What body fat % do i look like? i am 180Ibs, 5'11. yes i knowi look like shit. i cant go to a gym now...

what body fat % do i look like? i am 180Ibs, 5'11. yes i knowi look like shit. i cant go to a gym now. i was using sarms and doing workouts at home to build muscle faster till i can, but i am now thinking i should save them. should i just fast the fat off?

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How much weight have you lost

i was 250 - 260 at my highest.


You don't look like shit would kiss and cuddle with

can you give me advice. i dont know what to do.

Looking about 18%

should i lose the fat first and then try to build muscle?


Muscular guys with a tiny bit of fat are at 18%. OP has pronounced fat pockets in his gut and chest (tiddies). He's easily ~23%.

OP, you need to fix your diet and do simple calisthenics, push up forms and pull up forms and body weight squats. Your body is in no way ready for weighted lifts, you barely have muscle content. If you can't move your own body weight around reasonably well, as in doing a fucking pull up, then your muscles aren't ready for the strain of added weight.

You can't run before you walk, don't be like 90% of Jow Forums and fuck your joints for the sake of nice PRs as quickly as possible.

this is obviously a better answer. i can do that. the only thing i have for pull ups is either under my desk, or some wood outside.

should i even eat? if i am still so fat, should i fast? though you are likely not fond of /fast/. im not sure how to diet.

Be my bf

why cant you go to a gym

If I where you... I would bulk but you need to get lifting though... what sarms did you use? Sarms need to be used while on a good diet and workout routine

I disagree he cant start on weights

because i have no ride. my faggot dad bribed me into getting a car from the junk yard. so i have to fucking wait till some faggot melds my motor mount or something idk.

im using ostarine. im only on the second day at 10mg but i feel really good

Keep fasting, you'll look like shit still anyway if you don't regardless. I wish I had done it years earlier myself.

do you really think i should?

>should I even eat?
Nigger, yes. There's never a moment when not eating trumps eating for improving your body. What you need to focus on is what you eat.

- Don't touch processed sugar, and be very selectively about how much fruit you eat

- Don't touch grains, fuck bread, fuck rice, fuck "easy" carbs, you don't need them; if you eat carbs, get it from potatoes/squash (sweet potato)

- the majority of your foods should be fats and proteins with EQUAL amounts of veggies, because you'll need to take a shit; the macro breakdown you should hit is a near 50/50 split between fats and proteins with a smidgen of carbs, like less than 10% of your diet is carbs; and then whatever macros you get from veggies

- read food labels, sugar is sneaked into fucking everything under the fucking sun from seasonings to goddamn ketchup, you need to carefully monitor what you use to make the boneless/skinless chicken breast taste good; I personally cut them into pieces and dip them in olive oil with a bit of salt

The actual number in grams of those macros depends on what you're doing; and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Someone lifting 3 times a week on a split should shoot for 40-60g protein per meal depending on their bodyweight. You can probably get away with half of that if you're doing only calisthenics.

>starting on weights before a person can competently do push up forms, pull up forms, and bodyweight squats
You're an idiot, stfu. This is how people fuck their joints doing weight lifts with shitty form.

And eat at least 2 eggs per day. Eggs are fucking god tier. Hardboil eggs if you have snacking habits just to have them on hand so that you don't eat something shitty instead.

then i should eat at maintenance or a little lower?

Ok so whats preventing him from doing correct form with low weight and building up.

there are dozens of programs designed for people in his position that teach form, and progressively overload. He cant go to the gym so it doesnt matter anyway ig

yes I lost 150lbs and convinced myself I wasn't still fat because I was more concerned with what I should weigh and what my lifts were instead of what I looked like.

You can eat above maintenance if you're staying dedicated with the exercises. As you gain muscle, you gain weight. There is nothing inherently wrong with weight gain. What matters is what is responsible for the extra weight. If it's majority muscle, that's good. If it's majority fat, that's bad. Cutting out processed sugars and shitty grains will do wonders for your body's fat content.

Your goal should not be "lose weight". Your goal should be "increase muscle percentage while lowering fat percentage" and seeing where that puts your weight.

@10mg osta you are wasting your time. I'm being honest... I've ran many different cycles of sarms... if I where you I would just stop since you are 2 days in, it won't effect you just stopping when only taking 10mg a day, you need a minimum 20mg osta to be beneficial... I'm being honest with you, to get change you need to figure out how to get into a gym or even make a home gym and you need to eat. Throw some muscle on and that will only happen if you eat and lift the more muscle you have the more fat you burn and will tighten up your skin. If you want to run sarms, go ahead but it's a waste if you dont go to the gym... I would run the sarms LGD @10mg, yk11@15mg and mk677@25mg together you will gain muscle mass quickly and the addition of mk677 will make you eat ALOT ... for real though get a diet plan set, get to a gym and do a clean bulk up.

