Early 20's

>Early 20's
>Notice memory is becoming terrible
>Have trouble focusing, pause and stutter often when speaking
>Space out frequently
>Keep thinking people are trying to talk to me when they arent
>Look up symptoms, google says Schizophrenia
>Schizophrenia runs in the family

I probably have schizophrenia, what do you think? Any schizzos here who can weigh in?

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i have a lot of the minor symptoms but never talked to anyone about it

don't know about it running in family. my frame of reference and way i remember things is really odd.

My memory is absolutely terrible too. I hope I don't forget who I am later in life.

Describe your sleeping habits, OP.
Are they normal?

Do you often find that others don't understand what you're saying?

yeah I've been feeling a lot of the same symptoms except for memory deterioration, wandering focus, spacing out, hearing voices. I feel like my vision's not as good as it used to be but I think it's just from looking at a computer screen too long. Maybe you're looking at the screen too long too Op, lol. anyway nice pic have a good day!!

this is the worst part desu
kill me

You can have schizo symptoms without having it fullblown just like autism is a range of symtomps in severity

take omega 3 supplements and stop eating junk food
unironically food has a great impact on mental health
Got rid of my terrible depression and brain fog by simply improving my diet. Heard that it might alleviate mild schizo symptoms as well.

I notice there's a rise in interest in Schizophrenia just as I have started to notice potential symptoms in myself. I wonder if there's some form of secret campaign to try and get us to believe we have schizophrenia instead of just being quirky, like they tried doing with autism not too long ago?

>I notice there's a rise in interest in Schizophrenia just as I have started to notice potential symptoms in myself
Thought process like this is pretty alarming, I'm telling you. One of my friends became full-blown insane about two years ago, and it all started when he thought his social media newsfeed was MADE to appeal to him personally by some shady people. It then became a conspiracy theory which I was involved in. I wonder if he's better now.

Humans were not meant to live like modern man does. Schizophrenia was unheard of prior to the industrial revolution.

Social media algorithms literally do that foe everyone, though.

>newsfeed made to appeal to him by some shady people
but he's right

>he thought his social media newsfeed was MADE to appeal to him personally by some shady people.
That's literally true, though. ZUCC got into some major heat over that and Google literally allows you to set personalized ad options

Nah, I worded that poorly.
He thought that it's his ex-gf cooperated with some guys to make experiment on him and took control of public pages.

I mean, it's possible. Exes can be nasty. Did you at least see the evidence he tried to present?

To be fair, he was only wrong about who was doing it. It was still happening.

Yeah, I tried very hard to understand whole situation. He was delirious. When he said I'm part of the conspiracy I knew he's deep in it.
He was searching for cameras everywhere, some tapes, thought people constantly were spying on him,
A year after we stopped communicating, he wrote me that I should give him the tapes from the spying cameras.

Take your meds when you get them. Don't think "oh I don't need them, I'll be fine" like a drunk person going for one more drink.

Do you spy on your friends, or was he insane? Do you still have the tapes?

>also early 20's
>memory becoming hazier
>constant delusions of reference, think the universe is sending me messages
>think that ending post numbers have some kind of truth indicator to them
>extreme erotomania, think friends and family members sometimes are falling in love or want to fuck me
>extreme paranoia, think people I know may secretly be psychopaths, think people are lurking around my house watching me through windows
>on 3 occasions have thought that my mother may have poisoned my food, on 2 of those occasions I threw it in the bin when she wasn't looking instead of eating it
>have developed a stutter and sometimes am completely starved of speech
>taking greater notice of reflections of light, shapes of things, my own thoughts, other people's mannerisms
>delving deep into Eastern philosophy and Taosim, is probably the only thing keeping me grounded
>did LSD once when I was 18 and have smoked a lot of cannabis, sometimes if I smoke weed nowadays I think I see things like people peering around corners and camera flashes through windows in my house
>already likely schizoid, if this isn't schizotypal then I'm developing schizophrenia

it's not crazy if you're aware of it right? right?

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Come on. He was losing it.
Although it's not surprising considering how much amphetamine he did back then. I did a lot too, but managed to stop being a complete degenerate somehow.

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I was so sure I was developing schizophrenia for a long time. Turns out I actually had ocd with health anxiety, and schizophrenia was a "theme" of the ocd. Truth is, if you have the clarity and self awareness to even consider that you might be developing schizophrenia, you most likely don't have it


>camera flashes through windows in my house
You're not schizophrenic, just cringey.

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yeah but you need delusions

you just seem like a shut in incel like me

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I don't believe I have anything major wrong with me, but I have some of the non-delusional/hallucinatory aspects of Schizophrenia
They seem too vague. I can see why people would misinterpret having them as a sign of being schizo.

