it's been 10 years since you graduated high school, what have you accomplished?
It's been 10 years since you graduated high school, what have you accomplished?
I would probably be dead at this point.
>High school and College are your peak years
>tfw you didn't advantage of the energy you had
D-Delet this please
I never graduated. I dropped out in 11th grade you stupid cunt.
And yet I have fucked Asian pussy and you have not.
Go fuck yourself OP.
I hope to have had sex by then. Maybe move out and have a job where I can support myself and a few hobbies. I just want to live comfortably.
I managed to not go to college and therefore not get into debt since the economy fell off a cliff in 2008 at which point I would have been heavily invested in college.
I managed to not get married or have any bastard kids thereby garnishing my wages
I managed to get a job in middle management without a degree but simply by liking math and studying it independently
Now I'm bored and fat and pretty much a functioning alcoholic but on the plus side at least I'm not a roastie who's fleeting accomplishments are proportional to her appearance.
I was class of 09, nothing. I want to die.
How would you lose money through marriage? You'd both have jobs and more money if you find anyone who isn't a NEET.
I've done a meme degree and I'm in a shit retail job
Failed college, worked abroad but ended with dept, had wagecuck jobs but never longer than 6 months
It's been only two years for me, but it feels like I was never in high school, but while I was there it felt like I was always just a high school kid.
Either I'll be heading towards my dreams of advancing knowledge of space, space travel and robotics {spoiler]NEVER EVER[/spoiler]
or I'll just be a failure that lives at my parents or in a shitty apartment with a shitty job
>sex...a few times
>A large savings & share account
>Read a few books
>Been overseas
>Listened to a lot of music
13, actually. And fuck-all.
it's been 9 years
honestly not done much though
Regrets and failures.
>how would you lost money when you're married
Simple. Wife wants a house - you're now down 1 million
Kids are born - down a couple thousands
Kids and wife need clothes and food - down hundreds
Withal, let's not forget about the electricity they consume. Nice try, nosestein, but not this time
Nothing. But still more valuable than anything my peers have accomplished.
What good is a job/money/gf if they're not even human?
I work in a Warehouse. Im a Supervisor and I get about a 18 $ per hour
I got a Master's in Molecular Biology and doing a PhD now. That's it
graduating in 3 years wish me luck :))
Not everyone who's married chooses to have kids and house > apartment. You dont need to spend more than 100k for a house and saving up is quick with two people. My husband is currently the one pulling extra money for us while I pay the bills.
its been 24 years achthually.
quite alot.
I'm an attorney, but everything else sucks.
bought a house with memecoins
Exactly this but I started med school after doing my masters in mol. bio.
what's your PhD on?
I'll have my MD and be in my first year of residency by then. Otherwise, I've failed in most other social and personal aspects of my life
Oncogenetics and epigenetics of skin formation during embryology.
lucky fuck
i bought a house with blood sweat and tears
I have a job where everyone hates me and disrespects me
Twelve years here. Went to college, barely squeaked out with a degree, then got a job paying ~50% of what glassdoor says I should be making because there's no market for mediocre engineers.
All my friends have one by one gotten married and cut contact. Meanwhile I've gotten fat and picked up an alcohol problem. Just celebrated my 30th birthday with a three day binge in my dark apartment.
10 years after high school? I think I had my degree from Uni, and was just starting my career. The next few years would bring me a breakthrough and got me redpilled on women, both. So basically, that was right before all my work started to pay off and life got fucking awesome!
so what do you have for hobbies?
ive created countless dank memes.
i have left my mark on this world
i am eternal
Flavor-of-the-month video games, masturbating, and laying in bed until 4pm on weekends because I have no reason to get up. Can't exactly put that on the internet dating profile.
And your parents? Have you ever joined a political party to give a purpose?
what's the dankest meme you've created?