>lifting low weights in "proper form" before someone can even maneuver their own bodyweight
Complete waste of time. There's a purpose to weighted lifts, and it's not being small. Going into weighted lifts before a specific baseline of strength is asking for wasted time at the best and damage to your skeleton at the worst. Don't be a corner cutting faggot.

>get a diet plan set, get to a gym and do a clean bulk up.


idk man ive never heard of waiting to control bodyweight before weight training so im not really sure where you got that.

I certainly didnt. but i guess thats just our different opinions

he was fat and has loose skin, dude needs to fast to fix that shit because it won't go anywhere on its own.

You are a idiot... OP do not listen to this guys advice.

Lifting light is the best way to get started in the gym, take it slow and every week and a small bump up till you have form down and just keep going. It's never too soon to start lifting, there is no base line or set experiance level to start. Just take it slow and use proper form and you will see results I promise.

Starting out with low weight lifts to build up a baseline is just a longer, less efficient way to get a baseline of strength than focusing on bodyweight exercises. The body, by design, can maneuver itself around by pushing it's own weight and pulling it's own weight. Push ups and pull ups and squats are all compound lifts. The strength baseline is being able to do all those simple compound motions fairly effortlessly in small sets. At that point, your body is strong enough, and built enough, to have a proper form going into weightlifting, and enough muscle definition that you can easily monitor your form in a mirror as you lift. That's why gyms have mirrors on the walls; it's not jerking off onto your own face while you flex, it's for monitoring your form as you lift, and that requires a body that easily displays your form, which means being fairly trim and with easily discerned muscle definition.

Waste of time and money when you can get better results dropping to the floor and pushing yourself back up. You're a fucking toolbag.

He was FATTER, he's still FAT. That jelly substance on his gut and chest is not 100% skin, that's a completely ridiculous thing to think. There's still fat there.

You are a fool. I've been fat 270lbs fat, dropped to 195lbs under 10% body fat bulked to 225lbs and was very fit then life happened got to 300lbs and now down to 255 but I've built alot of muscle along the way, I've been doing this shit for 8 years on and off, I know what I'm talking about, I've been down his path... dont give shitty advice, I've felt with his problems and want to see him succeed

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And this was about 7 years ago around 200lbs when I first lost the weight, alot of bulking and cutting to get rid of excess skin... pic above is me now at 255 and 300lbs in the shirt

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I know this is Jow Forums but I can't stand it when people give shitty advice to people when they clearly have no clue what they are doing... OP I hope you succeed and get to your goal. You can do it man, everyone can do it if you truly want it. Good luck! Wish you nothing but GAINS ;)

were you the guy saying to fast or go lightweight?

I'm the guy who says use light weights to start... do not fast, you need to throw on muscle... if you fast you will continue to wast what muscle you do have and go further into a hole. Muscle is valuable, you need it to burn fat

And you're mediocre at best.

Jelly as fuck... go do push ups till you get to your base line and waste your time... idiot

Really, you're small. You look like some crossfit guys at best. I can even tack on that your face is homely, but that's beside the point. You did exactly what I said happens. Starting light is just a longer, shittier way to a strength baseline as calisthenics that anyone can do at home. Good job, retard.

Ok if you call 6ft2 255lbs small you are a idiot... and now you are just being a troll... move on with your sad life and take your horrible advice with you

This pic is small as fuck, then you're telling me that this pic is 7 years later. It's not impressive. You're muscle separation and definition is dogshit, because you're pretty goddamn fat, and you'll only post torso shots to hide your tiny legs. You're some stupid fuck who jumped on a bench and stroked himself over PRs rather than someone who tried to get into decent shape. You look like shit.

Yeah 7 years of working out will get you weighing 300lbs right?... you are a dumb ass

Am I crazy for thinking basic lifts like bench, deadlift, rows, curls etc are easier to start with than pull ups?

Push ups and crunches are one thing, pull ups are insanely difficult

You weigh 255 because you're a fat fuck, and you have tiny fucking legs.

More expensive, whether it's equipment or a gym membership, and greater risk of injury for no reason.

you are like a little baby, watch this

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youre still fat as fuck, nothing anywhere near impressive muscle wise