Day 17 nofap

I'm STRUGGLING is it really starting over if I break right now?

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Day 2 of NoFap here and I got an instant, rock hard erection when I put my arm around a woman.

>day 79
Later homos

Hey OP,
You do realize the trolls that sold you no-fap are laughing so hard when they read posts like this that they're practically dislocating ribs, don't you?

You're an idiot. You failed the basic intelligence test: you fell for a stupid troll-meme that your common sense (if you had any) should have told you was bullshit. But you fell for it, hook like and sinker. Now your balls are turning blue, and you're probably on the verge of raping someone, or anything with a vag-shaped hole, out of utter desperation. Really, you should just kill yourself now, you're too stupid to live, you're better off as mulch. Just throw yourself into a wood chipper and be done with it.

I'm too depressed to fap. Everyone in my discord is bragging about all the PTP they've gotten.

>day 79
>he still believes he didn't cum in his sleep
nothing to be proud of there

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I have, but I've been doing kegel exercises to stop it. I have a ~33% success rate at the moment.


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Not really a no-fapper but I just feel more energized if I limit it to once or maybe twice a week.

Today is day 6 and I'm fucked.
I can't scroll through Facebook or anything without almost breaking, and my girlfriend is away for another week.

Incoming wrist injury tomorrow I reckon

If you're struggling it means you're not going about it the right way. If you're trying to suppress the urge to fap then all you're really doing is fighting one aspect of yourself with another, and no matter which wins you will always have a part of yourself that loses. It's a battle between yourself to see which aspect will arise as the new dominant ego, but as long as the desire to masturbate is a part of you then you can never overcome it without defeating yourself. The goal is to eliminate the desire to masturbate and replace it with something else, or to understand that you're using fapping as a simple solution to a greater desire, which is to be with a woman. You don't want to fap, you want to cum with a woman. If you paint a rock gold, it might appear gold and you might be able to convince yourself that it's gold and that you want it, but in reality it's not really what you're searching for and thus you will never be satisfied since it isn't giving you what you want, eventually the paint will scratch or fade and you'll have to replace it with more paint to maintain the illusion. The woman is gold and fapping is the rock. Realise that masturbating is not your true goal and the desire will go away and be replaced with a true goal of escaping your comfort zone and pursuing women. You will never remove your desire to cum because you are a sexually reproducing animal, so don't fight that aspect of yourself, but don't use spray paint as a solution to obtaining gold.

Tldr: you don't want to fap, you want to cum, so eliminate the mindset of fapping being the solution to your problem of horniness and replace it with obtaining a woman.

I can't believe faggots are still falling for the nofap meme. It literally does nothing. In fact, if you don't cum for more than a week your test levels go down. Probably nature's way of saying I guess you don't need those balls you beta cuck

Double digit IQ poster finally reporting in as per usual

Single digit IQ poster making his debut

Please help me lads I broke my streak jerked off 6 times since last night and I feel a strain around my groin, an ache in my shoulders and a shitty feeling in general. Always happens when I fap like a maniac so I wanna stop it forever, fuck.

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>realize that I haven't fapped for 8 days
>feel absolutely the same

this nofap shit is fake as fuck

The improvement feeling comes from breaking an addiction. If you weren't addicted in the first place then no shit you don't feel different. That's like saying "I haven't had alcohol in 10 years and nothing's changed".


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your life is probably flatlined, with on with no porn

Practice tantric sex

Day 16 here - longest without M was 21 days but this is my longest porn free streak yet. Have had sex 3x in this time. We got this bros

Day 65

Never have I held out this long since I first masturbated. All I want is to make love to a woman and let my masculine energy completey dominate her femininity. I want to completely consume the female and make her submissive to me. I will hold out for this and enjoy the gains I am making in my life during the process.

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day 24 here . decided to try 23 days of no weed as bonus

I ruined my 20-day nofap by fapping about 3 times in 2 days to thick ebony women.

Now I'm back at day 7 and yesterday I was close to fapping again, thankfully I went with my better judgement, closed the laptop and went to sleep.

Same my man same. Just can’t fucking stop this shit

>you have aromatase enzyme that stays in your bloodstream for 5 days after ejaculation, this breaks down T in to estradiol. you release prolactin which increases estrogen receptors. this is why you are a beta fag

Stop giving yourself ED and sterility.
Stop the porn jew. Stop the loneliness and low energy levels. Stop the low self confidence as you are filled with female hormones
Last 2 digits is the amount of days you do no fap.

Dont roll if you wont do it, Just dress up like agirl, tape up your feminine peen and suck black circumcised cock you fag.

After jerking off you have a massive increase in prolactin and aromatase enzyme, This enzyme stays in your bloodstream for five days after ejaculation.
This breaks down all your Test turning it in to feminine hormones.
Your androgen receptors get clogged with the break down products (bitch hormones) , Preventing T uptake.
This makes your blood T levels rise for a day or two after the aromatase enzyme reduces.
A day or two after the aromatase enzyme gets inhibited and the bitch hormones clear from the receptors your body starts to uptake the testosterone like normal again. This biochemistry process is why you are a beta male, There is no other reason.

Is there any proof to this?