Absolutely fucking nothing. My life went nowhere.
its been 7 years for me,
>after high school got somehow to uni
>now dentist
>life still feels like shit
only thing that keeps me alive is the high salary and new people that i meet while working.
It actually has been 10 years
And absolutely nothing.
No friends or gf, and unemployed currently
it's been 13 years. I was NEET for most of them until I finally got a job at which point my life became like a nightmare that I'll never wake up from.
More than 99.999% of people my age. More than 90% on the day of their death.
Still amounts to literally nothing.
There is no house at less than 1m within 100km of a job.
I moved out of my shitty hometown and graduated college. But that's about it. I'm a NEETfag shutin, can't get a job and have no social life.
Cool! Not him but I'm doing a PhD in computational biology for oncological applications. Right now I work on MHC-I associated peptide identification from tandem mass spec data. My true goal is to work on immortality though.
>traveled the country
>fucked more girls than I could count
>found work I like
>inspired people to change their lives
>currently building an unprecedented custom home for myself from scratch
Not so bad really.
>>fucked more girls than I could count
No. I like it here. R9K is one of the last remaining boards with its own culture and vaguely original content.
Is that your only accomplishment? Interesting...
Not one thing. I've completely failed at life.
Kind of freaky that it actually has been 10 years. I haven't done a goddamn thing and I don't give a fuck.
>went to college
>got qt gf
>400K a year
Pretty good man
Thats really original bullshit
>went to a top 30 university in japan and studied maths
>moved back to europe
>instantly found a job
>300,000 euro starting
t. 12 years old boomer.
It's only been about 2 and half years.
In that time I managed to do a year of army service and fuck nothing in university.
I never graduated high school
Where do you live user the land of make believe
>got phd in maths at the uni of Cairo
>moved to Norway
>450k euro starting at a manufacturing company
>got qt aryan gfs
>life's good
cancer survivor, marathon runner, started numerous support groups for men who survived intra-familial sexual abuse, became an accomplished tradesmen (Welder and machinist), work in the aerospace industry building as a fabricator, married, no debt.
what about you user? we were always betting that you'd shoot up the school.
>Finished school around 15 years ago
>Did a year in college before dropping out
>Passed my driving test and had a couple of cars before my current one
>Got into computers a lot more
>Still a virgin
>Never had a job
And that's it.
literally nothing, in fact I regressed.
Actually, it's been a little over two years. In a nutshell, I:
>saved up around $6000
>learned music theory and how to play two instruments
>just barely passed my first year of university cause I was having too much fun with music
Probably gonna kill myself or get a shitty job in the slums that's not even related to my degree once I graduate, so don't even worry about it OP. I'll most likely be dead before I hit the ten year mark.
i don't even know how you managed to fuck that up, considering all you have to do is highlight the text and hit ctrl + s
Iv been out of school almost three years have saved about 70 thousand and had five job ranging from customers services to conservation diver so I'll probably be dead the president or in a cult
No fuck off it's only been four years leave me alone. I know I still live with my parents at 21 but I have a steady job so I'm good. I still have time. I still have time...
>it's been 10 years since you graduated high school
13 actually.
With the 2008 crisis I lost my first job, wasn't able to get another, went NEET and dropped off society.
Then I had eyesight problems (shitty retinas) and stopped being able to work even if I wanted.
With no money I couldn't go to doctors to fix the problem.
So I let myself slowly rot, 31 still living with my parents, KHV. Everyone thinks I'm a lazy shit, but in reality I don't do anything because my eyesight blurs anything that is more than 2 meters away from me.
Have to drive my mother to go shopping every now and then and I almost have panic attacks on the short 3 km trip, I can't see holes in the road or other small obstacles in time to not hit them (including people), thankfully cars are big enough.
Yeah, if I think about it, my life is even shittier now than it was when I finished high-school.
At least back then I was just a weird kid who still managed to have a couple of friends.
Right, it's own culture you're ruining. You're the reason other boards are shit retard
Jesus Christ this frightens me. My future is fucked.
