Want to eat toblerone

>want to eat toblerone
>can already imagine the intense tooth pain
why do i never brush

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You don't deserve the toblerone.

go brush right now you neanderthal

Stop eating sugar you silly billy

i am at a bus stop
aside, i cant ever keep it up for longer than half a week

Why can't you do it more often? Do you just forget to do it or do you not care that your mouth smells disgusting and is offensive to the people around you?

i forget, i always take mints with me to stop others from knowing

brushing your teeth is as basic hygiene as at least wiping the wet shit from your asshole seriously wtf I can't even sleep without having menthol taste in my mouth.

That's probably not helping with your tooth aches

Make a sign above your bed reminding you to brush at least before sleeping. This way you can't excuse with I forgot and at least ruin your teeth with full knowledge.

Brushing 2x/day is hard

Brushing 1x/day is easier. You can build it into a morning hygiene routine with showering. You benefit from showering every day because it gives you a chance to keep your skin clean. If your body is clean than your clothes and room will stink up more slowly. This will prevent a buildup of stank that makes you smell even if you clean yourself or your room in the short term.

Shower 1x/day. Brush 1x/day. Treat it as a way to make yourself feel better about yourself. A way to always be ready to leave the house on a whim and feel clean. A way to ensure your skin and teeth look good. Do this and your mood will improve. Other people will literally treat you better. Other people will enjoy interacting with you more. You will treat yourself better.

Brushing 2x/day is trickier so just focus on 1x/day to start. If you don't shower/brush in the morning, do it at night, but the more routine and regular you make the ritual the better.

If brushing 2x a day is hard, what about brushing 2x a day and using floss every other also?

That works as well as using axe body spray to cover up not showering user, which is to say, you smell like mints and dogshit. It's lipstick on a pig.

Try sucking down a mint. Take a spoon after. Scrape some of the gunk off your tounge. Take a whiff. Ask yourself if it smells minty.

Yeah that shit is way too hard. If you're not brushing at all regularly, just focus on brushing 1x/day showering 1x/day because you can make both part of the same ritualistic routine. It can be comfy.

Flossing can come later.

Unironically get into this meme, especially his online lecture series. I have never seen a motivational speaker more effective at getting neets to practice basic hygiene. He's far less political than you would think.

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I'm pretty sure that you wanted to post that as a New thread, if not, i think you are in the wrong thread.

brushing teeth doesn't clean your tongue

(original post)

I never went to the dentist except when i got my wisdom teeth removed, never brushed my teeth. 2 years after having my wisdom teeth removed, I had pain whenever i would bite/chew on my left side. A few weeks ago it started hurting like hell. One of my bigger teeth was eaten up to the root from caries. I got a root canal and a filling of course. Got another 2 fillings on my right side.
Now i've been brushing my teeth at least once a day.

>wanting toblerone after they reduced the size by like 20%

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go brush your teeth user please i want you to be safe

Brushing is a habit you have to get into.

I recommend buying some interesting types of toothpaste and dental hygiene accessories. Make it fun.

Don't be afraid to try unusual toothpaste flavors, like grape, or tea flavor, or licorice flavor.

thats why you brush your tongue aswell dipshit

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>falling for sucrose jew

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you can't reach the gunk in the back though