Why the hell arent you playing doom right now?

why the hell arent you playing doom right now?
>cheap as shit
>great fun
>absoloute mountaim of mods
seriously, you have to be retarded not to play it

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where to find the non-shareware wad files?

DOOM 2 is fucking difficult. Currently stuck on Map 11 with only a pistol. Only thing to do during the later levels is try to speedrun everything with trial and error.

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what difficulty are you on?

doom sucks ass kid

Ultra-Violence. First I tried playing on Nightmare but it was ridiculous.

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Played thousands of hours throughout my life. I still have fond memories of my friend and I discovering how we could play together online back during my dial up days.

good luck gamer

this post made me buy it
well done op

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Where to find a good version? The steam version of doom 1 and 2 that i foolishly paid money for was an inoperable piece of shit.

If it's not brutal doom, then I don't care,

my new favourite game and only game I've ever attempted to make content for. There's just something really welcoming about the mod community as well as how fun the game is to play: it just never seems to get old for me.

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Who here plays Doom 2 CTF?

do you guys use mouse or just keyboard? i can't stand using the mouse. I prefer playing with both hands on the keyboard.

we're so easy manipulated aren't we?

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take it~ and visit the regular doom thread on vr sometime.

just google it, theyre all over the place
also vr's doom general has a link to them

>cheap as shit
>paying actual real money for a 26 year old piece of software
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you


Time to play. Thanks mate. Any recommended wads or mods?

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for levels I recommend:
doom2 reloaded
doomed space wars

for mods I recommend: combined arms, complex doom, high noon drifter, gmota, hearts of demons baron, space hunter and contra doom.
There are many many many more I could tell you about but I feel these may appeal to most people.

>>>>>Brutal Doom
>>>>>Brutal Doom
>>>>>Brutal Doom
>>>>>Brutal Doom
>>>>>Brutal Doom
only mod that matters

>why the hell arent you playing doom right now?

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Dunno man. I finished the original Doom and had a lot of fun but all the other classic doom games (II and 64) are just boring to me. It's just more of the same. I also don't like their level design but it's okay if you just wanna have a quick round of fun.

>Inb4 have played every Doom game excluding Doom 4

I already played it and it was just ok.

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Amazing mod, I love playing it online great fun.

have fun with a great game friend

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Brainlet here. How do you play Brutal Doom online?

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get Zandronum and join a server hosting it!
don't forget to place your iwads in the Zandronum directory like in the picture attached.

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Holy fuck this is the best thread i've seen all night

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Linear as hell and not that difficult even on UV

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Just tried the demo for the new remake one. Didn't make me want to buy it. They don't make them like they used to.

i still regularly play doom and doom mods/wads
playing singeplayer/co-op or online never gets old
and its all free

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>Currently stuck on Map 11 with only a pistol.

Immediately turn left and follow the circle around, killing the former humans as you go. Make your movements between the inner walls quick and purposeful, or the chaingunner in the center will whittle your health away.

Head into the room with the cacos and imps, and be ready for two shotgunners on the left. Kill them first.

Once you've cleared the cacos, head up the stairs and weave your way past the arachnotron on the the right, hurry up the next set of stairs and get into cover before it shoots you.

Deal with the caco down the hallway, and then observe the blue key in the windowed room. As soon as you enter, an archvile and some imps will emerge. Duck back out of that room and engage the archvile through the windows and door. Be careful not to strafe out into the sight of the arachnotrons again, at least not for long enough for them to hit you.

If you run out of ammo, there's an ammo on a ledge by the stairs you came up, and a box of shotgun shells just inside the archvile room.

Once you've deal with the archvile, you can grab a plasma rifle and the blue key.

That's the hardest portion of the map. Everything from there should be relatively smooth sailing.

I played DoomRL with a couple of friends generating super hard maps in Oblige and I had a blast. By the time I'm done playing my eyes burn for some reason


I'm playing doom 2016. Great game, one of the best games of the last 10 years.

Play it on the GZDoom source port

You also will want to probably import your sensitivity from csgo or other more modern fps games so you will want this to calculate the in game sensitivity to a precise 360 to inches


You need a wad for it you can get it from your steam download or for free on this french guy's website