>half your experiences i can relate to
>also aware after the fact
i can't fucking stop

You should get him the help he needs, user. Don't be a shitty friend. He can't help himself.

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>it's not crazy if you're aware of it right? right?
unironically yes. If you really had schizophrenia, you wouldn't even be questioning these symptoms. You'd think it was all bonafide fact. You'd think it was all really real. Instead of contemplating if you're crazy, you'd be contemplating why nobody seems to believe you

I mean, just cuz you probably aren't a schizo doesn't mean there's nothing wrong with your noggin. If you have the money it's honestly best to see a councilor/therapist/psychiatrist. Just don't tell them you're thinking about killing yourself or hurting anybody

>Just don't tell them you're thinking about killing yourself or hurting anybody
I've hurt people for saying shit others told me they weren't saying before. It's the main reason I've lost all of my friends. Does that count?

I can't even reach him now. He changed several SIM cards(7 or smth) while we still communicated and after he decided I'm one of the plotters, he didn't give me his new number. And he moved from his previous flat, I have no idea where he is.

How the fuck are you gonna give him the tapes if he doesn't even sit still? He's a fucking idiot, even in his delusions.

Then I should mention that above all I believe that I have some rare insight into the meaning of life and what I need to do is bring it to humanity, I believe that I and all others are god and am trying to find a way to easily explain this to people as it defies words. I do also constantly compare my actions to those of Christ, although I am not Christian, like I said this is all in a Daoist angle.

I don't think this on it's own would be crazy but I do fear that due to my already stressful childhood and awkward adulthood that I am developing a personality that is losing touch with other people's reality. Which also on it's won would not be too bad but I need to be able to have the authority of seeming sanity to be able to have anybody take my ideas seriously. I'm not trying to argue that I am indeed developing schizophrenia but I need someone other than me to know the details of what I'm experiencing as my own narrative to give me a second opinion.

>Then I should mention that above all I believe that I have some rare insight into the meaning of life and what I need to do is bring it to humanity, I believe that I and all others are god and am trying to find a way to easily explain this to people as it defies words. I do also constantly compare my actions to those of Christ, although I am not Christian, like I said this is all in a Daoist angle.
That sounds like a very human perspective. I, myself, believe it to some degree. I don't think you're mad, user.

Sounds like a natural conclusion to waking up in this thing called life.

Ok thanks for the input, now that I have an idea that my grip on reality isn't out of my own control to an extent then all I have to do is keep myself grounded, not let my own thoughts get ahead of me, and I should be able to make some kind of understandable work to benefit others.

Stop drinking so much and meditate

I've been reading about schizotypal personality disorder and the symptoms seem to match on me quite perfectly. I'm already diagnosed with asperger's, but my my life in recent years has been more than just autistic awkward. I obsess over things, I have zero social life, and I keep reading into things too much to the point of seeing hidden meanings even when there are none. I've had auditory hallucinations before, but nothing so frequent that would cause me harm.
I'm mostly just depressed and numb all day, so it could be that I'm just autist with extreme social anxiety. Maybe I should go and talk about this to a doctor, just in case.

Unless ypu have diagnosed schizofrenia you should take bad memory and lack of focus as result of drink or lazyness

Brain is like muscles, if you dont use it, it witheres

>Brain is like muscles
Exactly. The more you flex it, the better your thought processes become.
Just buy brain age for the nintendo DS and work those cognitive impairments away!
This is how you cure Schizophrenia.

My memory is pretty good, actually too good for my own good. I remember every single conversation I've had and they keep repeating in my head until they lost context and become weird awkward shameful memories. If not schizoid related disorder, it could be just my extreme social anxiety and self-esteem issues. I'm tortured by shameful memories that may not even be shameful and which no one else even remembers.

Oh god why don't you remember?
Please wake up.

>food has great impact on mental health

This 100%. I've been eating well for over a year now and my body's reaction to junk food seems extreme now. One night recently I ate a kebab, tasty but full of grease. For the next two days I had this awful depression and no desire to eat. Curtains closed, sat in the dark crying and unable to focus on anything else.

Made a huge plate of chicken breast, broccoli and brown rice a couple of days later. Demolished the whole thing and within 30 mins I was back to my self.

I'd say high-fat diet is the most brain friendly.
Keto diet may still be considered controversial, but one thing is kinda proven - it's best for brain health, but you gotta eat proper fats and lots of green veggies.
Junk food is loaded with poor oxidized fats and fast carbs, as well as lots of unhealthy additives. It's horrible.

Schizophrenia looks like autism, several people begin call autist are in really had Schizophrenia.

Get sun light everyday

Welcome to the club pal, let me introduce you the wonderful world of neuroleptics ! Jokes aside there is a chance that it doesnt get worse as long as you stay away from drugs and alcohol. I learned about my condition the hard way with weed and LSD. Go see a psychiatrist.

