Can we have a hygiene thread? What sort products do you use to keep yourself at a higher level? I've been using pine tar soap for a while now and it blows every other soap I've used out of the water.
Can we have a hygiene thread? What sort products do you use to keep yourself at a higher level...
a higher level?
Of cleanliness, of attractiveness.
What's so great about it
i use black African soap
That smells amazing
I use moisturizing soap and shampoo once a week. Rinse off all other days
Really? Because that’s not what the name would have me believe
>using soap
Do you get covered in dirt or something?
yes it does
like vanilla
So good at cleaning you that you don't even really need to wear deodorant afterwards. I'm pretty sure it helped me get rid of my acne. Also treats skin conditions like eczema.
I insisted my wife was memeing me. I was wrong.
that shit takes days to rinse clean
it's the same pine tar soap as the OP
fortunately it doesn't reek of africans
>not using antibacterial soap
Enjoy not being truly clean after a workout.
I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.
It's pretty based because there is no scent that rubs off on your shirts and goes rancid. Your armpit just straight up stays scentless for a while though after about 5 - 6 hours, you natural body scent starts to come back. Not body odor (which is caused by bacteria) but body scent which may or may not stink based on your health and diet.
Forgot my pic
Soap lowers test and is bad for skin. Unless you're rolling around in mud you don't need it.
Rinse with water.
Apply good deodorant without aluminum or other shit.
That's it
g-g-g-g-g-girls please like my s-s-s-s-s-smell
I'm going to assume you're the same person. It honestly depends on what you do, the season and where you live. I live in NYC, my job has me constantly moving and it is currently summer here. That means it is hot and humid in addition to the air being pretty filthy. No seriously, if you leave a piece of white cloth outside long enough, it'll start turning black. The air here isn't clean or even dry so I shower every day, twice a day. If you live in some arid, sterile desert in New Mexico and work an indoors job sitting on your ass then maybe showering all the time isn't the best idea.
what the fuck?
you dont seriously only rinse off with water, right?
thats genuinely disgusting
I use semen and peel it off my tummy before bed
Nice does it work for herpes too? Asking for a friend
Your skin is naturally acidic and kills off most harmful bacteria. Washing every day fucks up the ph and takes away good bacteria, ultimately making you more vulnerable to infections, viruses, etc.
Smelly pajeet detected
Probably not but give it a shot. Nice trips.
>mfw Jow Forums believes that you shouldnt use shampoo or soap in showers
why the fuck is this the only fucking website that participates in such ridiculously autistic shit that literally no normal people participate in? every normal guy masturbates even chads who fuck/date/are married. literally everyone showers with soap and shampoo. yet on Jow Forums these are things that people make it out like they will actively harm you by doing it
jesus christ
OP the #1 god-tier hygiene product for men is gold bond/shower to shower/talcum powder. A nice light dusting on your nutsack, gooch, ass crack and you are gliding through life with zero friction. No more sweaty nutsack no more chafing.
They actually dont. The US is extremely germaphobic. Some yuro countries follow suit, but it's mostly the US. Daily showers still arent even a thing in most countries. It's just not great for your immune system. Your skin is your first defense and you're constantly blasting it with hot water and antibacterial soap, it rarely has a chance to regain its strength. Theres a reason allergies are so prevalent in the US and Canada. People just never let their immune system adapt to their environment
Its like a couple of glazed donuts down there!
As much as this has to be b8, historically people rarely washed, and there are tribes today where it basically doesn't happen.
its so terrible that we have SOAP readily available at all times
>historically people rarely washed
this was more to do with lack of water .
People have washed and used soap for thousands of years. Cradles of civilisation like the levant also were among the first soap producers.
Do you guys have effective methods to sort out Seborrhoeic dermatitis?
Do you guys use a sponge? I sponge myself daily but sometimes it feels like it takes away from the fresh smell of washing and soap, like the sponge smells bad even though I wash it daily after washing myself.
Or is maybe just the product that I use?
Use a loofah you literal nigger
Thanks for helping to create the next super-bacteria
This, lmao.
>wearing cologne
Aftershave is acceptable
>that 30 year old that makes soap
What is propper hygiene, really? I remember from a plebbit thread ages ago that a lot of people don't clean their ass cracks while showering, and they were suprised that some people actually did. I assume that I practise propper hygiene, but maybe I'm making an equally dumb mistake without knowing it. My grandparents have told me as kids their parents would dry them with a rough towel after a bath until their skin turned red. I assume it was to exfoliate the skin. Is exfoliation necessary for proper hygiene?
I shower 2 to 4 times a day. Soap armpits, back of the neck, face and neck, genitals and ass but apart from those I don't bother too much.
Cologne and deodorant based on how I feel that day. Almost never during the winter.
I feel dirty when I wake up so I shower. I feel dirty when coming back home from work (desk job lel) so I don't want to bring filth back home so I shower.
Today I showered before hitting the gym, after hitting the gym, before going out to an event and I'll shower late at night when I get back.
>antibacterial soap
Enjoy air-transmitted HIV, immunelet
Witch hazel and rose water to cleanse face, followed by sweet almond oil to moisturize.
Once a week exfoliate with sea salt scrub, made with salt, tea tree oil, and rosehip oil.
