Why is it seem like the only thing women know how to do is bitch about being on their period

Why is it seem like the only thing women know how to do is bitch about being on their period.

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Its the only legitimate struggle, physical or mental, they ever experience.

i've known a lot of women who were competent and held down employment, most neets are males

Why do robots only seem to be good at whining about tfw no gf

You mean took jobs from better-qualified men due to quotas or sucked their way to the top dont you

No. Nice try, incel

>implying being yet another cog in the machine / paperpusher requires einstein IQ

Not an argument, white-knighting normalcuck

Nice one reddit.

Even the most basic clerical work requires significantly more thought than the average roastie is capable of.

Just because you call others incel doesn't mean you will get laid

Aw the widdle incel is angwee.

It would be cute, but it's pathetic.

Not an argument. Keep trying

Look, it's the incel defense force.

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Nice virginity. Keep whining, incel

Nope, still nothing. Its just a premise and conclusion, keep trying. You can do it!

Go be a captain save a ho somewhere else fag.

Your virginity is showing. I believe in you! You can talk to girls!

Go whine about being a beta basedboy somewhere else, incel.

I mean I guess thats a start as a premise, even if its not relevant to the discussion at hand. The next step is evidence. Please produce evidence to back up your premise that Im a virgin.

Your posts reek of virginity.

Normies, incels and females are all fucking faggots.

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Only for you big pepe

>women are just as capable as men, don't treat us differently
>ow I am in pain ecause of my vagina, feel sympathy for me

If men have it easier, why are you a fucking loser

And this is why you are alone user.

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>if society is gynocentric, why does it suck to be male?

>smash the patriarchy
>we should have people that are in severe pain 25% of the time have control of everything.

If you aren't mentality retarded, why are you posting here

>Men are better than women!
>Can't get sex, unlike most women

>durr affirmative action and feminist hr lard asses don't exist

once the meme civil war arises, we will purge you all filthy pathetic incels, praise Baphomet!