Where do they sell these things? i don't want to order them of amazon

where do they sell these things? i don't want to order them of amazon

Attached: pipe.jpg (800x800, 34K)

Smoking meth is really bad for you.

wish.com, ebay, etc

any headshop

Ebay might have some. Try not to buy second hand pipes

Smoke shops. Just say you want a oil burner. Don't do meth though cuz its for losers.

Attached: 1529032052289.png (529x720, 390K)


Are you smoking meth OP?? That shit will fucking end you, don't do it m8

i want to try dmt

Unless it belonged to someone famous.

Ok that's more reasonable. Enjoy the trip, be careful!

also I forgot those Asian sites like Alibaba sell these things and I think it comes in all Chinese lettering packaging so it'd be really anonymous

Could you use a normal weed pipe for DMT?

Ghetto liquor stores. Ask for a rose bowl . half the time they plug the top with a shit plastic rose so they can sell it as a vase . at least in stl

literally any gas station

just make one yourself, its not that hard. don't get too crazy into the meth, user

yeah but youll have to sandwich the dmt between the weed in the bowl and take really big hits

Oh how awful that must be...

Doubt it, when I smoked DMT it had to melt and vaporise first which took a while and I don't think you could do it in a pipe

that stuff is not only used for meth but for crack, weed ( as a pipe or "vaporisation" ), DMT and opium

Fuck off, avatarfaggot.

Use 500 ml plastic bottle, aluminum foil and a cigarette ash instead, much easier

Ive seen them at sketchy gas stations usually run and possibly inhabited by a really old Indian dude

>just do all this diy shit that wont work or will give you cancer instead of order a 2 dollar pipe and wait for the mail

crack gives you cancer too

the nigga said he was using it for one dmt trip

Where did you get it?
In an original way of course

Will meth fill the hole in my heart left by no gf?

No but it will do a bigger hole when you run out of it

actually the method he described is far, far better for smoking crack; though if he's smoking meth the pipe will probably be better.

meth serously you look find your self despicable to look at now but with meth you only make yourself look more like a dried up raisin after longterm use

what you wrote is literal schizophrenic word salad. also OP isn't doing meth

Dhgate has loads of smoking paraphenila for like, jokes cheap.
Just got a bootleg fab egg recycler for 30 bucks (300 or so for legit ones)
And saw loads of little crack pipes like that in dozens lots for like cents a unit.

The moment you take the hits reason ceases to exist