>realise that i haven't fapped for 55 days
>haven't watched porn
>only spent a few hours in the custody of the girls i like
>get 8 wet dreams in the last 7 days before i broke my streak and binged ever since every 3-7 days
>feel absolutely the same

>all these underages that do nofap and will probably never be even sexually active anyway because they'll be too focused on working for years and years

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after the 7th day your test won't go any higher so it's a form of self-restrain at that point

i want to believe

99 get

It definitely increases prolactin. Before I realised I was addicted to fapping I went to the doc about my erectile dysfunction because I couldn't get it up with a girl like 5 times in a row. At this point in my life I was masturbating daily and had been since 13 years old, I was ~20 at the time and hadn't lost my virginity yet. I had my blood taken twice, both times showing I had high prolactin, I was even referred to a specialist and put on a waiting list, but I left that once I started nofap and my ED cured itself, at least somewhat, I'm still not completely free of the addiction. I know it's anecdotal but it surely can't be a coincidence.

Even if it's 01 I will fail

Hey fuck you schlomo

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Why bother my man. You should just end it all now

Actually pretty true but the hive mentality is too strong


I recently did 16 days of involuntary nofap, noporn, nosex because of a dick injury (don't ask) and not only did I not notice any mental, psychological or physiological "gains", but I actually had less energy and focus than I normally do.

Unless you're actually, clinically addicted (to the point you wank all day every day to quadruple penetration videos involving horses and pneumatic hammers), the supposed gains from nofap are all placebo, confirmation bias and wishful thinking. People are so eager to see Chad superpowers that were promised to them, that they'll attribute anything and everything to not touching their cocks for a few days:

>I beat my PR. must be nofap strength gains.
>a woman looked at me on the street. must be nofap charisma gains.
>I had a vivid dream last night. must be nofap imagination gains.
>I decided to clean my room. must be nofap focus and motivation gains.

Nigga, come on.

I wonder who...


lets go

Broke yesterday on day 41, going for 60 now. Definitely feel stupider and more anxious today

just over two weeks without porn. was having a wank last night and, after about ten minutes of kinda floating on the edge of orgasm, i took my hand off and just 'willed' myself to cum. it was surreal and amazing.

>Day 23

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99 here I go



99 gimme


I pretty much had the same thing.
Still makes me sad when I think about it..
Hadn't lost my virginity yet, and the girl I fell in love with was really into me. Eventually we ended up in bed and she was literally dripping wet, but I couldn't get hard. This happened 3 times in a row..

Here we go

Nofap is for people with erectile dysfunction, I couldnt get hard enough for penetration with my gf. Thats why you do nofap/noporn

Unironically just over a year of nofap here. Feel free to ask me questions lads, but I just want to say that it’s only worth it for religious reasons. If you don’t care about gods wrath then there’s honestly no reason to not fap (at least in moderation and sticking to erotic nudes).

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99 baby


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desu unless your literally addicted to porn, or gerkin it, or you have erectile dysfunction, there is no reason to no fap, fappin is good.

Nice get

waste of numbers

ED sufferer checking those digits

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Such digits

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>day 37
Shit is out of control lads. No social skills to talk to girls and too many years of negative reinforcement from trying, but I so need to unload into something that I'm on the verge of fucking traps. I got so hard just thinking about it.
I never asked for this. Nofap is a wild ride.

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what are the biggest changes that came about and at what time? why did you start? respect dude!

My June 1st nigga.
I also beat my PR of 22 days today.

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Will bitcoin go up if I stop jacking off

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day 23
going alright, had fuck all sleep because of a cold though
keep going lads, you got this

based sexts poster

When you finally have sex you're going to nut before penetration. Your "masculine energy" will be overshadowed by embarrassment.

lets go 99

Man, real girls can fuck off, but all the QT anime ladies are what tempt me to fail.



For those who are abstaining from porn, is there any erotica that is not cheating?
Like just naked girls or something.
PIED here, 17 days in nofap noporn

I fap to pictures of fully clothed disgusting girls and imo that is equally bad as porn.

Anything that involves physical contact is allowd, anything virtual is a Red flag.


I want to try nofap but gf wants the le sex and is ruining my streak all the time. What do l do fit help pls cant go like this no more


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If you want the nofap effects while having sex, you need to learn the male dry orgasm technique. It's extremely difficult and takes 9 months to a year to learn if you're consistent and persistent.

Get up and make something, can be anything, a nice meal, woodwork, just go make something.


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this doesn't seem healthy at all


Here's a sheckel and a (you) moishe

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>broke my nofap three times within the span of 12 hours
FUCK i was making such good progress. I started with a one day streak, relapsed into a 2 day streak, and now i've broken my nofap like 3 times in less than a day. Am I going to make it bros? How do you guys do it?

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rolling for one day

Having sex is not breaking nofap, dumbass. Getting laid instead of jerking off like a loser is most of the point.

Day 14 lads.
New personal best since puberty.
The full moon draws near.

roll for semen gains


I will not falter

Haha you've been so thoroughly taken in by the troll-meme that you can't even see your way past it anymore! Losers like you can't even think for yourselves, how do you expect to EVER make it in real life? You're all incels/gymcels now, that's all you'll ever be, you should become An Hero and get it over with.

depends man. where you sitting at now?


This projection

Riggidy roll

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>you are all incels
I'm doing nofap because it observably improved my sex life user, what did pulling on your weenie benefit you?

give me sauce on that shit