Tfw no matter how pretty a girl is she had a cock in her mouth at some point

>tfw no matter how pretty a girl is she had a cock in her mouth at some point


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Look at yourself and all the nasty things you have done.

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well my boogers taste pretty good

>tfw no matter how pretty a girl is, she still shits, burps, farts, sneezes, picks her nose, pisses, bleeds, and is made up entirely of gross things.

I never had a cock in my mouth

>but its not a big deal
Lmao roasties.

And one of them could be yours

So? That means she's just that much more likely to be receptive to your cock in her mouth.

i've had sex and had blowjobs and everything but i've done everything but blow it in a girls mouth and now i automatically assume a girl is a slut if shes done it and it's pissing me off.

it'd be cool if i found a soul mate or something and we only did it with each other for the first time. i talked to some virgin forever ago and she said she only had sex with one guy but she said she sucked his dick like 400 times the whole time

yo whats the deal with Hispanic women having the smelliest pussies?
Ive been with 4 Hispanic chicks and each ones crotch smelled like their pussy just burped its last period back up

>ITT: guys who jack off to tranny gay pegging piss porn judge a hot girl who sucked dick

i like the smell of pussy and Latina women. sigh.

so what?
If she knows how to suck a dick thats good not bad moron.

that girl isn't hispanic you dicklet.

where did I say anything about the girl in OP you fucking retard

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so you randomly brought up spics stinky pussy in a thread complaining about sluts, sure chumpo

>if she knows how to suck a dick thats good not bad moron
to you only drink from soda cans that are half empty because it lets you not that it taste good
i mean noone would have drank from it if it didn't taste good

>tfw my mom gave my dad a bj before

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Does it have a hint of guacamole to it? What do their buttholes smell like?

Dude nobody in this thread has a single drop of innocence inside their hearts.
Thats not a big deal, I've done worse shit with random whores at anyplace.
Sometimes i feel disusted by the shit that my gf has done before she meets me but...
Then i remember what i was doing something like 1 month before meeting her and that feeling disappears... I wonder how she is my gf yet.

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idk how to describe it but some are nice. i imagine a fat chick or uglier or sluttier girl has a grosser smeller one

Speak for yourself user I'm not like you that I would cross such lines, you deserve what you got and shouldn't expect better.

Yeah pretty much. You cant sick lower than a whore.

you have the wrong mindset, you should be thinking no matter how pretty a girl is she will have your cock in her mouth at some point.

You are not better than me for being an unexperienced fagget.
And she is not a bad woman because she enjoys sex like everyone else.
You got to get over that kind of shit man.

>Only had sex with one guy

>You are not better than me for being an unexperienced fagget.
I never claimed to be better than you; I do think however, that you have worse character than I. And as far as experience goes I've had sex, just not of the undignified kind with, "random whores at anyplace" as you put it.

>And she is not a bad woman because she enjoys sex like everyone else.
Bad? No. Mediocre to poor character? Possibly. (It's looking like it.)

>You got to get over that kind of shit man.
Get over what?

>tfw walking down the street or looking at tinder or instagram
>all those 10/10s are getting fucked by some lucky guy
Man, it feels bad.

>tfw you realize women are also complex thinking humans with the same sexual urges that we have
This fact unironically shattered my world view. If in their position, where sex was easily available, would we do anything different? I don't think I'd be a gross hoe but I definitely woudn't be the virtuous chaste woman that I thought existed before I came to that realization

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just suck some dicks too OP then you dont have to worry about it

>I never had a cock in my mouth
wow what a faggot

apparently a useless incel ranks even lower :^)