L lifted my hardest for 4 fucking years, gave it my aII. Blood, sweat, and tears. AII for her...

l lifted my hardest for 4 fucking years, gave it my aII. Blood, sweat, and tears. AII for her. And then she chooses a spic instead of me (a tall Aryan male who is attractive). This makes no sense. White women will doom the West. They will be our genocide.

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Nothing makes me more happy then when i tell someone I'm hitting this black chick.
>im not but its so funny

hahahaha wh*Tes BTFO

Wow you are quick to realise.

nigga how many times are you going to keep posting this same gay ass thread

I can't tell if this is serious anymore. This is a copypasta now, right?

Wow, what a great coincidence, take a look at the last two digits of your post number. You've posted this same thread so many times, are you really Aryan, or like Irish or Italian or something? Quit the meme man.

why tf do people keep posting this

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You were too available to her you fucking retard, learn how to socially engineer women's emotions, there's a science and method to the madness (spoiler alert, don't become overly available to her and ignore her for months at a time, yes you fucking pussy I said months, she'll fucking miss you, stupid, they're women and only respond to their emotions)

>ignore her for months at a time, yes you fucking pussy I said months, she'll fucking miss you

Yes yes very true I ignored this girl for a year and now she's married and has kids fuck you faggot for spreading misinformation I hope you die you're probably still a virgin you wannabe PUA artist

why would a white woman degrade herself to the level of letting herself be defiled by a disgusting beaner? I'll never understand. that's not hypergamy, that's the opposite of hypergamy. that's like choosing to eat shitty mexican beans when there's a perfectly good steak right next to you.

OP, you should call ICE on that beaner.

Claro k makes sense k estas amamonao

you didn't lift enough.

You probably skipped leg day too faggot

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Not a year you fucking retard, 1-3 months at a time
I'm no pick up artist, and probably not a chad, but i'm not crying on Jow Forums over having nobody to fuck
If you ignore a bitch for a 1-3 month time frame and she's seriously engaged or pregnant then you just dodged a fucking bullet and you can thank me either way
In the end, I'm trying to help and would rather have less suffering on earth for other bros so just get out there and kill it nigger

hes pretty cute for a spic tbH

if u work out for anyone but ur self ur a beta and deserve to get cucked by taco

>I'm no pick up artist, and probably not a chad,

Then your advice is invalid.

>Virgin giving out dating advice


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Ya know what you must be correct, disregard what I said, text her "hey beautiful :)" every morning because that's what girls want, you'll be swimming in pussy, we found the solution
4/10 you made me reply

Yes because the virgin who spends his time browsing r/TheRedPill and MGTOW forums clearly knows alot about women and slays more than Brad Pitt and George Clooney. Post the women you've screwed in the past 3 months, mr. PUA artist.

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Nice assumptions man, I'm not sure why you're so angry
This is my first night posting here and I'm not retarded enough to post any images relating to my life
I despise reddit and I disagree with the MGTOW movement because it's cowardly. You throw these assumptions that I'm calling myself a PUA and above the ranks of Brad Pitt but I'm just a fucking former loser like you guys, but now early/mid 20s and less of a loser so I CAN RELATE TO YOU GUYS and I want you guys to get laid more and be less angry because IT'S LIKE LOOKING AT A SPITTING IMAGE OF MYSELF AS A TEENAGER

If you don't like my advice then I hope you figure it out on your own soon enough because you're clearly bitter and not getting laid so I hope you can overcome the frustrations in your life user, along with the others on here that can relate to you more than I

That guy in pic is literally the boomerjak

>Hasn't posted women
>Still continues with his low IQ incoherent rambling

Ok mr. Slayer

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Your trolling can't save you from your suffering user, only you can as you find the answers for yourself

I'm not the one giving out "dating advice" on r9k in order to make myself look like I have a high moral ground among the desperate virgins on here LOL

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You didn't lift hard enough, you have nobody to blame but yourself.

>Giving dating advice gives you high moral ground
>Making myself look like something on an anonymous image board

You still have time to grow up user, life will get better for you

Classic leftypol demoralization thread. These soiboys never give up do they

>Still hasn't posted the women he's banged
>Believes he's still relevant at this point

Get a load of this COPE

>he doesnt know this is meme

Fuck off spic.

stupid im black

your women belong to us

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>hurr durr, I'm "Aryan" so I'm entitled to white girls

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fuck off boomer i see you trying to spread hatred keep it to yourself

How do I get a white gf as a beaner?