>be me
>fuck girl
>get HIV
>realize I have to make the most out of this
>decide to give up straightness for the greater good
>fuck as many fags as possible
People say to make an impact on the world. I just did.
>pic semi-related
>be me
>fuck girl
>get HIV
>realize I have to make the most out of this
>decide to give up straightness for the greater good
>fuck as many fags as possible
People say to make an impact on the world. I just did.
>pic semi-related
Is this meme or legit?
The problem is that gays want to get HIV. So you're doing them a favor.
Just make sure you're doing it in California so you can't get arrested for it and charged with a crime
Or Canada, I don't think they do either
Confirmed. Life goal of most gays is to spread HIV to a straight person, bonus points for a kid.
no, a dude got stabbed in a right vs left wing demo or something like that
be careful mate not disclosing HIV is a crime in most places in the US and all of the UK
Not only gays do it, there are straight women who also have this fetish of infecting healthy men and, as you said, especially children.
not in californicata
I know that's why I said it's illegal in most places in the US
I don't care about your gt
My asshole hurts from that image
Fucking queers. You people are literally mentally ill. How you ever convinced the public to accept you eludes me.
If you vape your own blood will the cloud infect everyone?
would probably kill the HIV
I honestly wonder if you're going to get investigated for trying to weaponize HIV, Jow Forums is monitored so it's possible
Biologist here, the answer is no.
Long story short the capsid is fairly weak, and will desiccate in about 30s on a normal dry surface.
If I see a van parked outside I guess that will just mean it is my time.
doing gods work user. i pray for you
It's not like you're/he's being realistic. Why would anyone care unless he gets scientific about it. Like, can it survive in canned food is a better question, or on salads. Can it survive in toothpaste.
if you ran it through a paper towel tower filter several times you could probably filter the colour out of blood, if you did that would the hiv survive in the new clear liquid, if so for how long, could you inject it into water bottles in a store?
Does OP realize this falls into the if you hate gays you are one category a little hard?
>fuck I hate gays
>I'll just have sex with them all