>tfw have my very first date tonight
what am I in for lads?
Tfw have my very first date tonight
Disappointment, most likely.
being underwhelmed
congrats tho
we going for a drink
so even if things go south I'll still have booze with me
thanks man
no idea how I reached this point 2bh
A rushdown of feelings.
>Extreme pleasure
>hapyness (At the start and only at the start)
>Levels of self confidence raising
>Extreme pain
And if you are a real robot
>Codependence at its worst
I have low expectations
I just want to get a kiss and stop being 25kv
Thats the first signal that tells me you're going to be a victim of a codependent realtionship.
Get ready loser because that is a living hell.
>codependent realtionship
What's that, precisely?
Where you provide betabux and she cucks you basically
from experience
>don't sound like you rehearsed what you're saying, imagine how weird it would be to have a conversation with someone and it sounds like they're reading from a script
> don't be rude to other people or talk badly about other people to try to prove that you are masculine
>if you want to compliment her say something specific "i think you have nice hair" or whatever, dont keep mumbling that you think shes really pretty, its awkward to respond to that
>try to have a conversation like a normal person, find out what shes interested in and if you're also interested in that chit chat, but be nice
>contrary to popular belief she probably doesnt want a chad who can lift massive amounts of weight and is perfect with everything, seem like a normal human
>ask her about herself, myself and friends have gone on entire dates and the dude hasnt asked a thing, not even a "so how are you",
>shit like
>"what are you thinking of ordering?"
>"how was your day?"
>"whatcha think of (thing she said she likes)
>dont bombard with questions tho, pick 1 of these if the conversation starts lacking
i got u bro
When is this going down. Post updates.
There you go, that makes sense. He's probably going to end up in such a situation.
Believe me. I understand the mind of a robot better than anyone in here because i got over the robotism.
If you make it, if you receive that kiss your life is not going to be the same.
You definitely have to go for that kiss because you have to learn, you have to have that expierience but you will want more and more and she will percieve how unexperienced you are.
Then instinctively she will turn you into one of her orbiters by default, even if you get in a serious relationship.
You need this expierience because that is how you are going to learn to have some selfrespect.
Stay cool, act like you do this whenever you feel like, don't rush to talk, just be chillin in your zone and ask questions to have her ramble and don't rush your answers, it'll make you look more mysterious and choosy
good luck, you'll be fine, hopefully you'll have fun
>If you make it, if you receive that kiss your life is not going to be the same.
Felt nothing from girl being in love with me, was repulsed by the first kiss and first sex was disappointing. Relationships are a chore for me in general.
Have a few drinks before you go in, takes the edge off and you can express yourself more easily
When you meet her, hug her and ask her something general like "so how's your day been", this should get the conversation rolling. Hopefully she mentions a hobby/music/TV/movies/gym and you can ask her questions about i and go from there.
If the conversation gets stale, have a list of questions memorised your head (ask about family, pets or any general shit)
I know it's a meme but be honest and yourself.
That way if she ends up liking you she actually likes YOU not the person you pretend to be. There's nothing worse than keeping up a facade to please people and believe me, Ive been there.
OP here
gimme a sec to reply therefore bump
tease her to be honest
she says she likes ice cream?
call her a gluttonous fat fuck and laugh in her face
she says she watches YouTube?
tell her shes a worthless teeny bopper hipster and that she should kill herself
if u start to get political and she says she hates logan paul for what he did?
tell her to stop being a sensitive pussy and to grow up and that the gook was dead anyways who cares
u get the point
do NOT do this
thanks for your insights
will do my best
less than 7 hours now
even bad experience is better than nothing at this point
thanks man
Yeah I';ll probably have a beer to unwind
I do it every day before uni anyway
thanks lad
well I do tease her but in more playfull manner
she seems to like it that way
but i get your point
user, you have to pretend you've done this many times before.
This may sound strange but let me explain why.
It's all about the mindset (she doesn't totally think you're a loser and ugly) so the only way you can fuck up is being nervous, saying stupid / weird shit, ...
If you keep telling yourself that you will fail, the odds will just increase. I recommend that you watch soms based zeus videos. (A Chad that explains the basics of dating and more stuff in just minutes, look it up and tell me what You think.
You can do this user, believe in yourself and again, pretend that you have done this many times before.
If it still goes to shit, don't think about it to much and move on. I know it's hard to stay positive but you already managed to go on a date.
tell her about this website. tell her u found this place and laugh at all the funny pathetic stuff people post here about their insecurities and shortcomings.
>what to do
stop shitting up our board your normalfag problems
(trust me it's for the best of both of us, you've finally made it)
thanks I'll skim through some basics there
I'll keep it as a backup plan
I know what you mean but having first date at age of 25 after years spent in this shithole is far from normie problem
but I can promise if I make it I wont come back
I had my first date last sunday
>met up around 7 pm
>got something to drink from a store, then went to the park
>took her up to my favorite spot, way up on some old brick wall, above the trees
>talking for hours while watching the sunset
>got much in common, were laughing and had a good time
>after it got dark we headed to a bar
>continue talking for like an hour or so,
>all in all around 4 to 5 hours, not a second of awkward silence
>walk her halfway home around 11pm
>no kiss, felt too early for that, long hug instead
>tell her to get home safe
22khv btw, how did I do?
>no kiss
you did fine, is a retard
I met her on Okc, it was the first time meeting her in person. It just felt kinda weird to suck on her face when I just got to know her.
If I get a second date I'll go for it tho, even I know that two dates without a kiss is the fast lane to the friendzone
I've had 1 date before. Was organised for charity, the date was gross and self-centred, and I scared them away once they realised I'm unironically volcel.
Yours will probably go worse than this if you post on here.
yeah man you need to break touch/kiss the barrier before it's too late
>Yours will probably go worse than this if you post on here.
thanks for encouragement
you are not wrong though
OP here
no date
told her to fuck off
good luck user, i wish you theb est and such
Happy dissapointment. Just be content, have fun, and make sure your partner has fun
change of plans
welcome back, user
enjoy your stay on Fabulous Jow Forums
there's no place like home they say
I better get back to my arcane studies I am slowly running out of time