Tfw virgin and hav multiple reasons to die one but robots still call me a lyin slut caus I'm a litteral roastie

>tfw virgin and hav multiple reasons to die one but robots still call me a lyin slut caus I'm a litteral roastie

It's kkk male I'd still b your homie jus don't rape me

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shutup and post your discord

i don't hate you because you're a woman, I hate you because you're a tripfriend.

Post roast beef with time stamp or gtfo


I might don't kno how to read but I raed dat rule
I'm a natural born attention whore can't help it

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pls kys


you seem mentally unstable

Already made a specific suicide promise can't rn

I'm rly autistic but when it comes to the edgy shit im all talk
Too much of a pussy to harm myself or otherz

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yeah okay

Im pretty antisemitic
like I scared a girl away by being antisemitic around her
but id take you on a cheeky date
maybe bone u after

Out of curiosity, where do you live? What are your interests?

She was propably a normie
Yeah I don't mind trapz/p3 doz/polfagz/incelz etc since although I don't rly care about there shi they atleast are both loserz

Greece unfortunately
Idk used to rly lov drawing/sewing/learnin languages etc but now I'm too depressed to enjoy anything

>but now I'm too depressed to enjoy anything
I know that feel.
I hope you find a nice Greek boy OP.


I'm sorry, I thought you were Greek

Greeks are basically dirty turkroaches confirmed

Ye I wisnooo;~;

not sure what I just read
but okay yes I agree

Wat did you not understand???

Blonde Aryan European here. I will fly over to Greece if you wantm me to deflower you.

I mean
I mean

Well, where are you from? You move a lot?

Ye I'm greek I just hate to admit it

These letters actually refer to a blowjob without condom. Is that what you are offering?


>interested on whites because she wants money
Fuck off whore, hope you get raped and murdered.

I don't get shit since I can't come rn

Long whiny story

Okay great. Do you want something nice in return?

Oh, ok. I thought you might be like that one fembot who was from the UK but lived in Greece.

I had heard the crisis in Greece was rough, but I never thought I would see the day when Greek girls would try to trick robots to steal their money.

It's not tricking if I pay her money to have sex with her.

It's tricking if she gets the money and you don't get any sex in return.

do a fellow robot a favor a post feet, it'll make my night.

>paying for it before

If only it were against the Jow Forums rules to be a thot.

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