Nothing. I'm a failure in every conceivable way.
A college degree, a full time job and in a few months I'll be buying a nice house in the 'burbs.
i have 2 bitcoin i have from selling runescape gold
I instinctively thought "it's not been 10 years" but it will be next year, shit feels like it was yesterday still.
The only worthwhile things I've done in that time is working as a surgeon and finishing a Masters. It's pretty cool, hard work though.
>dreamed it was the last day of high school again
>graduated college years ago
Doing freelance to get by cos dont like to be bossed by shekelstein
Hired a hooker
Life is sad but not bad
If the trend continues of these last 5 years, then nothing. I peaked in highschool, so at least I lived it up then.
>reminding me
Nothing though seriously.
Something something phone posters.
>Buy house
>Have kids
>Wife divorces you and takes both as well your money
Better off alone, fuck that mess.
Actually it's been 11.
During the 10 years, I
- got a bachelor's degree with great grades
- gained almost 2.5 years of working experience
- traveled abroad once (2 countries)
- became a co-author of 4 published papers
- created a dozen or so memes, a few of them became semi-popular
- contributed a lot to [s4s] culture with lots of OC and self-produced media :^)
- became active on social media
- bought a smartphone
- bought a couple of better cars
And in the 11th year:
- got somewhat big on social media
- got a job and a few more months of work experience
- became a co-author of one more paper
- bought an even better car
Already divorced.
>I still have time. I still have time
I told myself that same thing at 21. Change now before it's too late
whoa i always typed it out manually fuck me
Got my doctorate
Soon to be film maker. Money is lining up, so....
I eventually landed my first gf at 25; she will dump me two years later, we never had sex (yet we kissed quite a lot).
>mfw being 50, unemployed, living with parents, and still virgin
In what?
Fucking oregano
>Worked a nice job
>Made a lot of money
>Made a lot of mistakes
>Learned a lot
>Moved from USA to Europe
>Had great relationships
>Played over 365 days of WoW
>Generally feel like I have everything "figured out" and no problems in life
class of 02 here
i've done nothing
i don't know why i'm alive
I've lost 90 lbs from 310-315 but I still have no drivers license
fuck off this board you fucking cancer dont you have anything else to do you fucking parasite? gtfo to plebbit and fagbook is a good start cancer of a human.
I've managed to stay alive, I'm giving myself a pat on the back for that.
It's been 7 years user.
I was NEET for a couple years after HS, then I started college, and have worked a few odd jobs on the side. Finally gonna finish the degree next year, and go off to graduate school. Hopefully I won't be homeless.
It's been more than 10. I accomplished absolutely nothing. I fucked up, Jow Forums.
Literally this
Get some fucking glasses you moron.
>>It's been 10 years since you graduated high school, what have you accomplished?
Actually it's been 39 years since I left high school.
Dropped out just before I was not going to graduate, parents had no idea I was failing, so I just left a month before "graduation".
Put some clothes in a backpack and walked away.
I never went back.
Work a lot of low level odd jobs, mostly worked on farms and ranches.
Eventually got a truck and a small travel-trailer that I still live in.
No family, no retirement, not much of anything really.
If I stop and think about it I suppose it doesn't matter if I existed at all.
8 more years and I can collect social security and medicare.
A least that's something to look forward too.
Now I fap once every day.
I have fewer friends.
No future.
And an insufferable life.
>The year is 2026
>The 2nd American Civil War has ended with a UN-sponsored truce between the warring factions
>Low-level insurgencies by anti-truce militants continue to be fought in certain regions
>Be me
>My warlord militia controls a small swath of land on the East Coast
>Like many other Americans during the war, my parents fled the country, leaving me no family that I can see on a regular basis
>Due to my paramilitary status, international sanctions prevent me from travelling abroad
>Still a virgin
>If an enemy bullet hasn't taken my life by the time I turn 50, I'm killing myself