Hi robots, come listen to my comfy radio station for robots!
Give me some suggestions and I'll play them!
/rr/ - Robot Radio - Burger Day Edition
play some shoegaze or dream pop
Coming up soon! Originally
Listen to this for maximum comfy
Please give me suggestions guys! It lets all of Jow Forums hear new things. Also, general comfy/nightfeel thread while we're at it! Tell me how we're doing today.
thanks for the radio mr radio user.
You know you can't keep lettin' it get you down
And you can't keep draggin' that dead weight around
Hech yeah dude I love doing this, even if only a few post.
what do you use to run the radio?
Winamp to play the music, shoutcast to stream the music to, blogspot to host the radio player+chat javascript
Captain jack by billy Joel
pleas play this The Bad examples shades of grey
please user orignainallawfwlekfwl
No guys, I'm taking a shower real quick, I'll play em when I get back
*No problem I meant, Kek
I'm back! and ready for comfy
bumperino originallini
Play 1979 by smashing pumpkins
up next originally now!
It keeps sayimg stream is off air
my internet was being gay. should be good now.