Anyone else constantly think about the people you grew up with and wonder where they are in life?

Anyone else constantly think about the people you grew up with and wonder where they are in life?

Attached: 4F423BE1-52D0-4844-9EEF-CBACE239444D.png (360x409, 13K)

>Anyone else constantly think about the people you grew up with and wonder where they are in life?
Yes, but rarely see them/meet them irl.

No not really
I have in the past but I don't care rn
Sometimes I like to imagine what people are doing but I don't bother to check up on whether those imaginings are congruent with reality

They've all had multiple gfs/sexual partners and are starting to have children where's I've not even kissed a girl.

Also just come across this pic, makes me feel even shitter that at one point these people were equal to us.

Attached: 179 (1).png (1069x2388, 1.96M)

Does anyone have the photo pic without the boomerjak's thumb? It's very comfy.


Nigger you can look them up on facebook.

I spent like 10 years straight internet stalking my former art teacher

I thought normanbook wasn't real?

I used to
but then I started taking antidepressants and little shit like what someone else is doing with their life doesnt concern me at all
so that is a positive take away from the medication, I guess

No i dont really care or think about any of them

I thought you weren't fucking retarded.

Jk I did

Stuff on Normiebook is just what people want you to see, the glitz and glamour of their lives.

It isn't worth the pain
Just waiting till I get numb

Nope, always been a shut-in. I'm good with isolation. I've moved three times and was able to completely drop all my friends and forget about them rather quickly. There's a very few that I was really fond of and I do miss them but it's not overwhelming and I manage fine.

All the time because those were the best days of my life.

That pic hit me hard

If only we could go back in time fuck me

>two fags decide they want a baby
>so they jack off in a cup
>use the sperm to get a lady friend of theirs pregnant
>9 months later they go to the hospital
>they see all the babies in the nursery
>look, they say "our baby's the sweetest one, he's not even crying at all!"

uh... god dammit, what the fuck is it?

>"NOW he's not crying," the nurse says, "just wait til we get the pacifier out of his ass"

Not really since I've made normiebook when I was 18 so it's pretty easy to see what people are up to.

I did have a best friend back at school, we were both considered weirdos. He then skipped a year and stopped talking to me as much and when he graduated he fucked off back to his mother's country, failed university and went to the army

We haven't spoken in ages, no idea how he's doing

Before Facebook, yes. Now I don't.


Yeah, I use a throwaway facebook and see them with careers, families, homes, children. Experiencing life while I sit in a constant state of escapism.

Don't look them up, user.

I did and I just found out that they're better off in life than me. All those fucking idiots and losers are doing better. All of them.

All I fucking have is a degree that I fought for all my fucking life. And beside having it, my job is still shit and pays nothing, I rent only a room, am lonely as hell and wake up exhausted. It wasn't fucking worth it. I have zero purpose now in my life and would totally kms because not even SSRIs can help me.

Sort of but I more often fantasize about when I can finally prove to them that I'm not the loser they think I am. And then I realize that I am indeed the loser they think I am

SSRIs are poison, just saying

All they did was make it nearly impossible for me to cum. Didn't help my depression though. I stopped taking them. Waste of fucking money.

Then again, my depression stems from me having a shitty fucking life, so I don't see how medicine can help with that. It'd have to somehow influence my perception of reality and I'm not going to take hard drugs that could do that

You deserve a slow, painful death.