How do you forget an abusive person from your life

How do you forget an abusive person from your life

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You suck his dick

You can't mate.
Just have to live with the pain.

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Comic Lo has such gorgeous covers.

you have two options
>kill that person
>don't think about that person

Find a friendly one

>don't think about that person
ive tried this everyday. tried pills, distracting myself, self harming, and therapy.

You look forward to new constructive activity as opposed to the past
Nothing can change what we do or what we've done but we just keep dancing, that is the universe, you'll learn to find the beauty in it as you heal


thank ya

are you my ex lmao (you're probably not because it's been too long but it's still funny because people are so different and yet so much the same)

if youre a guy then no

you're a man self harming yourself for attention and under the impression that therapy does anything but waste time and money? grow up kid

When did i ever say i self harm for attention
fuck off sperg

5-10 years /thread
Sorry mate. It will be closer to 5 years if you get more so with better people. Closer to 10 years if you get less new experience.

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wasting your family's money on a boomer to listen to your non-issues, jesus christ grow a spine faggot

>Projecting this hard because you're so buttblasted

Projecting what you faggot, I'm listing back to you what you're doing

whatever you say spergo

You're a puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuussy, what are you gonna dooooooooooo about iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit faggooooooooooooooooot

hopefully get this thread bumped :^)

Sure I'll bump it for you, hey guys my buddy OP needs some friends who tryna make him feel better?

fucken cringe

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I just drink and be self destructive.

hey kathyposter
post your discord pls. you say you want new friends yet you always ignore me when i ask to talk.

stop being a little faggot?

you wont forget it, human mind is uncapable of erasing such effective memories
what you can do is start working on yourself, making yourself a stronger person who will concentrate on present and future, while stop being a little sissy who is still hurt by them

sounds like you've had a lot of perspective on this.

implying this faggot is gonna do anything worthwhile except cry and seek attention on a Vietnamese animation board

Terrible responses thus far.

You have to remember what happened as truthfully as you can and walk through it analytically to determine why it happened, and without letting yourself fall into easy, vague cop out answers like "I was weak". In the case of an abusive relationship, you particularly want to look for ways in which you made yourself vulnerable to being abused, and how you could have made yourself less vulnerable.

You'll know when you've succeeded because when you summon those memories, they'll no longer trigger an emotional reaction - because you've mined everything you can from them and you're confident in your ability to prevent something similar from happening in the future. In a sense, you will have dissociated your current, wiser, more competent self from the version of you who was abused.