AYO WHITE BOI, we hear you don't like blacks, you 'gon apologise by breeding all of us or else we'll beat yo ass

>AYO WHITE BOI, we hear you don't like blacks, you 'gon apologise by breeding all of us or else we'll beat yo ass
How do you respond robots?

Attached: Thicc ebony goddesses.jpg (1000x996, 72K)

I'd be okay with this as long as they femdom me the entire time

Girl on the far left is fineeee.

You guys are racist as fuck when black girls act more civilized than white sluts.

Black women are built to be bred, not sure why most of Jow Forums denies it

Attached: Ebony Goddess2.jpg (1080x1349, 280K)

>those girls
they're all at least 25% white, but I prefer them that way. Would breed/10

mixed women best women

Attached: tfw no black gf.webm (720x900, 1.44M)

>How do you respond robots?
I stay behind to hold them off so everyone can escape

well i mean i'm asian

Okay but the leapord print thot has to watch I'm not touching that nigress

Keep pretending to dislike them till I've shagged them all!

Patrician tier response user, have a pic of thicc black girl

Attached: Ebony Goddess3.jpg (1080x1080, 179K)

Holy fuck. Too hot for words

3>1>2>4 tbqhwu famz

>ywn wake up on a comfy saturday morning and have your gf dance for you like this as you make breakfast

for the last time, we do not all talk like this

Meh, whatever, I'll take what I can get.

No. Thiccer

Attached: F72F4581-3BC9-4C25-8CB7-C1994E83688A.jpg (640x640, 58K)

you got it all wrong i dont hate blacks i hate women

Ayo be my big booty black gf and sit on my face pls respond

Imagine the smell

Attached: 1528953636022.gif (415x415, 1.77M)

I'm not white and not a boy. When you talk like that you help spread memes about the way black women act and I don't find them helpful. Please stop. I'm trying to apply to programming jobs but I keep getting told I'm not a "cultural fit" despite performing well in the technical tests. Dweeby autist Redditor tech types are more likely to have had negative experiences with people like you and because you and I look "similar" these Redditor guys see me and get PTSD flashbacks of all the times you picked on him or made him feel uncomfortable. That makes them tense up around me when I haven't done anything wrong and now I'm going to be jobless thanks to your kind.

I'll breed all of you but only if you beat my ass too

>implying I didn't spread the word that I dislike blacks for this very reason.

Keikaku doori.

Sure "thang" tyrone/shaneeqwa

Np, I got a reminder on my phone to remind me every day to
>spread memes
About you. Now I will spread even more knowing they are working

>breeding all of us
Gonna take me a while to cum 4 times

They don't look like the time that can wait user. There gonna keep going, they won't stop until you get every last one.

people who call other people "fine" are always sure to be degenerates

Jesus fucking Christ, black women are better than white women

I've been with both and the black chicks were funnier, more laid back, more conservative and they weren't bitter and bitchy

I-i don't think my little wh*Te dicc can handle it lads.

>ooh look at this tasty chocolate black WOMAN

I will never understand this

I'd thoroughly enjoy being sexually abused by the women in OP's pic, especially if they forced me to worship their feet

So the point of all this is to worsen my family's financial problems. T-thanks.

>lets pretend I care for a nig thousand of kms away from me

Neither do I.
Every race is doing a disservice to their kind by race mixing. It's a disgusting fetish that has been used to subvert society.

Oh, boo fucking hoo, I have a Korean guy who follows me around and posts old internet drama I had wherever I'm looking for jobs.

Walk away, because I'm not white

C'mon nigger boi. Beat em wyte devils and make them fuck staceys again continuing the white race regardless

That's your own fault. Not the same as being seen as guilty for a crime you didn't commit.

Tell your fellow niggers to stop being niggers then.

What the fuck are you on about?
Origanla comento of courso

Was this part of the Tumblr thing?

>nerdy quirky Redditor nu-males dominate the tech industry (especially startups)
>nerdy quirky Redditor nu-males usually feel uncomfortable around Shanaynays
>in order to be hired at many tech companies you have to make them feel as though they can share a joke with you, befriend you, relax around you, etc
>reminding these guys of the mean ghetto girl who made their time in high school a living hell is a handicap if you want them to see you as a "cultural fit"

this is why I was asking Shaquanda and her friends to calm down

Not sure if the sex or the fight would be more fun honestly. I'm pretty weak though so i dont think i could take four. Maybe 2 at a time? Can i fuck two and fight two?

>tfw no sexy aunt viv gf and/or waifu

Attached: cMaUQru.jpg (733x1181, 164K)


You aight whiteboi

He cute

I could beat up all of them easily but the problem is then I wouldn't get sex. Maybe they'd still fuck me.

fuck off fag go fuck ugly white girls because they pity you

Attached: 0vd7si6n51711.jpg (750x768, 73K)

>To your fellow pigskins stop being pigskins
See why it doesn't work because it's stupid just like you

I'm not the one complaining about not being accepted because people presume I'm a sheboon. Enjoy your unemployment.

There's a Korean faggot getting you for what you've done that's not the same as having to be lumped in with bad people because you look like them otherwise this website would be taken down and we'd probably be arrested
>Enjoy your unemployment.
Sorry faggot but I'm a wage slave first of all and your saying this on a website where people take in welfare because hey want to be NEETS

Attached: images.png (262x192, 7K)

I'm all your my kweeens

Attached: 1523882200961.png (270x344, 52K)

>Sorry faggot but I'm a wage slave first of all

Oh, so you're not even who I was talking to, so who gives a fuck about you?

> like black women
> not a big fan of rap music
Shit. This would be so much easier if I was part wigga

Hillary > Aunt Viv > Ashley
None of them are ugly though


Why should that matter? So if a girl was Jamaican you'd look up Wikipedia articles on Reggae and Ska before talking to her?

Reggae is better than rap. I like most black forms of music but rap is just not doing it for me

>Oh, so you're not even who I was talking to, so who gives a fuck about you?
First off not a lot of people but I do and I can say what I want here you fucking faggot what are you going to do about it, using fucking Stacey tier tactics

I do nothing, they see me, and they won't fuck with me anyway

also, I don't have anything against blacks
as long as they are not criminals

>using fucking Stacey tier tactics

lel, did Stacey reject you because your weeny was too tiny for her? No wonder you're such a bitter faggot.

Hygiene, user, hygiene.

Why do you post this same thread every day?

Are you an ADL shill?

Jews have great tastes in women. Based schlomo

It's over for pure white femoids

Ashley is the hottest. It's not even close.

If I'm in a feminist country and I make 4 childs with 4 different women I'm fucked by the law

they're dumber and more annoying than regular women

wtf, this is a 2/10

Get your test levels checked. Prime birthing hips

That mouth was made for thick cock. I can see why you might not like it

this is fat, blacks have the narrowest hips of all races

Sure cuck

Attached: 1527913564725.png (593x600, 565K)

I like black women but that's a fact about their hips.

Not buying it. I see the biggest thigh separations on black women

Attached: 1519009930685.png (543x594, 750K)

Impregnate these whores one after the other, no doubt.
Would fuck them hard doggy Style like the bitches in Heat that they are