>tfw mom fucked up the haircut again
Tfw mom fucked up the haircut again
Cut your own hair you useless faggot
Lol grow up and cut your own hair. It sames time and money.
impossible unless I give myself a buzz cut
I really need to find a barber. It has been so long that ive forgotten how its works. Do you tip them? Do you walk in and say "I would like haircut pls?" Not kidding, I really dont know.
jesus christ. there are people like this in the world.
idk man. at this point it's too embarrassing for me to start going to a barber. what if they ask me a complicated haircut question? I don't know shit about any of the terms they use, I'm fucking clueless.
Are you not white? White people usually always look decent with a buzz cut.
Me pic related
Is hair supposed to be spiky after buzzing it? I look like the neighbor from Toy Story, only you can see my pearly scalp through it. Also dandruff.
Just fuck my shit up.
Just go get your hair cut for like 5 peningas you mong
guys if youre still here i can actually answer this. at the beginning of the month i went to a barber for the first time in 10 years after a decade of cutting my own hair from autism. was worried about how awkward it would be
i sat there, got up to the first open guy, and just said "short on sides but longer on top" and didn't say a word for the 10 minute haircut lol
number 2 buzz cut
get red pilled faggot
>that 20 year old boomer who still gets haircuts from his mom
and did he magically make your hair look good? that's literally what I asked and my mom made me something like pic related
I don't know either, last time I said give me this of my old haircut and she did, only thing I didn't know was how much to cut from the sides or what the fuck the back is supposed to look like. Whenever you think you have perfect hair at home, take a picture of front/angled/side and they'll do it
pay 20 bucks once a month for a fade.
dude you cannot ask a non-professional to do any kind of home haircut besides just putting a guard on and doing it all one length like i used to do to myself. i dont know if it was necessarily good with my ugly face and narrow head and big ears but most people said it looked nice
yeah i didnt even tell the guy what length to do it at. he just went right to short as fuck of the sides, probably was a #1 guard or something lol
what kind of fade are you talking
>all these faggots getting undercuts
Have some fucking personality ffs.
I unironically want that t-shirt
>he doesnt buzz his own hair
grow up
ask for a zero or fade its not that hard
Ask for a Hitler Youth
Alternatively, the Glorious Leader
Do you guys don't have haircut places in your countries? I live in Romania and they are everywhere....what the hell
Why would anyone want douche-cut?
But shit's super cheap in Romania.
Fade master race
Just shave your hair, thats what i do for myself dont remember the last time i went for a haircut
I went to a Russian hairdresser and she fucked my shit up something fierce. It's horrible. I wanted a HY, now I look like pic related.
And the kicker: I usually have flowing, golden locks, she gave me all kinds of compliments about my hair. Then she destroyed it all before I could even open my mouth.
I've tried local hairdressers and they're pretty mediocre. Nowadays I just get a mate to do it for me.
post pic, might not be that bad. Otherwise buzz if you hate it, hair grows back.
i pay 30 bux a month for a haircut
lmao how old are you balding white. armour wont distract eyes from your balding spots. haha shave
>Tfw long flowing mane
Feels good man
Think I'll grow it until it stops growing naturally
Unironically one of the few benefits of being bald is that I don't have to worry about this shit.
you dont get it. look at percentage of what daily goods cost compared to wages. if you earned 1m a year 1k haircut would be super cheap compared to these best fashion hairdressers that take thousands for their work
>tfw slavshit flat hair when not treated properly or when it grows too long
I’m summoning /fa/ sticky, tripfag god to help you faggots out
>Barberfag get in here
That shit looks really bad. Also grow some hair on your face.
Are these the same person? 1st pic looks almost normal and the rest are coneheads.
Won't post pic, it's absolutely terrifying. Thank God for climate change, it's cold I can wear a hoodie these days.
Buzz cut is out, I'm German. Missing my curls, desu.
It's a shop.
Haha stay mad hair fags, just wear boots, braces and have a shaved head. Not sure how well this works outside of England though