/hairline/ general

24 y/o male. How bad is it guys? Should I avoid creatine?

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Its bad, shave it and you would be alot cuter

You're fucked. Friar tuck horseshoe incoming by your early 30s.

Either get on fin now, or accept your fate. I'm not saying quit creatine. If you're cool ending up bald, it's fine. If not, if you're trying to hold the line, then yes stop creatine. Start fin + minox and consider a transplant to gain back what you've lost. Then cross your fingers and hope the Asians come through with a bald cure soon.


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its not a quarter as bad standing up, i dont see the problem user if it gets too bad later on you can just get the hair removed so you can be a cute bald dude

Not bad at all dude lmao at this board. Ffs.

Daily reminder to start taking Finasteride the moment you notice balding. Not only will it stop most cases of MPB in its tracks, you may see some regrowth. DHT also leads to faster aging.

Feels good, the moment I noticed that my hairline was thinning I hopped on fin and regrew what I lost within 6 months.

If you do not have Chad tier jawline and skull shape balding will absolutely destroy your sexual market value.

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Get on Finasteride user
And stop taking creatine

Looks normal. You're at the age where your hairline starts to change. It doesn't mean you're going bald.

Why the insecurities bro. It's normal.

Have you guys tried fin?

Yeah, and my only regret is not going on it sooner. I spent time in denial and fearing the side effect memes. Time spent was hairline lost. I finally got on it, gained some of what I lost back, but will honestly need a hair transplant now to fix what I didn't grow back.

Dont listen to this literal shill. Fin etc are useless these fking parrots comb for balding threads to nurture insecurity and encourage purchase of their products. U look good dude do more cardio stop jerking off ur wasting valuable costly nutrients and early hairloss in ancient chinese and indian and even western medicine was almost entirely attributed to lack of exercise poor diet lack of sunlight but most of all masturbation in excess. Wtvr u do dont go on those products. Will fuck u up and give 0 results. Ur body is telling u something. I reversed mine. gL

>Merck sifts through hours of endless tfwnogf threads on Jow Forums to catch one late-night hairlet thread

Lmao @ your life you paranoid bald motherfucker.

Wait creatine is bad? I have just started on fin as my hairline has been getting worse but I cant be doing creatine?? I just got some creatine too I love it

Do you take 1/4 a pill of fin as well? That's what my derm has got me on just curious

how bad did your hair get? how long did it take to reverse

This but minoxidil kinda works, don't full dose it tho because bad things will result

You hair looks fine to me OP. If you are worried for the future, just try a very short buzz cut. It looks good on most people, you'll see how you feel and look and judging by the pics, it'll grow back no problem

Twice as bad as OPs id say, same shit just a little more wide recession and general thinning. Granted id been abusing drugs like cocaine leading up to when i noticed. Was also smoking a lot of weed since early teen years and chronic jerker - noticed at about 22 yo the recession. I quit jerking entirely , quit smoking entirely, and started lifting and doing cardio daily, even hitting sauna daily as well. Kept that up from then till now ( 2 yrs later) with great diet and lots of water and sunlight. A year in i could do my old hairstyles again without seing thinning, and it felt thicker. By now i look like it never really started. I began to notice new hairs a lt the hairline about 3-4 weeks into my lifeatyle change though. Even my leg hair got more dense which had equally thinned since teen years. #1 factor in my experience was smoking and masturbation.

Creatine increases DHT, the hormone fin works to inhibit. You're probably going through the initial shed. Don't worry.

He's a bitter NW7

Not him but i cut mine in half. Mainly to double my money's value but also because inread a study that said 0.5 of a pill will have he same effect as a whole pill

Look at the hair on the majority of smokers and visible incels you seem the smokers smoke and the incels stroke. Both have suffering scalps

You see*,

>I began to notice new hairs a lt the hairline about 3-4 weeks into my lifeatyle change

Wow that's faster than literally every pharmaceutical and alternative treatment available today! What a miracle!

You're white OP, so you're fine. No matter what. That's the reality of life now. Even if you have thinning hair, you can go shop around every 3-6 months until you find a great barber. He can make your thinning/recession look good. Not some girl at supercuts. A real, professional barber.

My hairline looked similar at 24 and it's still fine @ 30. It matures in your 20's. You'll know if you're going to lose it all, and then you take the buzz pill until it's so bad you take the bald pill.

Either way, you're still white. You won't be gigachad but you'll still not be pajeet.

Their bots and pajeet xiantiao farm centers do. Then uneducated impressionable fags like you just parrot their agenda, and it self perpetuates. Get real.


not even once lads

You're fucking retarded. If I go to a dermatologist it is what they will recommend, and yeah I trust them more than you and the studies showing it works. You're a fucking idiot

Yes because ceasing the strangulation of your veins and arteries with carbon monoxide and entirely revitalizing your entire lifeatyles has profound effects on your health and vitality. When you sit at home taking 0.55mg fuckmeuperide and 3x .15x doses of iactuallypaidforthisandaminsecureride, made from the carbon based offshoots from an oil refinement process, you cant really expect much
And what you CAN expect, they embellished with paid off studies. Gtfo you have no dog in this unless your use of pharma treatments didnt work as u wanted and ur a bitter 30 yr old. Gtfo.