Dry brush before bathing, use coconut milk body wash. Moisturize with coconut oil.
don't do perfumes, but have a diffuser necklace pendant that I put a drop of my current fave floral essential oil. Been into wild peony lately, very light soft floral scents are my fave.
>I'm going to do this thing because everyone else does it and that's what's normal
Yes that's it goyim. Question nothing. Do as you're told.
Shit I rarely clean mine
and my hair is another story, being multi-ethnic.
Lavender vinegar rinse, followed by aloe vera mask as a shampoo. Rinse in cold water than deep condition with macadamia cream conditioner. Wrap in plastic cap, under low heat for an hour to further deep condition. Rinse, and use a bit of castor oil as I set it up in whatever protective style than sating bonnet wrap it.
All that is just a once week t hing btw. Don't wash hair daily. I will oil my ends, brush with boar bristle, and use a dry shampoo to refresh scalp.
What an absolute faggot.. This is the modern American male
Just seems excessive. Do you sweat a lot or something? Just wash your hands
That autist doesn't represent Jow Forums's overall opinion. Don't generalize.
hah, no penis here bud but hey self care isn't just for women. There a simpler hygiene routines men can have. I just happen to love and make extra income from self care products for women.
Humans have skin, taking care of it is ok.
>tea tree oil
>rose hip
>almond oil
are you trying to become a women or why are you smearing all those estrogenic compounds on you?
>Shower almost every day before bed, using a 3 in 1 natural product
>don't even wash my face in the morning
>never use moisturizer
>perfekt skin
they're essential oils I make myself, and use very little amounts of. am already swimming with estrogen due to vagina so no worries buddy
Yes. And it cures the common cold as well as chicken pox, pneumonia, small pox, and literally everything else
This looks like a timtam.
delet this plz im fasting
great genetics, you must have a balanced combination skin type and need very little in the way of moisturizing.
also this is an example of a simple routine for men. it varies by skin types
Apple vinegar. Try it diluted with water first, but it can also be used undiluted. Use a cotton pad and dab it on the skin once a day. It works wonders.
Love ACV, such a miracle fluid.
I'm more a fan of internal skin care. I take fish oil, zinc and gelatin almost every day and rarely eat sugar.
Using a ton of products and then putting toxic shit in your body, the products can only do so much.
I bought some Dr. Bronner's liquid soap and a shower brush a few weeks ago. It severely reduced my back acne. Good stuff.
I use olive oil soap and it's absolutely amazing. Helped clean out my eczema, and I've gotten complements about my hair and that I smell like flowers.
Imagine being this disconnected from the natural world
Good goy put chemicals on your skin it's good for you!!
>he fell for the shamjew meme
Very true. It legit starts internally, and healthy eating and supplements will clear up most skin issues.
I also just like how comfy the aromatherapy from essential oils makes me feel, and silky soft from carrier oils. Just my preference. It isn't toxic exactly, not like manufactured petrol based products which I don't use.
Sounds like a jewish scheme. Just fast. I used to have acne literally covering my back, i'd say over 100 pimples on my back.
In 10 days of fasting my back is completely clear. Shits magic cunt.
I think that's a castile oil based soap.
Which is vegetable based, can help acne/inflammation. Love Dr.Bronners, there's hemp soap from that line too.
It really does smell good
aww pepe is so cute
>historically people rarely washed,
Yeah, historically people died of the bubonic plague and used sheepskin condoms
Hurr durr
modern western folk don't live in those societies or in the past though so what's even the point of bringing up. we live in the current century, health and hygiene has changed.
I like natural holistic/herbal stuff and essential oils. but i don't live a preserved habitat away from modernity, so I don't dismiss modern science and vaccines like some would assume just because I'm into oils.
Post skin. Preferably on the entire body including buttocks and chest.
this isn't /soc/ and only mentioned genitals to clarify my extensive hygienic routines.
should of just let you all assume I'm a damn fag like I usually do
>she’s taking it srsly
Don’t let the attention go to your head, whore. You’re just another pair of tits and it’s the only thing you could possibly bring to the table here.
Nice trips
whoa first time getting trips neat
Jow Forums
>he doesn't know about antisuperbug GMO bacteriophages
However you cope with having a weak business card.
"Antibacterial" soap is bullshit. All soaps are antibacterial. Shit was even put to a test and now you can't use the "antibacterial" label anymore because it's false advertising.
If you ever talk to my boy with that tone again I will beat off furiously to the thought of it.
antibacterial means its got chemicals to denature bacteria on contact
normal soap just make it so the bacteria cling fibers dont work so water can move them off your skin
>its autistic to have a basic understanding of your own body
Please tell me most of you guys wash your ass after taking a shit
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
do you have folders of reaction pics? or do you search for such things?
this place spills their spaghetti more than /b/ ffs just going to stick to talking about hygiene routines and products.
Last (You) I'm giving, congratz you've rustled my jimmies so go jerk off now.
No. Black soap is made from coal tar rather than pine tar.
Is it for daily use though? I know it's recommended for post surgical procedures or any harsh dermatological issues like cysts. I didn't think it was for daily use though.
No, the fecal residue makes decent lube for assfucking.
Jokes on you I've been jerking off this whole time!
Isn't a shit and a shower the manly thing to do?
or wet wipes