to Wegmans either

Do I need a membership to buy fast food from Costco?

no, the food court does not require a membership

anyone with a brain knows to get the polish dogs

Nice left knee

ur missing out user, wegmans is amazing

My parents always bring me back the chicken tendies when they go grocery shopping. Also Costco fries are god-tier, I can't think of any chain that does it better.

How is it overpriced, it's 5 bucks for a full meal that will actually statify you. That's less than a mdicks meal.

I know my faggot Rochester friend won't shut the fuck up about it

My dad registered a fake business so he could get a costco card

>on a hotdog
>ordering a churro

WTF? Are you a spic?

Can I polish your dog

Why, wanna fuck

I always get the turkey sandwich and churro, it's a comfy meal.

>Get all that food for 5 dollars american

No wonder you guys are fat fucks.

No. I just want an answer.

The fact you're trying to avoid answering the god damn question has me thinking you're a big smelly spic. Unironically kill yourself so us real humans can enjoy the planet without having to be bothered by subhuman scum.

You don't put ketchup on your hotdog? I use it everytime I masturbate. Works better than lotion.

No. I put mustard and relish.

Ketchup is for tendies and hamburgers you dumb shit.

>putting ketchup on burgers

yep, a 56%er

>actually satisfy

LOL. If eating literal shit "satisfies" anyone

fuck off ketchup is the best with burgers
bbq is way better for tendies

What the hell do you think thousand island dressing is made of you idiot?

TID is a key ingredient on many of the best burgers.

You definitely want to fuck me big burrito cock

I removed one of my ribs so that I can suck my own dick, but it's really only worth it if I dip it ketchup first. Wouldn't you agree?

Go suck on a ketchup hot dog you faggots. Knock yoursefl out. Just know you have shit taste and shit genes.

Bit rich coming from a pathetic American, innit

Pure 100% Bavarian Phenotype here, idk what you're talking about.

What's your nationality big boy?

Hans, muhammad is done fucking your sister. Go pick up the mess and then maybe momma merkel will let you have saurkraut on your weiner.

I only go for a pizza, drink, and a churro

You seem to be hung up on brown people. Too much interracial porn, Senor Cuckypants

>le 56% strikes back

>El Creachurro is sad he is only 13%

Poor beano thinking it's hwite

Im done. Im tired and going to bed.

Just remember. You have shit taste or have no idea how to use condiments..

Cool opinion. Too bad you're fucking useless Mr 56

what? dude the pizza, hot dog, and drink were under 5$ total. the foot court is pretty cheap for great food imo

that looks like shit, im not eating that nasty thing

A discussion about costco devolves into bullshit about muhamad, why ketchup is wrong, and shit genes

And le 56 memes