Bullied by classmates

>bullied by classmates
>bullied at extracurriculars that my parents made me attend
>bullied by my own family
>bullied by coworkers
>bullied on internet forums
>bullied in online video games
>this stuff doesn't bother me much anymore
>it's all thanks to being emotionally dead
Thick skin is a meme

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im in the same boat i dont get bullied but the emotionally numb thing is a trash meme desu

Thick skin is a meme. It's bullshit when people say adversity makes you stronger.

Experienced similar. My skin never thickened, it numbed.

of course you get thick skin after a while, people call it "apathy".
People get used to things happening around them constanly, thats just part of human nature.
If you cant get used to the bullying then do something about it wtf...
get better at what you are doing or punch the ones bulying you or get back at them the same.

Imagine how different your life would be today if you ignored the retard adults and just beat the absolute shit out of one of your bullies. Telling children to ignore bullies and tell their teachers should be considered child abuse.

>Bullied on internet forums
Do you have an anime pfp or something?

This is currently the most normie advice on this board right now

>They all bullied you because your a little pussy boy.
>Superior men can smell your fear and know you're a just by looking at you.
>you keep pretending that the bullying doesn't effect you but deep down you know it does

Arent you a cupcake with complexes

Are you compensating your own weakness by attacking his? Bet you are little fat bitch IRL

Hahahah you're a loser!!!

retards like these actually exist on our beloved board

You sound so cute, OP. People who let themselves get bullied turn me on so bad. How tall are you? Are you fat?

how schools are now a days means that if you ever retaliate and put the kid in the hospital you will be punished more severely than the actual bully. plus, schools / universities are extremely prejudiced against weird loners / losers who don't know anybody / do anything outside of school or help the school. the basic rules of life still apply.

I used to browse a forum for a text-based game when I was in high school. They were a pretty light-hearted bunch, but I didn't care for the game and only went to the forums for the general boards and because my only irl friend was on the board. I didn't have good etiquette I guess and they just started being assholes and eventually it got kind of bad and I stopped going there
I'm 6' now and not fat. Sorry to disappoint but I don't get bullied anymore where I live and my life is improving as a result but the damage is done.

Even getting expelled it would still be worth it. Being bullied for years and just taking it fucks you up mentally for the rest of your life.

punishment from a school and inaction of school staff does worse.

What do you get bullied for OP? Or do you not know?

>it's better to be a massive pussy that rolls over

There would be no need for action of school staff because no one would ever bully you again after you go tard rage on the asshole who provokes you enough.

My mom put me in dance lessons and I didn't really have an out even though I didn't want to do it. I was basically stuck in it for seven years and that's why I was bullied at school. I was also bullied at said lessons and when I finally got out of it when I was 13 I was already socially stunted from it, and I didn't really start learning how to act normally until post-college. I consider myself about 5-10 years behind appropriate social development.

Have to disagree with you there; I may be one of the fortunate few, but I went through a lot of bullying and marginalisation myself, both in school and after it, but that has indeed given me thicker skin - now I am much more confident, determined but still emotionally active; one of the people who used to bully me actually apologiised after seeing who I really was, years later down the line. Listening to metal might have helped. Don't give up anons.

Yeah, just like there totally isn't a backlash against "weird loner kids" after every school shooting. Oh wait, yes, yes there is. Fear quickly leads to anger.