He doesnt need meds though, for now. Meds can fuck him up even more

you probably just need to experience an ego death
600mcg of lsd should do the job.
If you dont have the social contacts, visit the dark web.

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Lmao that's a lot of bullshit, just like saying that exercises cure depression, dont you think that we would give people Nintendo DS in mental hospitals if it would cure them ? Lmao that's the most retarded shit I've ever read today, thanks for the laughs.

No this is terrible advice, schizotypical people shouldnt take LSD period, If you arent neurotypical this can fuck up your brain even more. A brains activity on LSD is almost the same as one with schizophrenia

They don't want schizos to get better, since they make money off of admitting patients and selling them drugs

OP please for the love of god dont listen to those advice, go see a psychiatrists now !! You dont want to end up like me locked up in a mental hospital for a month

Yeah sure buddy, that makes total sense. Neuroleptics sells more than antidepressants, its not a market they can afford to loose.... there is like what 1% schizos in the world ? Wouldnt nintendo learn about it and make profit by selling nintendo DS in those mental hospital ? If you think that neuroscience is financed by big pharma you are mistaken. You sound like me when I used to smoke pot. Irrational and stupid...

Going tp try it anyway
Its not like Ive got anything to lose
Perhaps it helps me overcome Schizo

Schizophrenia is rare, these symptoms are the same as many more common things. it's more likely social anxiety or depression. If it is medical at all. Non-medically dont do any recreational drugs, eat clean, sleep propery, excercise.

>>Notice memory is becoming terrible
>>Have trouble focusing, pause and stutter often when speaking
>>Space out frequently
I think youre just getting older. I noticed the same stuff when I graduated from high school, and honestly I thought it was just because I was fapping so much. I think it was just age

If there's any doubt that you are schizophrenic then you probably aren't. It's literal hell
>Everything you do being judged and told to you in your head while simultaneously having painful tactile hallucinations
>in order to stop the pain you must respond either in your head or out loud which is better but you look crazy talking to yourself
>have the power and self awareness to be completely normal but always take the easy (crazy) way route because it hurts less

Whatever, dude. Don't train your brain to healthiness. It doesn't effect me at all.

Psychfag here;


Primitive peoples behave in a manner reminiscent of schizophrenia by default. They experience persistent dissociation of consciousness between their discrete units of cognition. Meaning they attribute certain states of thought and perception to outside forces such as spirits, or gods.

Modern man is the taming of these illusions.

This is life-ruining advice. Take it from someone with severe anxiety, let alone schizo. Even weed can ruin an entire month of your life. This is fact, I have lived it. Do not take any psychedelic without a licensed psychiatrist present. Don't do that "trip sitter" shit. If a professional gives you psilocybin then absolutely, %200 take it. If you do it on your own you will fuck yourself beyond recognition.

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Yeah this is troll advice
I'm not mentally ill but experiencing ego death and living 30 years in an hour(had a 2c-b overdose) is NOT a healthy experience

Degenerate druggies deserve ego death. My uncle and older brother say so

you understand that ego death isnt something bad, right?
People who dont know shit about a topic but talk shit about it are the worst haha

that really depends on the person and their mental strengh / mindset.
Have severe social anxiety & depression for many years and drugs generally made my life a lot better in many aspects.
There are negative ones too, sure but if I had the choice I would always repeat that decision.

Go for it, then. I want it to happen to you.

>cried for three days after he broke his meme diet
Sounds like you're just a weak faggot dude, I'm sorry. I eat junk food fairly regularly, like fast food probably 4 times a week and snack daily, and I've never felt depressed as a result of it.

Exercise obviously doesn't "cure" depression, but the endorphins it releases into your brain will stave off the symptoms of it. Denying that is just retarded.

you actually dont get it hahaha
apparently you have no idea what you're talking about but thanks
I want to experience an ego death soon

Why do you think it's good? It's literally having your sense of self destroyed.
I hope it happens permanently to everyone you love around you, instead

To all this psychedelic talk, I did LSD when I was 18 for some kicks, it was way stronger then I was lead to believe, and it put me through the hardest and most intense night of my life, and I belive it left me with an accelerated onset on schizoid and schizotypal personality disorder. That said, before I did it I had no real intention to live a 'normal' life, and saw no meaning in reality, and by now had everything gone the same way as it was I would have probably killed myself. Now while the deug has certainly oblitered, although I think I would have had the same result more gradually and more painfully, my chances of finding happiness through a social life and relationships, it did something to my way of thinking and seeing the world. I basically realized while on the acid that I as I thought I was, was not as I thought, and that the elements of reality that I thought were permanent and immovable, could vanish right in front of me, things like time and space. With many years of thinking about that experiance, and a lot of reading and soul searching, I now think that everything in the universe is right were it should be and life is a perfect and beautiful happening.

