How did you all become like this?

How did you all become like this?

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There was never really any hope for me. From a young age i knew i would be alone. I have grown up into a violent self hating masochist. Existence has always been suffering. I am physically repulsive. Hunched back, small dick, fat, stupid.

i am lost and have always been lost. i have never had anyone to speak too or who understands.

all day, every day i think about dying. sometimes i have panic attacks. there is something wrong with my mind. no one seems to care, and i have no money to see a therapist. I have been locked in my room

the idea of being dead is the most conforting thing in the world tome, this eases my anxiety

I do want to become a comptent adult with a job and that has moved out. But i have never had a job and have no skills and am old. This gives me decision paralyses. There is also the never ending urge to kill myself that i have had since i was a kid

as a loser with no job, no life, and that is basically a shut in. I have had lots and lots of time to ruminate on why women wouldnt like me, and i totally agree with them. I am pretty much an abomination in every way possible, and the exact oppiste of what a woman finds attractive in a man. I have settled at the fact i will die alone. It does hurt, but i try not to think about it too much

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Never taking anything suriously and hating the world.

Years and years and years of bullying for no reason and my dad leaving when I was born. I've never been physically abnormal or have ever been threatening to anybody ever. But ide always end up being the brunt end of someone else's temper. I grew up thinking i could never trust anyone but my grandmother and I've had this mindset for so long that I can't see people without an immediate internal or external look of disgust. I don't hate it but I wish I weren't like this. I wish I was treated normal like everyone else. I am normal. I am just a normal guy but everyone managed to find some reason to dislike me. I don't know. I guess I found some way to piss god off or something.

I couldn't take myself seriously enough, I just sorta negged myself into this position and didn't realize I had a chance until it was too late.




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Life's a meme bro
You gotta make sure of havin a giggle with it.

Originalmente original originalidozo

Jews? Explain.

They gone and made him gay

Dad was a drunk who tried to kill me, mom's crazy. Also my lack of drive/responsibility to better myself.

what the fuck user I was just looking at that clock online like an hour ago.
Get out of my head.

we're so different but so conencted

I was homeschooled by incompetent, mentally ill parents. I'm somewhat self aware of my problems but the lack of support and inherited mental illness has really fucked me up.

open a bible, look at ww2, look at hollywood and in my personal life, jews have been very inspirational, "jesus" was a jew

Frail body
More bullying

i'm actually a bad person and my self isolation tendencies since falling from grace just keep getting worse.

Got bullied for not being normal

>Single mother

Sure there are other things that can be blamed in different proportions but I believe all of it could have been helped if I was raised in a better family.

>Yeah, if one hits you in one cheek, let him hit you in the other one as well. Yeah, good goy, DO IT! OR you will ROT IN HELL!

internet addiction
refusing to become a normie after society rejected me
not a brilliant IQ
a bunch of physical issues that make me tired all day
damaged impulse control

at least half from getting molested, the other half is me being a coward

- Deadbeat dad
- 'tism. Life skills are way lower than IQ.
- Leading to bullying
- Leading to transferring schools
- Molested
- Leading to dropping out
- Treated like one of those retards you see walking around town with a tard handler for years. Yet was more intelligent than the people who looked after me
- Occasionally would get my shit together and would notice the dramatic change in how people treated me because I didn't smell
- Start using more and more prescription and recreational drugs and abuse them in equal measure
- Have been the butt of jokes literally everywhere I've gone
- Sister introduced me to Jow Forums 11 years ago
- Swallowed the redpills and blackpills hard
- Nowadays get neetbux
- Chronic depressive, insomnia, anxiety, ADD

I'm dysfunctional enough to know what true suffering and social isolation is, but intelligent enough to be fully cognizant of just how bad things really are. My views have been warped by years of exposure to bitter virgins combined with years of rejection from a more normal social and work life. I get physically angry from the envy when I see normal people having normal levels of success so I stick to my safe space.

In some ways the way I see the world is twisted and fucked up and distorted. In some ways I see straight through the illusions that distort others vision of how the world really is. I struggle to hold an honest conversation with a person whose life has gone fairly normally about how the world works, because both of our outlooks are so mutually distorted we just talk past eachother. People really don't understand how unjust and unfair and cruel the world is for some people.

People can't even recognise when I'm saying something optimistic half the time because everything I say is hedged with such bitter cynicism and realism. I can talk about how looks influence how people perceive others personalities, and they don't really grasp that this gives me hope because I've been such a disgusting slob for so long.

Maybe you should do something death-related for a job, like suicide cleanup duty,

I think my favorite part of my life was getting 'tard wrangled by people who were clearly less intelligent than me and who knew they were less intelligent than me. I feel like Monk.

My dignity has been robbed so many times just thinking about it makes me physically cringe. Recently I've been reading through some old medical documentation and I honestly just cry reading the shit so many different people have said about me and my inability to function in life.

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Rejection, then immaculation, then embarrassment, then avoidance, then isolation, then bitterness

>- Sister introduced me to Jow Forums 11 years ago
how did that happen?

>Hey user, you won't believe it, there's this gross site called Jow Forums
>Don't go there though it's awful
>Let me show you how awful it is though.

I suspect a community she was part of got raided and that's how she learned about it.

Mom could never figure out who she was. Was always dependent on having someone, so she had 2 kids before she met my dad and both of them split. Then she met my dad, had me and my sister, and then drove my dad away. She then went on to have a kid with my uncle and later a Vietnam vet who hit me with a pan

My dad was beat and emotionally torturer as a kid, along with his brothers, and after bringing his stepmom seconds from life at 18 he left and joined the military. Spent 4 years doing what he loved, working on helicopters, and then decided to get deeper into electronics so he left for school. Not sure much of what he did between that and my mom but I know he worked odd jobs and moved a bit. Had a lot of problems with mental health, still does, but he never believed mental illness existed.

About 6 months after I was born my parents split because my mom was insane and my dad wouldn't stop smoking weed.

Dad stayed in our life, but mom needed a man at all times so we were moving a lot and he couldn't afford to be with us often until I was about 6.

Then my mom remarried and the dude, a Vietnam vet who was very damaged from his time in the war but a cool dude when he was doing okay, got real angry one day at my mom as I got back from my dad's and he blindsided me with a pan. Mom luckily fucking gathered us and left but never reported him because she wouldn't get child support that way.

Eventually moved in with my dad, tried to kill myself at 16, and just been rocky roads since.

Got diagnosed with autism last year so maybe they didn't do it. Maybe it was just me or genetics or some shit.

I had and still do not have

Autism. It's really all there is to it. In fact, I didn't "become" like I am now, I always was like that, I was born that way.
I think I started realizing I was different around the age of 5, and I became certain in middle school, I think I was 12 or something. That's when I realized that there's no way I could live an even barely normal and satisfying life.

Never could connect to my peers.
Their worldview and their interests never aligned with mine.

Years of depressive and dark thoughts that went unnoticed and unchecked. That and using drugs to suppress my inner urges to kill myself while also making me appear 'sane' to whatever friends and family I have left.

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