Lmao yeah dude i trust every appointed pharmacist man. Every person with a white coat whose entire livelihood is dependent on handouts from pharmaceutical companies is as good as gold for me man!! I never read!

Lmao fit is great tonight. Do ur homework its late sweetie.

You've never had MPB if you think healthy living is enough to cure it. By your logic Scooby, debatably the healthiest man alive should have fabio-tier hair.

>Do your homework
>Empirical research shows that fin is effective against mpb with a 1% chance of sides

Umm sweetie?

Theres plenty of evidence that it works as intended dumbass, you are too full of hubris though.

You're hairline is fine rusbeh, fgt

This place is like webmd telling you might have cancer cuz you catch a cold. Its fine opdont listen to the fucking autists here.

its over

Is saw palmetto just a meme, or does it actually work?

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I buy 5mg proscar pills from India and cut them into 8ths, so about 0.65 mg per dosage.

Are you even losing hair? I can't tell. Use Rogaine before you jump on fin cuck pills.

lol, i have literally the same hairline, my hair are thick and I look fine for now too, sadly I'm only 20. I don't about Finasteride man, if there is a possibility that it's gonna damage my reproductive system I don't want to get into that. It even may occur a bit later like in 30-40s. I've been taking Solgar and using Regaine for a month and my hair has stopped falling off. You definitely should see a doctor as hear what he has to say. But I wouldn't take such strong drug as Finasteride cause if it damages my sexual potency that would be the end but then again I am somewhat handsome so I'll be fine even without hair. So you decide(go see a trichologist)

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I'm doing the same.

Especially nofap and being a thin guy, get fit hit the sauna start supplementing with collagen lower cortisol and spirulina eat a lot of citrus fruits get your hormones/thyroid/iron/Vit D in check.

Just because your hairline started receding doesn't mean you will loose it all in a year.

LMAO you are all faggots, just shave it and act like a man

what the fuck is wrong with this board lmao you're fine nigga

Just use Minox

Literally NW1.

I'm 28 now and my hairline changed in my early 20's, similar to yours. It looks exactly the same as it did back then, not really gone any thinner. That's a natural hairline. Black guys even have their barber shave their hair in that way because their hair doesn't naturally have a curved hairline, and is instead sort of box shaped.

why did god invent balding

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Same reason he invented ugly/short people.

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Just shave it if you think it looks bad. I'm 27 and have a small bald spot. The older you get, the less you care unless you're a faggot

When will they learn?

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looks like mine but i have thin, curly hair so certain spots on my head look like im balding because my hair doesn't want to behave

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what's good stuff to use to stop receding hairline im 19 and know for a fact i will be bald ever male in my family is bald or have a horrible hairline

male pattern baldness is mostly an X-linked gene so it's up to your mother

What do you do with yours?
I'm also twenty seven and it's not a small patch yet but it's not far off.

I've got really long hair atm too

what, so if your mom's balding then you will be likely? mine isnt bud dad is

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You must be joking, why would he get a fucking transplant for that, it's barely Norwood 2

If you're not taking full dose Fin because insurance doesn't cover it and its $80 for a month's supply, use GoodRx, I get a month for $16

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he means your mom's father

Are the side effects of fin a meme? I'm 30 with a hairline similar to OP, plus thinning crown.

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what bad things?

it is different for everybody, do the blood and piss tests, see a doctor first

HA! you people are freaking out about that!
I'm 21 and my hair looks just a little thicker than the pic on the left.

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i don't fucking know him and don't think any pictures of him even exist

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I noticed my hairline receded after 2 months on creatine..... wish I knew back then. Luckily, my polish mother in law made a traditional stinging nettle oil to put on my scalp, started a week ago so we will see how it looks by fall.

Worrying about going/being bald is 1000% less attractive than a confident masculine man with no hair. Getting a good hair cut by a professional and learning to style it also matters way more than the quantity of hair

so we're just not gonna pray to the regrow ratto?

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>DHT also leads to faster aging.

Is there any basis to this?

>male pattern baldness is mostly an X-linked gene so it's up to your mother

Stop parroting this thoroughly debunked horseshit.


Looks like a normal fucking hairline to me, you insecure faggot.

I don't think half of you faggots even know the difference between a mature hairline and balding.
If it's roughly M shaped, you're fine. I've had a similar hairline to OP since I was 15 and am currently suffering no hair loss whatsoever.
If it's U shaped, then you're fucked.

Does excessive sun cause hair loss?
I noticed a little recession and thinning when I worked at a beach for 1 month +10h per day.
I think it kinda grew back but not totally

yeah every white dude ends up getitng a hairline like that in their mid 20s (except the ones that go bald lel). It's fine, don't freak out about it.

What's the difference between the two?


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Does masturbation really cause balding ? Can nofap reverse it ?

this is a U shape

U shape that just posted---should I just go full chocolate whopper head then? :(




No and this myth is basically busted.



what if you were born with a widows peak? does that mean you'll go bald?


i have never noticed that girls like me better one way or the other with shaved head or with long hair. Most of them say they like long hair but in terms of actually amount of hooking up there is no difference

Oral or topical minoxidil? What are the benefits and cons of each? Thanks for the responses lads

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