I'm not saying that drugs are the only way to get to something like this, or that anyone should go out and do them, but if you are willing to put your life as a person at mortal risk, and truly need to find some meaning to reality and you self, then they can do wonders, although it may not be pleasant at the time. All that said, the only thing that they do is put hard to grasp elements of philosophical thought right in front of you, namely those found in Eastern ideas like Taosim. You could really get the same outcome from sitting alone in a cave fasting for a month if you have the right direction, drugs are just the fast and difficult to control path.

trip dubs of mercy checked

it would be a beautiful thing if all my family could lose their sense of self together

I have schizophrenia but I have no friends outside of the internet cause i ruined all my friendships when i was actively delusional and now people think I'm a freak. Please help me.

If you think you're delusional, you aren't delusional. Your friends just hated you for you. Get over it, user.

No, I didn't think I was at the time. Now I am on meds and better.

Fuck you user.

Similar deal here, although I don't feel that everything is as it should be. But I'm still more horrified of my previous mental state than this one.

Hey, at least you can tell I'm being mean to you for no reason now, right? I'm sure you'll be capable of making more friends now that you're not delusional.

>can't form real life friendships because it's hard to track verbal conversations and respond to them fluidly
>socializing on the internet always feels conspiratorial

Delete this! He shouldn't know.

Yeah you wouldn't think it's funny if it happened to you. Don't forget your own humanity.

Yeah... I'm moving back into my parents place at my hometown... I'm wondering if I should even try contacting them again or if I should just not even tell them I've moved back.

>I hope it happens permanently to everyone you love around you, instead
Look you're a retard, I understand why you would hate on me (because you dont even understand drugs the slightest) but you don't know anyone around me, neither me.
This just shows how shitty of a person you are.

Also - even though your small mind may not comprehend any opinion outside of your own -some people maybe want to have that experience willingly(!). There are people going into trips with the hopes of having an ego death & being reborn. Thats also where the term "complete transcendence" stems from, when you are able to give up control and open yourself to this experience.
It forces you do deal with the reality around you. But I guess you are one of those close minded fags that only listens to the stories others/society tells you instead of getting the unbiased information yourself.

You don't know me, user. Stop being so hostile to everyone else. I thought you told me ego deaths were good?

Thats right, I don't know you and thats why I don't wish your loved ones something I perceive as bad.
You don't know me or my loved ones either, yet you do.
Tell me, which of us two is being hostile here?

> I thought you told me ego deaths were good?
Thats exactly what I mean, you dont even get what I am trying to tell you here.
If you read what I just posted you would know:

"some people maybe want to have that experience willingly(!). There are people going into trips with the hopes of having an ego death & being reborn."

Ego deaths are a good thing for people who want to experience them and are open for that kind of experience.

You seem to be the kind of person that is hard anti drug (without ever having experienced them firsthand to form your OWN opinion) but you probably drink alcohol.
Now if you told me alcohol was a good thing I would respond that alcohol is a shit drug that is proven to be worse for your health than weed or lsd. Is alcohol good or bad now?

God, user, this is just sad. I've been baiting you since the first post. Calm down, you might give yourself an ulcer.

loses an argument
>god user, I was baiting you since the first post
hahahahahahahah pathetic retard

That's it, user. You win! Now stop feeling so mad.

Are you serious? Your brain actually starts deteriorating at age 40, not 20...The peak of physical and mental performance is at 30.

what are you angry at? I don't get it

Not crying over the fact I broke any kind of diet. It's not about the thought of what I'd eaten, it was more to do with what's the point of any of this etc.
Suppose I shouldn't be surprised a brainlet loads himself with garbage.

You should try CBD it has an antipsychotic effects, its safer.

At this age you have 1 in 100 teenager have schizophrenia symptoms so no its not that rare

Contrary to common beliefs you dont necessarly have hallucinations with schizophrenia, however OP has signs of pre-schizophrenic phase

It was to elicit a response.

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But this is schizophrenia we are talking about, if you have a history of schizophrenia in your family the stupidest thing you can do in your life is taking drugs that induces hallucinations !

Depression comes from a serotonin inbalance that cant be corrected with only exercises, Denying that is just retarded.

Depression isn't even real. It's just inflammation. Denying this is denying science. Stupid flat Earther

>mfw lsd let me take a good look at my subconscious
>mfw the screaming abyss came for me and didn't get jackshit
>mfw I have no face
You can be functional and legally insane, user. Emulation is a viable strategy too.

Yeah you right, sorry my bad lol
I need to stop flat-earthin around

Don't Google symptoms, man. according to Google I have space aids since I was 5